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O mercado desportivo global tem vindo a crescer significativamente nas últimas
décadas, onde o futebol se destaca como uma das modalidades que atrai mais adeptos
por todo o mundo. Dentro desta indústria, estes assumem um papel preponderante para
os clubes, que os pretendem satisfazer e fidelizar ao máximo. Além disso, a sua
presença nos estádios é ambicionada pelos gestores desportivos, pelos benefícios que
isso traz para a marca, mas também pelas questões financeiras associadas, como é o
caso dos patrocínios e publicidades que os estádios cheios possibilitam. Para tal,
assume-se fundamental conhecer os fatores que têm influência para os adeptos de
futebol se deslocarem aos estádios.
Diferentes gerações partilham entre si particularidades específicas, o que se repercute
também nos seus perfis como consumidores. Neste sentido, a Geração Z, a primeira a
nascer totalmente na era digital, que ocupará uma larga fatia do mercado, possui
também as suas individualidades, pelo que se torna relevante perceber, no consumo de
desporto, se se verificam diferenças de opinião quanto às restantes.
Esta dissertação teve como principal objetivo identificar os principais fatores que
influenciam os adeptos de futebol a deslocarem-se ao estádio para assistir a um jogo.
Além disso, pretende-se ainda compreender se há diferenças de opinião quanto aos
indivíduos da geração Z.
Foi desenvolvido um questionário online, onde se contabilizaram 353 respostas, das
quais 303 compuseram a amostra final para o estudo. Os dados obtidos permitiram
confirmar cinco das dez hipóteses formuladas. Assim, foi possível concluir que a
envolvente externa, a distribuição, o processo e o preço do serviço, bem como aspetos
pessoais e sociais relacionados, são fatores que influenciam os adeptos a ir ao estádio.
ABSTRACT: The global sports market has grown significantly in recent decades, with football standing out as one of the sports that attracts the most fans worldwide. Within this industry, they play a key role for clubs, which want to satisfy and retain them as much as possible. In addition, their presence in stadiums is desired by sports managers because of the benefits it brings to the brand, but also because of the associated financial issues, such as the sponsorship and publicity that full stadiums can provide. It is therefore essential to know the factors that influence football fans to attend stadiums. Different generations share specific characteristics, which is also reflected in their profiles as consumers. Generation Z, the first to be born completely in the digital age, which will occupy a large slice of the market, also has its own individualities, which is why it is also important to understand whether there are any differences of opinion when it comes to sports consumption. The main aim of this dissertation was to identify the main factors that influence football fans to go to the stadium to watch a match. It also seeks to understand whether there are differences of opinion regarding generation Z individuals. An online survey was developed and there were 353 responses, 303 of which made up the final sample for the study. The data obtained made it possible to confirm five of the ten hypotheses made. It was thus possible to conclude that the external context, distribution, process and price of the service, as well as personal and social aspects, are factors that influence fans to go to the stadium.
ABSTRACT: The global sports market has grown significantly in recent decades, with football standing out as one of the sports that attracts the most fans worldwide. Within this industry, they play a key role for clubs, which want to satisfy and retain them as much as possible. In addition, their presence in stadiums is desired by sports managers because of the benefits it brings to the brand, but also because of the associated financial issues, such as the sponsorship and publicity that full stadiums can provide. It is therefore essential to know the factors that influence football fans to attend stadiums. Different generations share specific characteristics, which is also reflected in their profiles as consumers. Generation Z, the first to be born completely in the digital age, which will occupy a large slice of the market, also has its own individualities, which is why it is also important to understand whether there are any differences of opinion when it comes to sports consumption. The main aim of this dissertation was to identify the main factors that influence football fans to go to the stadium to watch a match. It also seeks to understand whether there are differences of opinion regarding generation Z individuals. An online survey was developed and there were 353 responses, 303 of which made up the final sample for the study. The data obtained made it possible to confirm five of the ten hypotheses made. It was thus possible to conclude that the external context, distribution, process and price of the service, as well as personal and social aspects, are factors that influence fans to go to the stadium.
Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Marketing desportivo Desporto Futebol Adeptos de futebol Socialização Geração Z Evento desportivo Estádio de futebol Fatores influenciadores Sports marketing Sports Football Soccer Football fans Soccer fans Gen Z Sports event Football stadium Influencing factors
Dias, I.F.O. (2023). O que leva o adepto ao estádio de futebol? Fatores influenciadores de tomada da decisão [Dissertação de mestrado, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social]. Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social