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Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo traduzir e contribuir para a adaptação para a população portuguesa (Português Europeu) da Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). Método: Após o processo de tradução e de pré-teste, a escala foi aplicada a 593 estudantes do 1º ao 6º ano do curso de Medicina em várias Universidades de Portugal Continental. A validade do construto e a fiabilidade do instrumento foram aferidas através da análise fatorial exploratória (ACP) e confirmatória (AFC), e do cálculo do coeficiente alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: A versão final explica 31.54% da variância total e confirma a estrutura em dois fatores: Caring, (19.56% da variância) e Sharing (11.98% da variância). Os itens 2 e 4 apresentaram inconsistências com os fatores definidos à priori (versão original do instrumento), os itens 9 e 17 obtiveram cargas fatoriais inferiores a .3, e o item 3 registou uma diferença inferior a .1 entre as cargas fatoriais para os dois domínios. Os coeficientes de alpha de Cronbach foram .65, .50 e .56 para a escala total, e subscalas Caring e Sharing, respetivamente. A AFC revelou um bom ajustamento global do modelo de medida (χ2(132, N = 593) = 344.28, p < .001; χ2/gl = 2.61; GFI = .93; AGFI = .92; CFI = .87; NNFI = .81; SRMR = .084; RMSEA = .05, 95% CI [0.045, 0.059], p = .293). As análises exploratórias posteriores sugerem a possibilidade de melhoria dos índices de validade e de fiabilidade da escala total e da sub-escala Caring, com a retirada de itens específicos. Conclusão: Não obstante as fragilidades encontradas no que concerne à fiabilidade e validade da PPOS-P para uma amostra de estudantes portugueses de Medicina, este estudo representa um contributo científico para a adaptação da escala, que pode ser considerada para efeitos de avaliação de atitudes de centração no paciente nos contextos da educação médica e da investigação.
ABSTRACT - Objective: The purpose of this study was to contribute to the European Portuguese adaptation of the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). Method: A sample of 593 medical students participated in the study. After permission from the original author, the translation procedures required to ensure translation of the PPOS to European Portuguese were performed. Construct validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability (internal consistency) were assessed. Results: The final version confirmed the original structures of two factors, explaining 31.54% of total variance; Caring (19.56%) and Sharing (11.98%). Items 2 and 4 showed inconsistencies with the factors defined earlier in the original version of the instrument, items 9 and 17 obtained a factorial load less than .3, and the item 3 achieved a difference of less than .1 between factorial charges for the two domains. The internal consistency of PPOS-P scales was adequate (Cronbach’s alpha of .65, .50 and .56 for total scale, and subscales Caring and Sharing, respectively). Confirmatory factor analysis provided an acceptable adjustment for the observed variables (χ2(132, N = 593) = 344.28, p < .001; χ2/gl = 2.61; GFI = .93; AGFI = .92; CFI = .87; NNFI = .81; SRMR = .084; RMSEA = .05, 95% CI [0.045, 0.059], p = .293). Subsequent exploratory analyzes suggest the potential for improving the levels of validity and reliability of the total scale and Caring subscale, with the removal of specific items. Conclusion: Although the fragilities identified in the validity and reliability of the PPOS-P in a sample of Portuguese medical students, this work can represent an important and useful contribution to further investigations that might consider this instrument as a measure of student’s changes of patient-centeredness attitudes.
ABSTRACT - Objective: The purpose of this study was to contribute to the European Portuguese adaptation of the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). Method: A sample of 593 medical students participated in the study. After permission from the original author, the translation procedures required to ensure translation of the PPOS to European Portuguese were performed. Construct validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability (internal consistency) were assessed. Results: The final version confirmed the original structures of two factors, explaining 31.54% of total variance; Caring (19.56%) and Sharing (11.98%). Items 2 and 4 showed inconsistencies with the factors defined earlier in the original version of the instrument, items 9 and 17 obtained a factorial load less than .3, and the item 3 achieved a difference of less than .1 between factorial charges for the two domains. The internal consistency of PPOS-P scales was adequate (Cronbach’s alpha of .65, .50 and .56 for total scale, and subscales Caring and Sharing, respectively). Confirmatory factor analysis provided an acceptable adjustment for the observed variables (χ2(132, N = 593) = 344.28, p < .001; χ2/gl = 2.61; GFI = .93; AGFI = .92; CFI = .87; NNFI = .81; SRMR = .084; RMSEA = .05, 95% CI [0.045, 0.059], p = .293). Subsequent exploratory analyzes suggest the potential for improving the levels of validity and reliability of the total scale and Caring subscale, with the removal of specific items. Conclusion: Although the fragilities identified in the validity and reliability of the PPOS-P in a sample of Portuguese medical students, this work can represent an important and useful contribution to further investigations that might consider this instrument as a measure of student’s changes of patient-centeredness attitudes.
Centração no paciente Patient-centeredness Cuidar Caring Partilhar Sharing PPOS Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale Adaptação Adaptation Profissional de saúde Health professional
Grilo AM, Rita JS, Carolino E, Gomes AI, Santos M. Patient-centeredness: contribution to the adaptation of the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). Psychol Comm Health. 2017;6(1):170-85.