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Este relatório de estágio foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de
Dança da Escola Superior de Dança, no Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. O estágio foi
realizado na Escola Artística de Dança do Conservatório Nacional, escola de ensino
artístico especializado, com ensino integrado, com alunas do 6.º Ano, na disciplina de
Técnica de Dança Clássica.
O objetivo principal do estágio, cujo resultado é apresentado neste Relatório, consistiu
em investigar e discernir o papel do Professor Acompanhador na aula de Técnica de
Dança Clássica.
Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho recorreu-se a uma pesquisa documental e
bibliográfica que permitiu a seleção objetiva dos aspetos que melhor fundamentam e se
adequaram à investigação, assim como a uma definição criteriosa e precisa de todas as
estratégias a implementar. Aplicou-se uma metodologia de investigação-ação,
instrumentalizada com métodos quantitativos e qualitativos.
A análise dos resultados revelou a grande importância do Professor
Acompanhador na aula de Técnica de Dança Clássica, contribuindo para o elevado
desenvolvimento de aspetos técnicos e musicais. Foram também verificadas as funções
do Professor Acompanhador, tais como a orientação de pulsação, dinâmicas e
fraseamento musical, tornando-se assim um dos alicerces musicais da performance.
Acreditamos que o Professor Acompanhador é um atributo valioso, com quem o aluno
de dança deve ter uma cumplicidade indispensável para uma colaboração produtiva e
uma aula com um forte impacto pedagógico.
ABSTRACT - This internship report was developed in the scope of the Master Degree in Dance Education of the School of Dance, in the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. The internship was carried out at the National Conservatory Dance School, a specialized artistic education school, with integrated teaching, with Classical Dance Technique students from the 6th Year. The main objective of this internship was to investigate and determine the role of the Accompanying Teacher in the Classical Dance Technique class. For the research development of the work, a documental and bibliographic research method was used to outline an objective selection of the aspects that best substantiated and suited the investigation, as well as methodological and precise definition of all the strategies to be implemented. An action-research methodology was applied, instrumentalized with quantitative and qualitative methods. The analysis of the results revealed the great importance of the Accompanying Teacher during Classical Dance Technique classes, contributing to the high development of technical and musical aspects. The functions of the Accompanying Teacher within the technique class were also verified, such as the guidance of pulse, dynamics and phrasing, thus becoming one of the musical foundations of the performance. In summary, we believe that the accompanying teacher is a figure with whom the dance student should have an indispensable complicity for a productive collaboration and a class with a strong pedagogical impact.
ABSTRACT - This internship report was developed in the scope of the Master Degree in Dance Education of the School of Dance, in the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. The internship was carried out at the National Conservatory Dance School, a specialized artistic education school, with integrated teaching, with Classical Dance Technique students from the 6th Year. The main objective of this internship was to investigate and determine the role of the Accompanying Teacher in the Classical Dance Technique class. For the research development of the work, a documental and bibliographic research method was used to outline an objective selection of the aspects that best substantiated and suited the investigation, as well as methodological and precise definition of all the strategies to be implemented. An action-research methodology was applied, instrumentalized with quantitative and qualitative methods. The analysis of the results revealed the great importance of the Accompanying Teacher during Classical Dance Technique classes, contributing to the high development of technical and musical aspects. The functions of the Accompanying Teacher within the technique class were also verified, such as the guidance of pulse, dynamics and phrasing, thus becoming one of the musical foundations of the performance. In summary, we believe that the accompanying teacher is a figure with whom the dance student should have an indispensable complicity for a productive collaboration and a class with a strong pedagogical impact.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança com vista
à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança
Técnica de dança clássica Professor acompanhador Comunicação Musicalidade Pedagogia da dança Classical dance technique Teacher training Accompanying teacher Communication Musicality
Varela dos Santos, A. (2022). Investigar e discernir o papel do professor acompanhador na aula técnica de dança clássica com a turma do 6º ano na Escola Artística do Conservatório Nacional [Tese de Mestrado, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa].Repositório Científico do IPL.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Dança