Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2022-06-27"
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- Factors affecting banking performance in Pakistan: an empirical investigationPublication . Ahmad, Ehsan Waquar; Naveed, Maira; Dos Santos, Maria José Palma LampreiaPakistan is one of the economically emerging countries in South Asia. The current trends of Pakistan’s economy are on the path to outshining the former year’s growth rate. The unrelenting perfor- mances in the agriculture and services sector and outperformance of the large-scale manufacturing sector. Inflation and the fiscal deficit were confined, whereas revenue growth has surpassed last year’s level. However, Pakistan’s populace is 200 million. However, not many individuals bank with a regulated banking system. The financial system in Pakistan introduced a new phenomenon of the Islamic Banking system that is not a recent idea but has been in the mainstream now for more than a decade. There are several factors internally and externally that stimulate the performance of banks. In this paper, we have tried to investigate how these factors influence the performance of banks in Pakistan. We have used the ROE measure as a dependent variable to evaluate banks' profitability. We have taken the size, age, equity and financial development of the banks. Some external/country-specific factors are also taken into consideration as independent variables. This paper uses panel data from six banks in Pakistan for seven years (2010 to 2017).
- Habits of inquiry and skills of expression needed to be critical thinkersPublication . Bonacho, Fernanda; Santos, ZéliaThere is a consensus on the literature that the purpose of education and specifically media literacy education is to provide people with the habits of inquiry and skills of expression they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active citizens in the world. For a long time already, we have been searching for the best ways to promote critical thought, bearing in mind, for example, the phenomenon of disinformation. Additionally, scholars and journalists have long hoped that media education could positively tackle this challenge and enhance social goals such as political and civic engagement particularly among youngsters. This paper seeks to discuss the way the “Academy for Reading the World: Journalism, Communication and I” promotes an interdisciplinary approach to media literacy amongst young adults whilst selecting critical thinking, self-regulation and communication as key competences and an immersive media experience for participants. The goal of this paper is to provide the much-needed structured data about how knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values can together be mobilized, with a reflexive approach to the learning process, to deal with contemporary media challenging contexts that insist on hindering reality readings.
- Conceção de infância e de criança: um olhar das educadoras de infância na relação que estabelecem com a prática pedagógicaPublication . Delgado, Cátia Isabel Segundo; Sampaio, Maria FernandaO presente relatório surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática Profissional Supervisionada II (PPSII), do 2º ano do Mestrado de Educação Pré-Escolar da Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa. Neste, apresento a minha intervenção pedagógica, bem como todo processo reflexivo que esteve inerente, no contexto de Jardim de Infância (JI), com um grupo de crianças de 3 anos, de outubro de 2021 a fevereiro do ano vigente. A problemática da investigação surgiu de uma reflexão realizada com a educadora cooperante sobre a minha ação, que incidiu nas minhas conceções de infância e de criança. Verifiquei que a conceção que predominava não correspondia à que pretendia que vigorasse. Assim, estive num constante processo de desconstrução e reflexão. Neste processo, o interesse em aprofundar o tema das conceções de infância e de criança e a sua relação com a prática foi crescendo resultando na investigação desenvolvida. Integrou as quatro educadoras do Jardim de Infância do contexto socioeducativo em que estive inserida, visando (I) Caracterizar as conceções de infância e de criança na visão das educadoras; (II) Analisar as narrativas de educadoras em relação à relação que estabelecem entre a conceção de infância, de criança e a prática pedagógica. Em termos metodológicos, a investigação assume uma abordagem qualitativa, tendo-se optado pelo estudo de caso. Utilizou-se duas técnicas de recolha de dados: a observação participante e as entrevistas. Da investigação apurei que a maioria das educadoras daquele contexto apresentam conceções assentes na criança enquanto ser competente e capaz. Esta conceção é transposta na prática ao existir tempos e espaços para a participação das crianças no quotidiano. Para além disso, apresentam a intrínseca relação entre as conceções e a prática pedagógica, e sobre a infância reconhecem a ação das crianças.
- Por um teatro e comunidade em Moçambique: pesquisa exploratória sobre a criação e participação de públicosPublication . Calisto, Venâncio; Monteiro, LuísaAs questões formais e metodológicas, relativas à criação e à participação de públicos no fenómeno teatral, assumem um importante destaque na conceptualização das práticas de Teatro e Comunidade, visto constituírem elementos de diferenciação entre este tipo de teatro e o outro tipo de teatro, o dito teatro convencional. Deste modo, a presente dissertação propõe-se a identificar e a analisar as características de criação e participação de públicos presentes nas diferentes dinâmicas teatrais vividas em Moçambique desde 1975, com especial atenção na década de 2010 a 2020. A partir de uma viagem temporal, que consiste em localizar os diferentes estilos, géneros e intencionalidades que o teatro moçambicano foi assumindo ao longo do tempo, procura-se compreender as marcas do Teatro e Comunidade presentes nas suas diversas maneiras de criar e de chegar ao público. Este estudo desafia-se ainda a uma tentativa de sistematização das manifestações teatrais ao longo dos 45 anos de independência, em resposta à escassez de documentos e estudos académicos sobre esta área, que se verifica no país.
- Insights from the experimentation of Named Data Networks in mobile wireless environmentsPublication . Gameiro, Luís; Senna, Carlos; Luís, MiguelThe Information-Centric Network (ICN) paradigm has been touted as one of the candidates for the Internet of the future, where the Named Data Network (NDN) architecture is the one leading the way. Despite the large amount of works published in the literature targeting new implementations of such architecture, covering different network topologies and use cases, there are few NDN implementations in real networks. Moreover, most of these real-world NDN implementations, especially those addressing wireless and wired communication channels, are at a small scale, in laboratory environments. In this work, we evaluate the performance of an NDN-based implementation in a mobile wireless network, as part of a smart city infrastructure, making use of multiple wireless interfaces. We start by showing how we have implemented the NDN stack in current network nodes of the smart city infrastructure, following a hybrid solution where both TCP/IP and NDN paradigms can coexist. The implementation is evaluated in three scenarios, targeting different situations: mobility, the simultaneous use of different wireless interfaces and the network characteristics. The results show that our implementation works properly and insights about the correct NDN parameterization are derived.
- Reading the world: journalism, communication, and IPublication . Bonacho, Fernanda; Martins, Ana Filipa; Santos, Hália; Marôpo, Lidia; Bonixe, Luís; Sá, Sónia deScholars and journalists have long hoped that media education could positively tackle the information challenge and enhance social goals such as political and civic engagement particularly among youngsters. This paper seeks to present the way the “Academy for Reading the World: Journalism, Communication and I” promotes an interdisciplinary approach to media literacy amongst young adults (14y-21y) through an immersive media experience for participants, who are supposed to develop critical thinking, self-regulation, and communication competences. Its framework is established in a nationwide network, engages more than 300 high school students, 150 university and polytechnic communication and journalism undergraduates, more than 30 professors, journalists and media and communication studies researchers, and a wide range of partner institutions, such as media outlets (RTP- Rádio e Televisão de Portugal; Lusa; Público) and cultural organizations (News Museum). In this paper, we analyse the experience of this Academy in Faro, Portalegre, Covilhã, Abrantes, Setúbal and Lisboa and assess the youngsters’ engagement in this national collaborative experience, whose media and communication agenda aims at empowering youngsters for a more conscious reading of our demanding world. The goal is also to provide the much-needed data for media literacy and see how knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values can together be mobilized.