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O presente relatório está enquadrado na Unidade Curricular de Prática Profissional Supervisionada II (PPS) do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar. Este ilustra o caminho percorrido, visando uma análise crítica, reflexiva e fundamentada da prática pedagógica e a investigação desenvolvida. A PPS decorreu entre outubro e fevereiro de 2023, num Jardim de Infância (JI) da rede pública, em Lisboa. O grupo que integrei contava com 25 crianças, com idades entre os 2 e os 6 anos.
Inicialmente, será exposta uma caracterização do contexto educativo, seguindo-se as intencionalidades pedagógicas que orientaram a minha ação, além da avaliação da sua concretização.
Seguidamente, fruto das observações, surgiu a problemática da investigação: De que forma posicionam-se, responsivamente, os/as educadores/as do ensino público, tendo em conta as políticas públicas e as necessidades das crianças nos tempos de componente não letiva? Na revisão da literatura defini e relacionei os conceitos educar e cuidar, o momento da sesta, o momento da refeição, bem como o papel do educador. A investigação é de natureza qualitativa, sendo um estudo de caso. Nas análises articulei as observações e as entrevistas de cinco educadoras de JI públicos sobre as necessidades dos seus grupos nos momentos de componente não letiva do sono e alimentação.
A investigação realça a importância das necessidade de cada criança, individualmente, e reflete sobre os desafios dessa atuação em contexto coletivo e público. Além disso, discute a necessidade de refletir sobre o papel do adulto, quando não acompanha o seu grupo durante a alimentação e não está autorizado a estabelecer um momento da rotina para a sesta às crianças que ainda necessitam.
As principais conclusões do estudo recaem sobre alguma frustração pelos profissionais da educação relativamente às decisões políticas que põe em causa as suas respostas pedagógicas. Contudo, estes procuram estratégias: áreas calmas na sala, a presença de colchões, mantas e/ou almofadas, chegando a prescindir das suas horas de almoço para acompanharem o grupo.
ABSTRACT This report is part of the Professional Supervised Practice II (PSP) Curricular Unit of the Master’s Degree in Pre-School Education. This illustrates the path, aiming a critical, reflective and grounded analysis of my pedagogical practice and the developed research. The PPS occurred between October and February of 2023, in a public kindergarten located in Lisbon. The group I joined had 25 children, aged between 2 and 6 years old. Initially, a characterization of the educational context will be presented, followed by the pedagogical intentions that guided my actions, as well as the evaluation of it’s implementation. Thereafter, as a result of the observations, the research problem emerged: How do public school teachers take a responsible position, taking into account public policies and the children’s needs during non-teaching time? In the literature review, I defined and related the concepts of education and care, the moment of the nap, the moment of the meal, as well as the role of teacher. The research is qualitative in nature, being a case study. In the analysis, I articulated the observations and interviews of five teachers public kindergarten on the needs of their groups in the two moments of non-teaching component of sleep and food. This investigation highlights the importance of the needs of each individual child, and reflects on the challenges of this action in a collective and public context. In addition, it discusses the need to reflect on the adult's role when they can’t accompany their group during feeding time and can’t allowed to establish a routine moment for the nap to children who still need it. The main conclusions of the study are about some frustration felt by the educational professionals regarding the politics decisions that question their pedagogical responses. However, they seek strategies: quiet areas in the room, the presence of mattresses, blankets and/or pillows, even giving up their lunch break to accompany the group.
ABSTRACT This report is part of the Professional Supervised Practice II (PSP) Curricular Unit of the Master’s Degree in Pre-School Education. This illustrates the path, aiming a critical, reflective and grounded analysis of my pedagogical practice and the developed research. The PPS occurred between October and February of 2023, in a public kindergarten located in Lisbon. The group I joined had 25 children, aged between 2 and 6 years old. Initially, a characterization of the educational context will be presented, followed by the pedagogical intentions that guided my actions, as well as the evaluation of it’s implementation. Thereafter, as a result of the observations, the research problem emerged: How do public school teachers take a responsible position, taking into account public policies and the children’s needs during non-teaching time? In the literature review, I defined and related the concepts of education and care, the moment of the nap, the moment of the meal, as well as the role of teacher. The research is qualitative in nature, being a case study. In the analysis, I articulated the observations and interviews of five teachers public kindergarten on the needs of their groups in the two moments of non-teaching component of sleep and food. This investigation highlights the importance of the needs of each individual child, and reflects on the challenges of this action in a collective and public context. In addition, it discusses the need to reflect on the adult's role when they can’t accompany their group during feeding time and can’t allowed to establish a routine moment for the nap to children who still need it. The main conclusions of the study are about some frustration felt by the educational professionals regarding the politics decisions that question their pedagogical responses. However, they seek strategies: quiet areas in the room, the presence of mattresses, blankets and/or pillows, even giving up their lunch break to accompany the group.
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada II apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para
obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar
Alimentação Criança Educador de Infância Políticas Públicas Sesta Child Food Kindergarten teacher Nap Public policies
Santos, A. B. S. (2023). Respostas às necessidades das crianças nos tempos de componente não letiva (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em: