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  • Performance indicators for collaborative networks based on collaboration benefits
    Publication . Camarinha-Matos, Luis M.; Abreu, António
    Collaborative networks are typically assumed to bring clear benefits and competitive advantage to the participating members. However, the identification and characterisation of objective and measurable collaboration benefits is an important element for the wide adoption of this paradigm. Departing from a brief categorisation of the intuitive advantages of collaboration, this paper introduces an approach for the analysis of benefits in collaborative processes, introducing a number of performance indicators. The potential application of the indicators derived from this analysis is then discussed in the context of a virtual organisation’s breeding environment. Finally, experimental results based on data from two existing collaborative networks are presented and discussed.
  • Elements of a methodology to assess the alignment of core-values in collaborative networks
    Publication . Abreu, António; Macedo, Patrícia; Camarinha-Matos, Luis
    Collaborative networks are typically formed by heterogeneous and autonomous entities, and thus it is natural that each member has its own set of core-values. Since these values somehow drive the behaviour of the involved entities, the ability to quickly identify partners with compatible or common core-values represents an important element for the success of collaborative networks. However, tools to assess or measure the level of alignment of core-values are lacking. Since the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill-defined and shows a multifaceted nature, three perspectives are discussed. The first one uses a causal maps approach in order to capture, structure, and represent the influence relationships among core-values. This representation provides the basis to measure the alignment in terms of the structural similarity and influence among value systems. The second perspective considers the compatibility and incompatibility among core-values in order to define the alignment level. Under this perspective we propose a fuzzy inference system to estimate the alignment level, since this approach allows dealing with variables that are vaguely defined, and whose inter-relationships are difficult to define. Another advantage provided by this method is the possibility to incorporate expert human judgment in the definition of the alignment level. The last perspective uses a belief Bayesian network method, and was selected in order to assess the alignment level based on members' past behaviour. An example of application is presented where the details of each method are discussed.
  • Innovation from Academia-Industry symbiosis
    Publication . Urze, Paula; Abreu, António
    Anchored on a systemic perspective of innovation and particularly on the triple helix model, which highlights the state, university and companies as central players, this paper aims to discuss the factors that enable or constrain the processes of innovation, using the system thinking approach to understand the academia-industry symbiosis. The paper's empirical section is based on a case study on Portugal's major highway management concessionaire. In order to ensure a "healthy" co-innovation environment, the archetype studied emphasizes the need to implement coordination mechanisms such as communication routines and metrics to monitor collaborative behavior in addition to the need to develop global goals that align the efforts of the partners.
  • Management of dynamic production networks from a critical chain perspective
    Publication . Tenera, Alexandra; Abreu, António
    Collaborative networks are typically assumed to bring clear benefits and competitive advantage to the participating members. However, as the networks are typically formed by heterogeneous and autonomous enterprises, the development of methodologies that facilitates the management process is an important element for the wide adoption of this paradigm. Departing from a brief presentation of Critical Chain Project Management Concepts, this paper introduces an approach of these concepts to collaborative networks and discusses its potential application in the context of a dynamic production networks. Finally, experimental results based on data from a network in construction industry are presented.
  • Robust design and statistical process control in a collaborative environment
    Publication . Navas, Helena V. G.; Requeijo, José; Abreu, António
    Nowadays, enterprises in global markets have to achieve high levels of performance and competitiveness to stay “alive". In order to be competitive enterprises must develop capabilities that will enable them to respond quickly to market needs. According to several authors and as frequently mentioned by reports from practical case studies, one of the most relevant sources of competitive advantage is the involvement of enterprises in collaborative networks. However, in spite of this assumption, it is also frequently mentioned that the lack of operational tools tailored to collaborative networks is not available yet and might be an obstacle for a wider acceptance of this paradigm. In this context, the collaborative networks need new statistical tools, new approaches and concepts of quality improvement. Starting with a brief discussion about the nature and the role of some tools in order to support the development of robust design, this paper introduces some discussion about the application advantages of product design in a collaborative environment as a contribution to a future identification of methodologies, approaches that are suitable for collaborative contexts.
  • A critical chain perspective to support management activities in dynamic production networks
    Publication . Tenera, Alexandra; Abreu, António
    Collaborative networks are typically assumed to bring clear benefits and competitive advantage to the participating members. However, as the networks are typically formed by heterogeneous and autonomous enterprises, the development of methodologies that facilitates the management process is an important element for the wide adoption of this paradigm. Departing from a brief presentation of the Critical Chain Project Management approach, the paper introduces this approach to collaborative networks and discusses its potential application in the context of a dynamic production networks. Finally, experimental results based on data from a network in construction industry are presented.
  • Risk assessment in open innovation networks
    Publication . Rosas, João; Macedo, Patrícia; Tenera, Alexandra; Abreu, António; Urze, Paula
    Innovation is considered crucial for enterprises survival and current economic environment demands the best ways of achieving it. However, the development of complex products and services require the utilization of diverse know-how and technology, which enterprises may not hold. An effective strategy for achieving them is to rely in open innovation. Still, open innovation projects may fail for many causes, e.g. due to the dynamics of collaboration between partners. To effectively benefit from open innovation, it is recommended the utilization of adequate risk models. For achieving such models, a preliminary conceptualization of open innovation and risk is necessary, which includes modeling experiments with existing risk models, such as the FMEA.
  • On the role of value systems and reciprocity in collaborative environments
    Publication . Abreu, António; Camarinha-Matos, Luis M.
    The establishment of a common value system is an important element for the sustainability of collaborative networks. This paper discusses the role of value systems in the VO breeding environment when the promotion of the cooperation is based on reciprocity mechanism. Some scenarios are included in the discussion and illustrations are given based on data from real networks.
  • A framework based on fuzzy logic to manage risk in an open innovation context
    Publication . Santos, Ricardo; Abreu, António; Calado, João Manuel Ferreira; Soares, José Miguel; Martins, José Duarte Moleiro
    Virtual enterprises (VE), is well-known to make use of open innovation to achieve competitiveness, through innovation on product development. However, its limited resources, combined with the innovation resulted from the diversity of partners involved, rises some challenges to its management, specifically regarded with risk management. To fulfill these requirements, risk management's models, have been conceived to assist managers, on preventing threats with such risks, although without adequately incorporate the influence of each process domain on product development, as well as the subjectivity regarding human perception. In order to consider these issues, this work presents an approach, supported by fuzzy logic, to assess the risk's level on product development in an open innovation context. The model robustness, will be assessed through a case study, where it will be also discussed the benefits and challenges found.
  • Exploratory study on risk management in open innovation
    Publication . Rosas, João; Urze, Paula; Tenera, Alexandra; Abreu, António; Luis M. Camarinha-Matos
    Open innovation is a strategy with increasing adoption by value-seeking companies using or sharing technology with the outside world. But this strategy is also accompanied by risk. However, risk management seems to have been overlooked by researchers on open innovation networks. This exploratory work clarifies to what extent the issue of risk has been considered in open innovation research. Presented results are based on interviews and analysis of existing literature on open innovation.