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Durante o período da pandemia, uma transformação significativa ocorreu no panorama do trabalho, impulsionada pela necessidade de adaptação a novas circunstâncias.
Nesse contexto, o conceito de trabalho remoto emergiu como uma resposta fundamental para manter as operações empresariais e garantir a segurança dos funcionários. Além disso, surgiram diversas modalidades de prestação de serviços que, mesmo mantendo o vínculo laboral entre trabalhadores e empresas, apresentaram variações significativas em relação ao modelo tradicional de trabalho presencial.
Essa dinâmica instigou pesquisadores e especialistas a explorar amplamente essa temática em busca de compreender suas implicações e necessidades. Dentre os enfoques abordados por diferentes investigadores, a liderança de equipas em situações de teletrabalho destacou-se como um aspeto crítico a ser considerado.
A transição para o trabalho remoto, que foi amplamente adotado devido as restrições impostas pela pandemia, trouxe à tona questionamentos sobre a eficácia dos modelos de liderança existentes nesse novo contexto. A medida que as equipas passaram a operar em ambientes virtuais e descentralizados, a natureza da supervisão e do envolvimento precisou ser reavaliada. Assim sendo, pretendemos verificar a importância da liderança, em ambiente de trabalho remoto utilizando como metodologia o tratamento de uma análise exploratória da escala psicométrica Van der Zee & Van der Oudenhoven (2000,2001) -Questionário Personalidade Multicultural do lider, adaptada, com aplicação de escala de Likert de 5 pontos e a escala De Hoogh et al. (2004)- Questionário do carisma do líder .
A amostra utilizada incluiu 222 indivíduos de várias idades e nacionalidades, de ambos os sexos e com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 64 anos. Os resultados tiveram como objetivo verificar que a comunicação e a coordenação por parte dos líderes para os colaboradores em ambiente virtual influenciam significativamente o sucesso da equipa e o desejo de se manter em teletrabalho.
A avaliação dos mesmos resultados contribuiu para esclarecer as diferenças de perceção entre a liderança e chefia e a relação destas com os trabalhadores em relação à produtividade.
Concluímos que a existência de um líder comunicativo é essencial para manter confiança e credibilidade na liderança, particularmente na comunicação em teletrabalho.
During the pandemic period, a significant transformation occurred in the work landscape, driven by the need to adapt to new circumstances. In this context, the concept of remote work has emerged as a fundamental response to maintaining business operations and ensuring employee safety. Several types of service provision emerged which, even though the employment relationship between workers and companies was maintained, presented significant variations in relation to the traditional model of face-to-face work. These dynamic encouraged researchers and specialist to widely explore this topic to understand its implications and needs. Among the approaches addressed by different researchers, team leadership in teleworking situations stood out as a critical aspect to be considered. The transition to remote work, which was widely adopted due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, raised questions about the effectiveness of existing leadership models in this new context. As the teams began to operate operating in virtual and decentralized environments, the nature of supervision and engagement needed to be re-evaluated. Objectives In light of the above, we intend to verify the importance of leadership in a remote work environment. Methodology In the case of an exploratory analysis, we used the psychometric scale Van der Zee & Van der Oudenhoven (2000,2001) - Leader's Multicultural Personality Questionnaire, adapted, with application of a 5-point Likert scale and the De Hoogh et al. (2004)- Leader charisma questionnaire. The sample used included 222 individuals of various ages and nationalities of both genders and aged between 18 and 64 years. The results has showed that Communication and coordination from leaders to employees in a virtual environment significantly influence the team's success and the desire to continue teleworking. The evaluation of results contributed to clarifying the differences in perception between leadership and management and their relationship with workers in relation to productivity. We have concluded that the existence of a communicative leader is essential to maintain trust and credibility in leadership, particularly in teleworking communication.
During the pandemic period, a significant transformation occurred in the work landscape, driven by the need to adapt to new circumstances. In this context, the concept of remote work has emerged as a fundamental response to maintaining business operations and ensuring employee safety. Several types of service provision emerged which, even though the employment relationship between workers and companies was maintained, presented significant variations in relation to the traditional model of face-to-face work. These dynamic encouraged researchers and specialist to widely explore this topic to understand its implications and needs. Among the approaches addressed by different researchers, team leadership in teleworking situations stood out as a critical aspect to be considered. The transition to remote work, which was widely adopted due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, raised questions about the effectiveness of existing leadership models in this new context. As the teams began to operate operating in virtual and decentralized environments, the nature of supervision and engagement needed to be re-evaluated. Objectives In light of the above, we intend to verify the importance of leadership in a remote work environment. Methodology In the case of an exploratory analysis, we used the psychometric scale Van der Zee & Van der Oudenhoven (2000,2001) - Leader's Multicultural Personality Questionnaire, adapted, with application of a 5-point Likert scale and the De Hoogh et al. (2004)- Leader charisma questionnaire. The sample used included 222 individuals of various ages and nationalities of both genders and aged between 18 and 64 years. The results has showed that Communication and coordination from leaders to employees in a virtual environment significantly influence the team's success and the desire to continue teleworking. The evaluation of results contributed to clarifying the differences in perception between leadership and management and their relationship with workers in relation to productivity. We have concluded that the existence of a communicative leader is essential to maintain trust and credibility in leadership, particularly in teleworking communication.
Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo
Teletrabalho Liderança Trabalho híbrido Comunicação Trabalho remoto Telework Leadership Hybrid work Communication Remote work
Barreto, E. C. (2024) A Liderança no contexto dos modelos híbridos de negócio e de trabalho. [Dissertação de mestrado, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa]. Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.