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Esta dissertação desenvolve uma análise comparativa entre os custos de operação dos diversos segmentos de frota dos autocarros de uma das principais empresas de transportes rodoviários de Lisboa, focando-se nos custos de manutenção de recondicionamento geral e de rotáveis, consumos de combustível e de óleo de motor, mas também em distâncias percorridas, taxas de avaria e taxas de imobilização. É também efetuado um balanço das emissões poluentes de Monóxido de Carbono, Hidrocarbonetos Não Queimados, Óxidos de Azoto e Partículas, e do gás com efeito de estufa Dióxido de Carbono.
A informação tratada refere-se à atividade de várias tipologias de autocarros urbanos (standard, articulado, médio e mini) de duas tecnologias de propulsão, Diesel e Gás Natural Comprimido, entre os anos de 2000 e 2019.
O termo de comparação utilizado, o segmento, permitiu perceber que, mesmo dentro da mesma tecnologia, os resultados obtidos não são homogéneos. A implementação de tecnologias alternativas ao Diesel poderá enfrentar problemas logísticos. Os custos de manutenção aumentam com a idade dos respetivos veículos e não são homogéneos na mesma tecnologia e na mesma tipologia. O impacto ambiental é muito influenciado pela idade dos segmentos constituintes da frota. A comparação de tecnologias de diferentes combustíveis carece de uma unidade comparável e deve ser evitada a utilização de valores absolutos.
Esta dissertação oferece informação que não estava previamente organizada e que poderá ser incluída em Análises de Ciclo de Vida mais completas ou poderá servir de termo de comparação para cenários futuros da frota.
This dissertation develops a comparative analysis between the operating costs of the various segments of the bus fleet of one of the main public transportation companies of the city of Lisbon, focusing on the maintenance costs of general reconditioning and rotables, fuel and engine oil consumption, but also on travelled distances, breakdown rates and immobilization rates. It is also made a balance of the pollutant emissions of Carbon Monoxide, Non-Methane Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen Oxides and Particulate Matter, and the greenhouse gas Carbon Dioxide. The processed information refers to the activity of various types of urban buses (standard, articulated, midi and mini) of two propulsion technologies, Diesel and Compressed Natural Gas, between the years 2000 and 2019. The comparison point used, the segment, allowed the realization that, even within the same technology, the results obtained are not homogeneous. The implementation of alternative technologies to Diesel may face logistical problems. Maintenance costs increase with the age of the respective vehicles and are not homogeneous within the same technology and bus type. The environmental impact is strongly influenced by the age of the fleet segments. The comparison between different fuel technologies needs a comparable unit and the usage of absolute values should be avoided. This dissertation offers information that was not previously organized and that may be included in more complete Life Cycle Analyses or may serve as a point of comparison for future bus fleet scenarios.
This dissertation develops a comparative analysis between the operating costs of the various segments of the bus fleet of one of the main public transportation companies of the city of Lisbon, focusing on the maintenance costs of general reconditioning and rotables, fuel and engine oil consumption, but also on travelled distances, breakdown rates and immobilization rates. It is also made a balance of the pollutant emissions of Carbon Monoxide, Non-Methane Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen Oxides and Particulate Matter, and the greenhouse gas Carbon Dioxide. The processed information refers to the activity of various types of urban buses (standard, articulated, midi and mini) of two propulsion technologies, Diesel and Compressed Natural Gas, between the years 2000 and 2019. The comparison point used, the segment, allowed the realization that, even within the same technology, the results obtained are not homogeneous. The implementation of alternative technologies to Diesel may face logistical problems. Maintenance costs increase with the age of the respective vehicles and are not homogeneous within the same technology and bus type. The environmental impact is strongly influenced by the age of the fleet segments. The comparison between different fuel technologies needs a comparable unit and the usage of absolute values should be avoided. This dissertation offers information that was not previously organized and that may be included in more complete Life Cycle Analyses or may serve as a point of comparison for future bus fleet scenarios.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre
em Engenharia Mecânica
Transporte público urbano Modo autocarro Manutenção Consumos Emissões Tecnologia de propulsão Urban public transportation Bus Maintenance Consumption Emissions Propulsion technology
GONÇALVES, Joana Brandão Pires Terras – Análise comparativa de custos de operação de autocarros urbanos. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 2021. Dissertação de Mestrado.
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa