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Este relatório, escrito no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Dança, seguiu as normas e regulamentos deste mesmo Curso definidos pela Escola Superior de Dança e pelo Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. O estágio foi implementado na Escola Profissional do Balleteatro, no Porto, aos alunos do 11º ano do Curso Profissional de Intérprete de Dança Contemporânea, durante o ano letivo de 2022/2023. A ação pedagógica desenvolveu-se a partir de diversas estratégias e ideias da Dança Contemporânea especificamente sobre a Improvisação, tendo como base a revisão da literatura sobre o tema. Aprofundou-se a intervenção, na aula de Dança, na aplicação do formato de Improvisação Continuous Feed In referido pelas autoras Lynne Anne Blom e L. Tarin Chaplin, e numa prática de Co-ensino com músicos que proporcionaram uma experiência pedagógica com recurso à Música ao vivo. A metodologia de Investigação-Ação orientou a nossa abordagem teórico-prática permitindo-nos, através da recolha de dados, adaptar, melhorar e transformar a nossa intervenção pedagógica tendo em vista o progresso da nossa investigação e as necessidades artísticas, criativas e técnicas dos alunos do 11º ano. Os dados recolhidos através do diário de bordo, das gravações audiovisuais e dos questionários, serviram para amplificar a nossa perceção sobre as metodologias e as estratégias utilizadas em aula e o seu impacto para com os alunos. Com a análise e a reflexão final percebemos que a estrutura da nossa aula e as metodologias e ferramentas aplicadas podem ser replicáveis em outros contextos e nas nossas futuras práticas pedagógicas. Concluímos constatando resultados positivos na aprendizagem dos alunos em Dança Contemporânea, nomeadamente no desenvolvimento de uma relação mais investigativa e criativa com a Improvisação de movimento, e de uma relação mais consciente e profunda com a Música e a Música ao vivo. Propomos ainda, brevemente, um pensar curricular sobre o Referencial de Formação do Curso Profissional de Intérprete de Dança Contemporânea, no que toca à inserção de uma nova Unidade de Formação de Curta Duração (UFCD) de Música.
ABSTRACT - This report, written as part of the Master's Degree in Dance Teaching, follows the rules and regulations of the course defined by the Escola Superior de Dança and the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. The internship took place at the Escola Profissional do Balleteatro, in Porto, for students in the 11th year of the Professional Contemporary Dance Interpreter Course, during the 2022/2023 academic year. The pedagogical action was based on various strategies and ideas from Contemporary Dance, specifically Improvisation, drawing on the review of literature on this subject. The intervention was deepened, in the dance class, by applying the Continuous Feed In improvisation format mentioned by the authors Lynne Anne Blom and L. Tarin Chaplin, and in a co-teaching practice with musicians who provided a pedagogical experience using live music. The Action Research methodology guided our theoretical-practical approach, allowing us, through data collection, to adapt, improve and transform our pedagogical intervention in view of the progress of our research and the artistic, creative and technical needs of the 11th grade students. The data collected through the logbook, audiovisual recordings and questionnaires served to amplify our perception of the methodologies and strategies used in class and their impact on the students. From the analysis and final reflection, we realized that the structure of our class and the methodologies and tools applied can be replicated in other contexts and in our future teaching practices. We concluded by noting positive results in the students' learning in Contemporary Dance, namely in the development of a more investigative and creative relationship with movement improvisation, and a more conscious and profound relationship with Music and live music. We also suggest, briefly, a curricular reflection on the Referential of Training of the Professional Course of Contemporary Dance Interpreter, with regard to the insertion of a new Short Duration Training Unit (UFCD) concerning Music.
ABSTRACT - This report, written as part of the Master's Degree in Dance Teaching, follows the rules and regulations of the course defined by the Escola Superior de Dança and the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. The internship took place at the Escola Profissional do Balleteatro, in Porto, for students in the 11th year of the Professional Contemporary Dance Interpreter Course, during the 2022/2023 academic year. The pedagogical action was based on various strategies and ideas from Contemporary Dance, specifically Improvisation, drawing on the review of literature on this subject. The intervention was deepened, in the dance class, by applying the Continuous Feed In improvisation format mentioned by the authors Lynne Anne Blom and L. Tarin Chaplin, and in a co-teaching practice with musicians who provided a pedagogical experience using live music. The Action Research methodology guided our theoretical-practical approach, allowing us, through data collection, to adapt, improve and transform our pedagogical intervention in view of the progress of our research and the artistic, creative and technical needs of the 11th grade students. The data collected through the logbook, audiovisual recordings and questionnaires served to amplify our perception of the methodologies and strategies used in class and their impact on the students. From the analysis and final reflection, we realized that the structure of our class and the methodologies and tools applied can be replicated in other contexts and in our future teaching practices. We concluded by noting positive results in the students' learning in Contemporary Dance, namely in the development of a more investigative and creative relationship with movement improvisation, and a more conscious and profound relationship with Music and live music. We also suggest, briefly, a curricular reflection on the Referential of Training of the Professional Course of Contemporary Dance Interpreter, with regard to the insertion of a new Short Duration Training Unit (UFCD) concerning Music.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança
Dança contemporânea Estratégias de ensino em dança Improvisação Música Co-ensino Contemporary dance Dance teaching strategies Improvisation Music Co-teaching
Ribeiro, A. E. P. (2024). Uma abordagem exploratória à Improvisação na aula de dança contemporânea com os alunos do 11º ano da Escola Profissional do Balleteatro. [Dissertação de Mestrado, Escola Superior de Dança]. Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Dança