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Introdução - É consensual que a importância da Espessura Central da Córnea (ECC) em olhos com Glaucoma Primário de Ângulo Aberto (GPAA) não se deve apenas ao seu efeito na tonometria, no entanto, a utilização da paquimetria no rastreio encontra-se pouco estudada. Pretende-se, portanto, avaliar a utilização da tonopaquimetria como primeiro exame de rastreio de GPAA. Metodologia - Utilizando o tonopaquímetro NT-530P foram realizadas três medições de Pressão Intra-ocular (PIO) e ECC a 322 olhos, que em seguida foram observados pelo oftalmologista. Calculou-se o desvio-padrão e o coeficiente de variação para cada conjunto de medições de forma a avaliar a sua repetibilidade. Recorreu-se à metodologia ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) para comparar o desempenho da PIO com o das várias fórmulas que combinam PIO e ECC na deteção de olhos suspeitos de GPAA, fixando-se uma sensibilidade elevada. Resultados - O desvio-padrão e o coeficiente de variação foram em média 0,96mmHg e 6,62% para a tonometria e 2,66μm e 0,49% para a paquimetria, respetivamente. A PIO sem correção apresentou o desempenho mais reduzido (especificidade entre 30% e 36,4%) para sensibilidades entre 80% e 90%, quando comparada com as fórmulas que combinam PIO e ECC (especificidade entre 34,6% e 47,7% na fórmula com pior desempenho). Conclusão - Quando se pretendem valores elevados de sensibilidade, a tonopaquimetria demonstrou ser clinicamente mais eficaz que a tonometria como exame de rastreio de GPAA. São necessários estudos que comprovem a eficácia da tonopaquimetria noutros domínios da Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde (ATS). O tonopaquímetro NT-530P apresenta medições com uma boa repetibilidade.
ABSTRACT - Introduction - It’s a consensus that the importance of Central Corneal Thickness (CCT) in eyes with Primary Open-angle Glaucoma (POAG) is not only due to its effect on tonometry, however, the use of pachymetry in screening hasn’t been widely studied. The aim is to evaluate the use of tonopachymetry as a first screening test for POAG. Methods - Using the tonopachymeter NT-530P, three measurements of Intraocular Pressure (IOP) and CCT were performed in 322 eyes that were then observed by an ophthalmologist. Repeatability was assessed with the standard deviation and coefficient of variation for each set of measurements. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) methodology was used to compare the performance of IOP with other formulas which combine IOP and CCT in the detection of suspected POAG eyes, aiming high sensitivity levels. Results - The standard deviation and coefficient of variation were on average 0.96mmHg and 6.62% for tonometry and 2.66μm and 0.49% for pachymetry respectively. The IOP without correction showed the lowest performance (specificity between 30% and 36.4%) for sensitivities between 80% and 90%, when compared with the formulas that combine IOP and CCT (specificity ranged between 34.6% and 47.7% in the formula with the worst performance). Conclusion - When the goal is to achieve high sensitivity levels, tonopachymetry showed to be clinically more effective than tonometry as screening test for POAG. Further studies are needed to show the effectiveness of tonopachymetry in other Health Technology Assessment (HTA) domains. The tonopachymeter NT-530P showed measurements with good repeatability.
ABSTRACT - Introduction - It’s a consensus that the importance of Central Corneal Thickness (CCT) in eyes with Primary Open-angle Glaucoma (POAG) is not only due to its effect on tonometry, however, the use of pachymetry in screening hasn’t been widely studied. The aim is to evaluate the use of tonopachymetry as a first screening test for POAG. Methods - Using the tonopachymeter NT-530P, three measurements of Intraocular Pressure (IOP) and CCT were performed in 322 eyes that were then observed by an ophthalmologist. Repeatability was assessed with the standard deviation and coefficient of variation for each set of measurements. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) methodology was used to compare the performance of IOP with other formulas which combine IOP and CCT in the detection of suspected POAG eyes, aiming high sensitivity levels. Results - The standard deviation and coefficient of variation were on average 0.96mmHg and 6.62% for tonometry and 2.66μm and 0.49% for pachymetry respectively. The IOP without correction showed the lowest performance (specificity between 30% and 36.4%) for sensitivities between 80% and 90%, when compared with the formulas that combine IOP and CCT (specificity ranged between 34.6% and 47.7% in the formula with the worst performance). Conclusion - When the goal is to achieve high sensitivity levels, tonopachymetry showed to be clinically more effective than tonometry as screening test for POAG. Further studies are needed to show the effectiveness of tonopachymetry in other Health Technology Assessment (HTA) domains. The tonopachymeter NT-530P showed measurements with good repeatability.
Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde
Oftalmologia Glaucoma Glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto Rastreio Tonopaquimetria sem contacto Repetibilidade Avaliação de tecnologias em saúde Ophthalmology Primary open-angle glaucoma Screening Non-contact tonopachymetry Repeatability Health technology evaluation
Pereira BA. Avaliação da tonopaquimetria como exame de rastreio de glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto [Dissertation]. Lisboa: Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa/Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa; Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade do Algarve; 2013.
Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa