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The article describes an experiment in teaching training undertaken in the context of the
Masters programme in Teacher Training (for primary school teachers) at the Lisbon
College of Education. The training experiment was able to: (i) incorporate language
teaching into the broader curriculum; (ii) relate the teaching of texts and the teaching of
grammar; (iii) integrate the theoretical and practical dimensions of teacher training. The
didactic scheme adopted relies on theoretical assumptions, such as the concept of the
integrated curriculum advocated by Beane (2003), the model of didactic sequence
developed, amongst others, by Dolz and Schneuwly (1998), and the principles of Socio-
Discursive Interactionism established by Bronckart (1985, 1997).
This training experiment has proved to be particularly useful for all the participants in
the process (teachers of the course; trainee teachers; children in the schools, and the
form teachers of the classes where the trainees do their practice). As a result of it, there
has been a clear improvement in the quality of the teaching provided by our trainees in
the domains of writing and grammar. The main advantages of this approach are that: (i)
it structures the teaching of writing and grammar; (ii) it uses projects to socially
contextualize writing tasks; (iii) it develops various language skills in an integrated
fashion, while at the same time working on different areas of knowledge; (iv) it defines
forms of spiral progression.
Teacher training Didactic sequence Teaching grammar Text genre
Adriana Cardoso, Susana Pereira & Encarna ção Silva (2015) Grammar and text: an experiment in teacher training / Gram ática y texto: un experimento en la formaci ón de profesores, Cultura y Educaci ón, 27:2, 456-463, DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2015.1034532
Taylor & Francis