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A visibilidade social, académica, mediática e o esforço político e legislativo para regular
e prevenir o fenómeno da violência nas suas múltiplas facetas (género, sexual, namoro,
etc.) são atualmente uma realidade. A violência continua, ainda, a ser um fenómeno complexo
atravessado por discursos e processos difusos que potenciam a sua invisibilidade,
inclusive no ensino superior. O estudo é de natureza mista e pretende caracterizar a violência
no namoro, aferir a prevalência dos diferentes tipos de abuso e analisar as estratégias
de resolução de conflitos. A amostra é constituída por 371 estudantes da Escola Superior de
Educação de Lisboa, sendo 324 do sexo feminino e 47 do sexo masculino, com uma média
de idades de 21,5 anos. Os dados apontam para a presença de violência no namoro, sendo
que o tipo de abuso sofrido com maior prevalência é o emocional ou verbal, e são as raparigas
que o perpetram mais do que os rapazes.
Abstract Social, academic and media visibility and the political and legislative effort to regulate and prevent the phenomenon of violence in its multiple dimensions (gender, sexual, dating, intimacy, etc.) are currently a reality. Nonetheless, violence continues to be a complex phenomenon that is crossed by discourses and processes which enhance its invisibility, including in higher education. The mixed research carried out intended to characterize the phenomenon of dating violence, the prevalence of different types of abuse or violence, and analyse strategies for conflict resolution. The sample included 371 students from Lisbon School of Education, 324 female and 47 male, with an average age of 21.5 years. The data refer to the presence of dating violence, especially emotional or verbal, and for significant differences between young men and women.
Abstract Social, academic and media visibility and the political and legislative effort to regulate and prevent the phenomenon of violence in its multiple dimensions (gender, sexual, dating, intimacy, etc.) are currently a reality. Nonetheless, violence continues to be a complex phenomenon that is crossed by discourses and processes which enhance its invisibility, including in higher education. The mixed research carried out intended to characterize the phenomenon of dating violence, the prevalence of different types of abuse or violence, and analyse strategies for conflict resolution. The sample included 371 students from Lisbon School of Education, 324 female and 47 male, with an average age of 21.5 years. The data refer to the presence of dating violence, especially emotional or verbal, and for significant differences between young men and women.
Violência no namoro Género Ensino superior Dating violence Gender Higher education
Gama, A. Veríssimo, A. Tomás, T. Violência no namoro na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa: quando o género influencia. ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres. 77 77-98.
Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres – APEM