Research Project
Dynamics of two-dimensional liquid bridges
Publication . Coelho, Rodrigo; Cordeiro, Luis A. R. G.; Gazola, Rodrigo B.; Teixeira, Paulo
We have simulated the motion of a single vertical, two-dimensional liquid bridge spanning the gap between two flat, horizontal solid substrates of given wettabilities, using a multicomponent pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann method. For this simple geometry, the Young-Laplace equation can be solved (quasi-)analytically to yield the equilibrium bridge shape under gravity, which provides a check on the validity of the numerical method. In steady-state conditions, we calculate the drag force exerted by the moving bridge on the confining substrates as a function of its velocity, for different contact angles and Bond numbers. We also study how the bridge deforms as it moves, as parametrized by the changes in the advancing and receding contact angles at the substrates relative to their equilibrium values. Finally, starting from a bridge within the range of contact angles and Bond numbers in which it can exist at equilibrium, we investigate how fast it must move in order to break up.
Percolation in binary mixtures of linkers and particles: Chaining vs branching
Publication . Gouveia, M.; Dias, Cristóvão; Tavares, Jose
Equilibrium gels of colloidal particles can be realized through the introduction of a second species, a linker that mediates the bonds between colloids. A gel forming binary mixture whose linkers can self-assemble into linear chains while still promoting the aggregation of particles is considered in this work. The particles are patchy particles with f(C) patches of type C and the linkers are patchy particles with 2 patches of type A and f(B) patches of type B. The bonds between patches of type A (AA bonds) promote the formation of linear chains of linkers. Two different ways (model A and model B) of bonding the linkers to the particles-or inducing branching-are studied. In model A, there is a competition between chaining and branching, since the bonding between linkers and particles takes place through AC bonds only. In model B, the linkers aggregate to particles through bonds BC only, making chaining and branching independent. The percolation behavior of these two models is studied in detail, employing a generalized Flory-Stockmayer theory and Monte Carlo simulations. The self-assembly of linkers into chains reduces the fraction of particles needed for percolation to occur (models A and B) and induces percolation when the fraction of particles is high (model B). Percolation by heating and percolation loops in temperature-composition diagrams are obtained when the formation of chains is energetically favorable by increasing the entropic gain of branching (model A). Chaining and branching are found to follow a model dependent relation at percolation, which shows that, for the same composition, longer chains require less branching for percolation to occur.
Dynamics of liquid bridges between patterned surfaces
Publication . Rodrigues, Margarida S.; Coelho, Rodrigo; Teixeira, Paulo
We have simulated the motion of a single vertical, two-dimensional liquid bridge spanning the gap between two flat, horizontal solid substrates consisting of alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic stripes, using a multicomponent pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann method. This extends our earlier work where the substrates were uniformly hydrophilic or hydrophobic. In steady-state conditions, we calculate the following, as functions of pattern wavelength: (i) the velocity fields of moving bridges, in particular their (time-averaged) terminal velocities; (ii) the deformation of moving bridges, as measured by the deviation of bridge contact angles from their equilibrium values; (iii) the minimum applied force that breaks a moving bridge. In addition, we found that a bridge moving between patterned substrates cannot be mapped onto a bridge moving between uniform substrates endowed with some effective contact angle, even in the limit of very small pattern wavelength compared to bridge width.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number