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Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do Projeto REMEDIO – “Regenerating mixed-use MED urban communities congested by traffic through Innovative low carbon mobility solutions”, do programa Interreg MED e co-financiado pelo FEDER e visa contribuir para o reforço da capacidade das cidades utilizarem sistemas de transporte de baixo teor de carbono e incluí-los nos seus planos de mobilidade, testando soluções de mobilidade existentes, através de uma ferramenta de avaliação e esquemas de governança participativa. Este trabalho tem como objetivo primordial analisar as concentrações de partículas em suspensão na atmosfera (PM2,5 e PM10) e a sua composição química numa avenida em Portugal afetada frequentemente pelo tráfego rodoviário intenso. Neste sentido, realizou-se um enquadramento teórico sobre a poluição atmosférica em zonas urbanas, fontes e principais efeitos na saúde, particularizando para o caso português. No período de Outono de 2016 (Outubro-Novembro, 2016), realizou-se uma campanha de amostragem na área-piloto selecionada em Portugal (Moscavide), que se estende ao longo de uma rua com 1,2 km e afeta 21 891 habitantes (em 2011), com o propósito de se analisar as concentrações elementares de partículas atmosféricas de diâmetro inferior a 2,5 μm (PM2,5) e a 10 μm (PM10). Para este efeito foram utilizados dois métodos de amostragem e quantificação da concentração mássica das partículas: gravimétrico e de leitura direta. A composição química das partículas foi determinado por XRF e métodos termo óticos. Os resultados deste estudo permitiram identificar a distribuição horária das concentrações de PM2,5 e PM10, possibilitando identificar os períodos do dia mais problemáticos em termos de impacte de poluição atmosférica. As concentrações médias de PM2,5 e PM10 analisadas excederam os valores limite, em períodos do dia cujo tráfego rodoviário foi superior. Observaram-se picos de concentração de partículas maioritariamente durante o período diurno e particularmente em dois períodos críticos do dia: de manhã e ao final da tarde, justificados pelas deslocações casa-trabalho e trabalho-casa. No que concerne à especiação das partículas em elementos químicos, identificou-se uma predominância dos elementos com origem marinha (Na, K e Cl), seguidos daqueles provenientes da crosta terrestre (Ca, Fe, Si, Al) e por fim dos elementos químicos provenientes de fontes antropogénicas (S, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Pb). A concretização deste estudo pretendeu analisar a variação dos níveis de concentração de matéria particulada em diferentes granulometrias e respetivos elementos químicos associados, determinar as fontes emissoras mais proeminentes na zona em estudo e possíveis efeitos na saúde e o impacte na qualidade do ar da implementação das medidas de mobilidade sustentável.
ABSTRACT - This work was conducted under the REMEDIO Project – “Regenerating mixed-use MED urban communities congested by traffic through Innovative low carbon mobility solutions”, Interreg MED program and co-financed by the ERDF and aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity of cities to use low carbon transport systems and include them in their mobility plans, testing existing mobility solutions through an assessment tool and participatory governance schemes. The main goal of this work is to analyze airborne particulate matter concentrations (PM2.5 and PM10) and their chemical composition in a Portuguese avenue affected frequently by intense road traffic. Thus, a theoretical framework was performed on atmospheric pollution in urban areas, sources, and main effects on health, particularly for the Portuguese case. In autumn of 2016 (October-November, 2016), a sampling campaign was carried out in the pilot area selected in Portugal (Moscavide), which extends along a 1.2 km street and affects 21 891 (in 2011), in order to analyze the concentrations of airborne particles with diameter lower than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) and 10 μm (PM10). For this purpose, two methods of sampling and quantification of the mass concentration of the particles were used: gravimetric and direct reading. The chemical composition of the particles was assessed by XRF and termo-optical techniques. The results of this study allowed the identification of the hourly distribution of concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10, making it possible to identify the most problematic time periods in terms of atmospheric pollution impact. The mean concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 analyzed exceeded the limit values at periods of the day where road traffic was higher. Particle concentration peaks were observed mostly during the daytime period and particularly in two critical periods of the day: morning and late afternoon, justified by home-work and work-home travel. Regarding the particles speciation in what concerns to its chemical constitution, there was a predominance of elements from the sea (Na, K, and Cl), followed by those from the earth's crust (Ca, Fe, Si, Al) and finally from the anthropogenic sources (S, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Pb). This study allowed the analysis of the particulate matter variation in different granulometry and associated chemical elements, determine the most important emitting sources in the study area and possible health effects and the impact on air quality of the implementation of the measures of sustainable mobility.
ABSTRACT - This work was conducted under the REMEDIO Project – “Regenerating mixed-use MED urban communities congested by traffic through Innovative low carbon mobility solutions”, Interreg MED program and co-financed by the ERDF and aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity of cities to use low carbon transport systems and include them in their mobility plans, testing existing mobility solutions through an assessment tool and participatory governance schemes. The main goal of this work is to analyze airborne particulate matter concentrations (PM2.5 and PM10) and their chemical composition in a Portuguese avenue affected frequently by intense road traffic. Thus, a theoretical framework was performed on atmospheric pollution in urban areas, sources, and main effects on health, particularly for the Portuguese case. In autumn of 2016 (October-November, 2016), a sampling campaign was carried out in the pilot area selected in Portugal (Moscavide), which extends along a 1.2 km street and affects 21 891 (in 2011), in order to analyze the concentrations of airborne particles with diameter lower than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) and 10 μm (PM10). For this purpose, two methods of sampling and quantification of the mass concentration of the particles were used: gravimetric and direct reading. The chemical composition of the particles was assessed by XRF and termo-optical techniques. The results of this study allowed the identification of the hourly distribution of concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10, making it possible to identify the most problematic time periods in terms of atmospheric pollution impact. The mean concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 analyzed exceeded the limit values at periods of the day where road traffic was higher. Particle concentration peaks were observed mostly during the daytime period and particularly in two critical periods of the day: morning and late afternoon, justified by home-work and work-home travel. Regarding the particles speciation in what concerns to its chemical constitution, there was a predominance of elements from the sea (Na, K, and Cl), followed by those from the earth's crust (Ca, Fe, Si, Al) and finally from the anthropogenic sources (S, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Pb). This study allowed the analysis of the particulate matter variation in different granulometry and associated chemical elements, determine the most important emitting sources in the study area and possible health effects and the impact on air quality of the implementation of the measures of sustainable mobility.
Mestrado em Análise e Controlo de Riscos Ambientais para a Saúde
Project REMEDIO Transporte Mobilidade Poluição do ar Tráfego rodoviário PM2.5 PM10 Elementos químicos Transportation Mobility Air pollution Road traffic Chemical elements Portugal Moscavide Loures
Vogado FA. Avaliação da concentração de partículas atmosféricas e elementos químicos numa área urbana: caso de estudo em Moscavide, Loures [dissertation]. Lisboa: Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa - Instituto de Engenharia de Lisboa/Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa; 2019.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa