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Vive-se num mundo em que a inovação é um elemento-chave ao avanço tecnológico, e com a disponibilidade cada vez maior de recursos `a comunidade em geral que permitem inovar, todos os dias surgem novas ideias de produtos que podem revolucionar a forma de trabalho e lazer. A impressão 3D possui um
papel inevitável na medida em que rapidamente é possível tornar ideias em algo físico. Aliada à variada disponibilidade de dispositivos eletrónicos de baixo custo, surgem assim produtos inovadores acessíveis e com qualidade capazes de colmatar a indisponibilidade de soluções no mercado. O μScope é um microscópio digital modular totalmente impresso em 3D que integra eletrónica de baixo custo e utiliza os princípios da ótica com foco no objetivo de visualização de estruturas e moléculas segundo a configuração de transmissão simples (campo claro) ou fluorescência. O sistema desenvolvido é independente de fontes externas (fornecimento de energia constante, visualização de imagem e controlo da amostra) e integra um robô delta como forma inovadora de manipular amostras através de um joystick e dois botões. Após a conceção de cada módulo e respetiva modelação num software de Computer Aided Design, procedeu-se ao fabrico dos módulos através de impressão 3D e respetiva montagem do sistema. Para uma primeira iteração do sistema, os resultados mostraram-se bastante satisfatórios dada a solidez e fiabilidade da sua construção. A componente mecânica relacionada com o robô delta necessita de melhorias a nível de design e codificação, no entanto os resultados produzidos foram satisfatórios no que respeita à manipulação da amostra em z e no plano xy para pequenas deslocações. Os inputs de controlo revelaram um nível de precisão suficiente para o objetivo a que se destinam. Produziram-se resultados bastante satisfatórios na análise a células de Allium Cepa, fibras de seda e grãos de pólen de Petunia Hybrida para a configuração de transmissão simples. As imagens obtidas pela camara integrada no sistema apresentam um nível de contraste e nitidez que permitem a fácil distinção dos elementos estruturais analisados. Os resultados relacionados com configuração de fluorescência mostraram-se bastante promissores na medida em que as fibras de poliéster analisadas eram claramente visíveis aquando da incidência de luz. O μScope mostrou resultados positivos na sua generalidade.
We live in a world where innovation is a key element in technological advancement, and with the increasing availability of resources to the general community that enable innovation, new ideas for products that can revolutionize the way we work and play emerge every day. 3D printing plays an inevitable role as it quickly turns ideas into tangible objects. Combined with the wide availability of low-cost electronic devices, this leads to accessible and quality innovative products that can fill gaps that previously could only be addressed if companies intended to do so. The μScope is a fully 3D-printed modular digital microscope that integrates low-cost electronics and utilizes optical principles focused on the visualization of structures and molecules using either simple transmission (bright-field) or fluorescence configurations. The developed system is self-contained concerning external sources (power supply, image visualization and sample control) and includes a delta robot as an innovative way to manipulate samples using a joystick and two buttons. After designing each module and creating their models in Computer Assisted Design software, the modules were 3D-printed and the system was assembled. For the first iteration of the system, the results proved to be quite satisfactory due to the robustness and reliability of its construction. The mechanical component related to the delta robot needs improvement in terms of design and coding; however, the results were satisfactory regarding sample manipulation in z and xy planes for small displacements. The control inputs showed a level of precision sufficient for their intended purpose. The analysis of Allium Cepa cells, silk fibers, and Petunia Hybrida pollen grains under the bright-field configuration produced quite satisfactory results. The images obtained by the integrated camera in the system demonstrated sufficient contrast and sharpness, allowing easy distinction of the analyzed structural elements. The results related to the fluorescence configuration showed great promise, as the analyzed polyester fibers were clearly visible under light incidence. In general, the μScope showed positive results; however, future iterations will be necessary to address some shortcomings.
We live in a world where innovation is a key element in technological advancement, and with the increasing availability of resources to the general community that enable innovation, new ideas for products that can revolutionize the way we work and play emerge every day. 3D printing plays an inevitable role as it quickly turns ideas into tangible objects. Combined with the wide availability of low-cost electronic devices, this leads to accessible and quality innovative products that can fill gaps that previously could only be addressed if companies intended to do so. The μScope is a fully 3D-printed modular digital microscope that integrates low-cost electronics and utilizes optical principles focused on the visualization of structures and molecules using either simple transmission (bright-field) or fluorescence configurations. The developed system is self-contained concerning external sources (power supply, image visualization and sample control) and includes a delta robot as an innovative way to manipulate samples using a joystick and two buttons. After designing each module and creating their models in Computer Assisted Design software, the modules were 3D-printed and the system was assembled. For the first iteration of the system, the results proved to be quite satisfactory due to the robustness and reliability of its construction. The mechanical component related to the delta robot needs improvement in terms of design and coding; however, the results were satisfactory regarding sample manipulation in z and xy planes for small displacements. The control inputs showed a level of precision sufficient for their intended purpose. The analysis of Allium Cepa cells, silk fibers, and Petunia Hybrida pollen grains under the bright-field configuration produced quite satisfactory results. The images obtained by the integrated camera in the system demonstrated sufficient contrast and sharpness, allowing easy distinction of the analyzed structural elements. The results related to the fluorescence configuration showed great promise, as the analyzed polyester fibers were clearly visible under light incidence. In general, the μScope showed positive results; however, future iterations will be necessary to address some shortcomings.
Trabalho final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Microscópio Impressão 3D Robô delta Campo claro Fluorescência Microscope 3D Printing Delta stage Brigth-field
Marcelo, Renato de Sousa - μScope - Conceção, implementação e teste de um microscópio digital open-source operado por Robô delta e fabricado por manufatura aditiva. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 2023. Dissertação de Mestrado