Research Project
Collider Phenomenology and Event Generators
The dark phases of the N2HDM
Publication . Engeln, Isabell; Ferreira, Pedro Miguel; Muehlleitner, Milada Margarete; Santos, Rui; Wittbrodt, Jonas
We discuss the dark phases of the Next-to-2-Higgs Doublet model. The model is an extension of the Standard Model with an extra doublet and an extra singlet that has four distinct CP-conserving phases, three of which provide dark matter candidates. We discuss in detail the vacuum structure of the different phases and the issue of stability at tree-level of each phase. Taking into account the most relevant experimental and theoretical constraints, we found that there are combinations of measurements at the Large Hadron Collider that could single out a specific phase. The measurement of h(125) -> gamma gamma together with the discovery of a new scalar with specific rates to tau (+)tau (-) or gamma gamma could exclude some phases and point to a specific phase.
A three Higgs doublet model with symmetry-suppressed flavour changing neutral currents
Publication . Das, Dipankar; Ferreira, Pedro Miguel; Morais, António P.; Padilla-Gay, Ian; Pasechnik, Roman; Rodrigues, J. Pedro
We construct a three-Higgs doublet model with a flavour non-universal U(1) x DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z(2) symmetry. That symmetry induces suppressed flavour-changing interactions mediated by neutral scalars. New scalars with masses below the TeV scale can still successfully negotiate the constraints arising from flavour data. Such a model can thus encourage direct searches for extra Higgs bosons in the future collider experiments, and includes a non-trivial flavour structure.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
European Commission
Funding programme
Funding Award Number