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- Seasonal deviations in tourist accommodation establishments in Romania and Portugal - a quantitative analysisPublication . Enache, Calcedonia; Mucharreira, Pedro Ribeiro; Antunes, Marina GodinhoThis article aims to characterize the hotel industry in Romania and Portugal. For this purpose, the authors use a set of statistical indicators, also applying the Buys Ballot model. The results show that, between 2015 and 2020, in Romania and Portugal, in the months of June, July, August, September and October the seasonal factor deflected the number of nights spent by domestic tourists over the trend line. Thus, the seasonal factors varied between 0.065 and 0.454 in Romania and between 0.02 and 0.388 in Portugal. It should be mentioned that, in the period 2015-2019, on average, the share of domestic tourists’ overnight stays reached 29.2 percent in Portugal and 79.3 percent in Romania of the total overnight stays, the first country being mainly focused on non-residents tourists originated from EU Member States. Moreover, the GDP per capita at constant 2010 prices stood at EUR 17,628 in Portugal, 2.1 times higher than in Romania. In this context, in the case of hotels and similar accommodation, the turnover had an annual variation rate of 10.8 percent in Romania, compared to 11.6 percent in Portugal. Instead, in 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in Portugal and Romania, domestic tourists held 52.0 percent and 91.8 percent respectively of nights spent in hotels and similar accommodation. These results may allow better decision-making by hotel managers in Portugal and Romania, particularly in this post-pandemic period in which it is necessary to relaunch the strong dynamism that characterized the sector.
- Educational policies and students learning in Portuguese educational systemPublication . Mucharreira, Pedro Ribeiro; Antunes, Marina Godinho; Cabrito, Belmiro; Cerdeira, LuísaThis research aims to study the role that some variables might have for the improvement of student learning. The following variables were considered for the research, namely, students’ engagement, school educational projects and some educational policies, such as the national curriculum, a class-size reduction or the commitment to continuous teacher training, trying to understand the role that they might have in the improvement of learning and personal and social skills of the students in the Portuguese educational system. This presentation is part of a larger research that is still under development and presents some results from a research model proposed by the authors. Regarding the methodology, the research is qualitative, in the line of an interpretative paradigm, although using quantitative techniques of data collection and analysis. The data were obtained through an online survey developed by the authors to evaluate the different dimensions of the proposed research model, using for this purpose a sample of convenience constituted by 1,320 teachers and school directors of non-higher education, public and private, from the first cycle to the high school, of the Portuguese territory. The email addresses were obtained from the official database available on the “Portal of Schools”. In the treatment of quantitative data, a structural equation model (SEM) was used through the SPSS software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), to investigate the possible relationships between the different dimensions incorporated in the model. The main conclusions of the study, considering the conceptions of the respondents, point towards that the students' school improvement was significantly influenced by the students' study methods and it is also possible to underline the relevance of school educational projects and school-based teacher training. The results of this research will contribute to the definition of new educational policies by identifying the main variables that might contribute to the students’ learning.
- The role of personality traits of managers on the performance outcomes of higher education institutions (HEIs)Publication . Mucharreira, Pedro Ribeiro; Antunes, Marina Godinho; Texeira Fernandes Justino, Maria Do Rosário; Texeira Quirós, JoaquínThis research aims to study the role that managers' personality traits have in the decision-making process and their relationship on the performance outcomes of Portuguese higher education institutions (HEIs), through a literature review that supports the presentation of a research model proposed by the authors. Nowadays, companies and their managers are increasingly pressured to achieve certain goals and levels of performance to ensure the financial sustainability of their institutions and to remain competitive in the markets. Sometimes these goals are somewhat ambitious and difficult to achieve, which means that decision-makers must have certain personality traits to show resistance and resilience in dealing with obstacles and strengthen their capacity to solve problems in the adversities that arise in the day to day business. This research proposal assumes that the personality traits of managers, namely extroversion, pleasantness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness to experience, will have a relevant impact on decision making, which will be reflected in organizational performance. On the other hand, also the emotional adjustment, that is, the emotional states that the managers might develop, in relation to stress, anxiety, and depression, defined by personality traits, can also influence the way they deal with situations for decision making, also affecting institutional performance. In organizations, people experience a wide range of affective states, and this applies also to managers [1]. In several academic researches, personality traits have become a topic of great interest, especially when analyzing the relationships between the characteristics of managers and their behavior and attitudes in a professional environment. This research is justified concerning the perspective of personality traits and emotional states of managers and how these dynamics might have an influence on making decisions and their attitudes and, consequently, what kind of relationship can we find between this psychology perspective and organizational performance of HEIs. Regarding the methodology, the data will be obtained through the application of a questionnaire prepared by the authors, to evaluate the different dimensions of the proposed research model. The research will consist of the answers given by members of the management boards of Portuguese universities and polytechnics. In the treatment of quantitative data, the use of the structural equations model (SEM) is considered, to investigate the possible relationships between the different dimensions incorporated in the model. Concerning the discussion of results, it is intended to characterize the effects of personality traits of educational managers and their emotional adjustment in higher education institutions in Portugal, seeking to understand their role and possible relations with the financial sustainability and other performance outcomes of these institutions.
- Personality traits and organizational performance of Portuguese higher education institutionsPublication . Mucharreira, Pedro Ribeiro; Godinho Antunes, Marina; Texeira Fernandes Justino, Maria Do Rosário; Texeira Quirós, JoaquínThis research aims to study the role that managers' personality traits have in the decision making process and their relationship on the performance outcomes of Portuguese higher education institutions (HEIs), through a literature review that supports the presentation of a research model proposed by the authors. Nowadays, organizations in general and their managers are increasingly pressured to achieve certain goals and levels of performance to ensure the financial sustainability of their institutions and to remain competitive in the markets. Sometimes these goals are somewhat ambitious and difficult to achieve, which means that decision-makers must have certain personality traits to show resistance and resilience in dealing with obstacles and strengthen their capacity to solve problems in the adversities that arise in the day to day business. This research proposal assumes that the personality traits of managers, namely extroversion, pleasantness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness to experience, will have a relevant impact on decision making, which will be reflected in organizational performance. With regard to the analysis of organizational performance, although assuming other indicators, particular emphasis will be placed on indicators related to teacher training and their research activities. The literature on personality traits is broad, focusing particularly on the analysis of the relationships between the characteristics of managers and their attitudes and behaviors in a professional context. In methodological terms, a qualitative study is expected to be carried out, using quantitative techniques. The data related to personality traits and leadership styles will be obtained through the application of a questionnaire prepared by the authors, in order to assess the different dimensions of the proposed conceptual model. Regarding the organizational performance indicators of HEIs, these will be obtained using a database of a research project developed by the authors. The sample will be for convenience, composed of elements of the executive boards of Portuguese universities and polytechnic institutes, from the public and private sector. In the treatment of quantitative data, the use of the structural equations model (SEM) is considered, to investigate the possible relationships between the different dimensions incorporated in the model.
- Personality traits and organizational performance of Portuguese higher education institutionsPublication . Mucharreira, Pedro Ribeiro; Antunes, Marina Godinho; Texeira Fernandes Justino, Maria Do Rosário; Texeira Quirós, JoaquínThis research aims to study the role that managers’ personality traits have in the decision-making proccess and their relationship on the performance outcomes of Portuguese higher education institutions (HEIs), through a literature review that supports the presentation of a research model proposed by the authors. Nowadays, organizations in general and their managers are increasingly pressured to achieve certain goals and levels of performance to ensure the financial sustainability of their institutions and to remain competitive in the markets. Sometimes these goals are somewhat ambitious and difficult to achieve, which means that decision-makers must have certain personality traits to show resistance and resilience in dealing with obstacles and strengthen their capacity to solve problems in the adversities that arise in the day to day business. This research proposal assumes that the personality traits of managers, namely extroversion, pleasantness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness to experience, will have a relevant impact on decision making, which will be reflected in organizational performance. The literature on personality traits is broad, focusing particularly on the analysis of the relationships between the characteristics of managers and their attitudes and behaviors in a professional context. In methodological terms, a qualitative study is expected to be carried out, using uantitative techniques. The data related to personality traits and leadership styles will be obtained through the application of a questionnaire prepared by the authors, in order to assess the different dimensions of the proposed conceptual model. Regarding the organizational performance indicators of HEIs, these will be obtained using a database of a research project developed by the authors. The sample will be for convenience, composed of elements of the executive boards of Portuguese universities and polytechnic institutes, from the public and private sector. In the treatment of quantitative data, the use of the structural equations model (SEM) is considered, to investigate the possible relationships between the different dimensions incorporated in the model.
- The role of personality traits of managers in leadership styles adoption, innovative strategies and organizational performancePublication . Godinho Antunes, Marina; Mucharreira, Pedro Ribeiro; Texeira Fernandes Justino, Maria Do Rosário; Texeira Quirós, JoaquínNowadays, companies and their managers are increasingly pressured to achieve certain results and levels of performance in order to ensure the financial sustainability of their companies and to remain competitive in the markets. Sometimes these goals are somewhat ambitious and difficult to achieve, which means that decision-makers must have certain personality traits in order to show resistance in dealing with obstacles and strengthen their capacity to solve problems. This research proposal assumes that the personality traits of managers, namely extroversion, pleasantness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness to experience, will have a relevant impact on decision making, which will be reflected in the company's performance. In another perspective, this research proposal also aims to analyze what characteristics of managers are underlying to the organizational behavior. More attention has been given to the study of managers' behaviors and how their attitudes and decision-making can define the achievement of the strategic objectives of organizations. Following this point of view, this research proposal links two scientific areas, namely Management and Psychology, and presents itself as an extremely innovative approach, providing a new line of research that is expected to be extremely useful for the knowledge of the performance of companies and the decision-making process. Regarding the methodology, the data will be collected through the application of a questionnaire to evaluate the different dimensions of the proposed conceptual model. In the treatment of quantitative data, a structural equations model will be used, to investigate the possible relations between the different dimensions incorporated in the model.
- O percurso de vida do primeiro MOOC do Politécnico de Lisboa na Plataforma NAUPublication . Martinho, Carla; Rodrigues, Ricardo Pereira; Abreu, Renato; Cardoso, Adriana; Manteigas, Vítor; Escudeiro, Maria JoãoA educação tem vindo a passar nos últimos tempos por mudanças significativas sobretudo no que diz respeito ao crescimento exponencial das modalidades de Educação a Distância. Entre essas mudanças, destaca-se a criação de MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), aulas massivas, abertas, online que visam fornecer um formato educacional abrangente.
- The relationship between personality traits and organizational behaviour of managersPublication . Antunes, Marina Godinho; Mucharreira, Pedro Ribeiro; Texeira Fernandes Justino, Maria Do Rosário; Quirós, JoaquimNowadays, companies and their managers are increasingly pressured to achieve certain results and levels of performance in order to ensure the financial sustainability of their companies and to remain competitive in the markets. Sometimes these goals are somewhat ambitious and difficult to achieve, which means that decision-makers must have certain personality traits in order to show resistance in dealing with obstacles and strengthen their capacity to solve problems. This research proposal assumes that the personality traits of managers, namely extroversion, pleasantness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness to experience, will have a relevant impact on decision making, which will be reflected in the company's performance. In another perspective, this research proposal also aims to analyze what characteristics of managers are underlying to the organizational behavior. More attention has been given to the study of managers' behaviors and how their attitudes and decision-making can define the achievement of the strategic objectives of organizations. Following this point of view, this research proposal links two scientific areas, namely Management and Psychology, and presents itself as an extremely innovative approach, providing a new line of research that is expected to be extremely useful for the knowledge of the performance of companies and the decision-making process. Regarding the methodology, the data will be collected through the application of a questionnaire to evaluate the different dimensions of the proposed conceptual model. In the treatment of quantitative data, a structural equations model will be used, to investigate the possible relations between the different dimensions incorporated in the model.
- Resumo das II Jornadas Internacionais de Investigação em RelatoPublication . Martinho, Carla; Albuquerque, Fábio; Gentil, Fernando; Anjos, Luiz; Gomes Dos Santos, PaulaAs Jornadas Internacionais de Investigação em Relato (JIIR) constituem um evento que destaca a parceria transatlântica entre o Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa (ISCAL) do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (IPL) e o Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Contábeis da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (PPGCC-UFPE). Apesar dos tempos difíceis que atravessamos, o evento chegou à sua segunda edição (II JIIR 2021), renovando o sucesso da edição anterior. Em 2021, a parceria entre o ISCAL e o PPGCC-UFPE foi reforçada com o relançamento oficial, durante o evento, da Revista de Informação Contábil (RIC), com uma segunda designação que a reposiciona no cenário internacional: International Journal of Accounting and Reporting (IJAR). Esta edição contou com os habituais projetos de estudantes, discutidos pelos investigadores das duas instituições (ISCAL e UFPE), tendo sido apresentados trabalhos de estudantes de outras instituições de ensino superior. Destaca-se, como novidade da II JIIR, a presença da Professora Fernanda Sauerbronn, Professora Associada na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
- Sentiment analysis: A literature reviewPublication . Mata, Pedro; Mata, Mário Nuno; Martins, Jessica NunesPurpose: Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining (OM) is the field of study for a broader topic of Natural Language Processing. SA seeks to understand people's opinions, feelings, assessments, attitudes and emotions through text to generate knowledge and relevant information on a particular subject, in the business world with a greater focus on understanding the evaluation of products. We can often resume to an interpretation of attitude behind the text whether it is positive, negative or neutral. The growing importance of SA coincides with the growth of social networks, opinions, criticism, forum discussions, blogs, among others. With this exponential evolution of data has arisen the need to apply SA in almost all social and commercial domains, because opinions are key in almost all activities and are one of the influencing factors in human and social behaviors, beliefs and perceptions of our own choices. As the opinion is one of the main influencing factors in the people's choice has made the spectrum of analysis broader for organizations making this a very relevant topic these days. This paper revealed that although there some advances for algorithms, techniques and frameworks to help SA implementations there is still a gap towards identifying benefits for business applications. The need for a systematic review arises from the requirement to summarize all relevant information about application and creation of value for SA implementations in organizations. Design/methodology/approach: Include the main method(s) used for the research. In order to draw a general conclusion about this phenomenon we will evaluate individual studies that could help us understand the main features of this field. Findings: In summary, we learned that although there some advances for algorithms, techniques and frameworks to help SA implementations there is still a gap towards identifying benefits for business applications. We believe that the results of our systematic review will help to advance future studies to search for these gaps. Originality/value: Summarize all relevant information about application and creation of value for SA implementations in organizations