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O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação teve como objetivo estudar a química de coordenação do samário(II) com um ligando dianiónico bis(fenolato) dimetil ciclama e estudar a reatividade do complexo de Sm(II) isolado em reações de transferência eletrónica.
No Capítulo I foram apresentadas algumas propriedades dos lantanídeos e em particulardo samário. Foi também apresentado um estudo de revisão de compostos de Sm(II) do tipo SmL2 ou SmL, em que L é um ligando monoaniónico ou dianiónico, respetivamente, e a sua reatividade em reações de transferência eletrónica com os substratos estudados nesta tese.
Foram também apresentados os objetivos do trabalho.
No Capítulo II descreveu-se a síntese e caracterização do complexo de Sm(II) [Sm{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}] (3) ({(tBu2ArO)Me2-cyclam} = 4,11-dimetil-1,4,8,11-tetraazaciclotetradecano-1,8-bis(metileno)-bis(2,4-di-t-butilfenolato), abreviado bis(fenolato) ciclama) e o seu comportamento em solução. Descreveu-se ainda os estudos de reatividade com os oxidantes tetrafenil borato de tálio (TlBPh4), óxido de piridina, bipiridinas e azobenzeno, que permitiu isolar e caracterizar os complexos [Sm(6-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam})][BPh4] (4), [(Sm(5-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}))2(µ-O)] (6), [Sm(4-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam})(bipy)] (7), [Sm(4-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam})(Me2-bipy)] (8) e [Sm(5-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam})(2-N2Ph2)] (9), respetivamente. Também foi descrito o estudo da reação do complexo de samário divalente [Sm{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}] com 0,5 equivalentes de I2.
Embora a sua estrutura molecular não tenha sido determinada, a caraterização realizada pareceu indicar que se formou uma espécie de fórmula [Sm{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}I] (5). Contudo, a natureza neutra ou iónica destecomplexo permanece ainda por esclarecer.
Por último, no Capítulo III descreveu-se os procedimentos experimentais utlizados na preparação dos solventes e dos reagentes, assim como os procedimentos experimentais que estiveram envolvidos na síntese e na caracterização dos complexos de samário descritos nesta dissertação. Neste capítulo foram também apresentados os dados cristalográficos das estruturas moleculares determinadas.
Abstract: The aim of this work was to study the coordination chemistry of samarium (II) with a dianionic ligand bis(phenolate) dimethyl cyclam and to study the reactivity of the isolated Sm(II) complex in electron transfer reactions. In Chapter I some properties of lanthanides and samarium are pr esented. It is also presented an overview of the coordination chemistry of divalent samarium(II), specially with type of ligands that led to the formation of SmL2 or SmL type complexes, where L is a monoanionic or dianionic ligand, respectively, and their reactivity in electron transfer reactions with substrates investigated in this thesis. The scope of this work is also presented in chapter I. In Chapter II it is described the synthesis and characterization of the Sm(II) complex [Sm{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}] and its solution behavior. It is also described the reactivity of the bis(fenolate) cyclam complex with the oxidant substrates TlBPh4, pyridine oxide, bipyridines and azobenzene that allowed to isolate and characterize the Sm(III) complexes Sm(6-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam})][BPh4], [(Sm(5-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}))2(µ-O)], [Sm(4-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}(bipy)], [Sm(4-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}(Me2-bipy)] and [Sm(5-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam})(2-N2Ph2)], respectively. It is also described the reaction of the divalent samarium complex [Sm{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}] with 0,5 equivalents of I2. Despite the molecular structure has not been determined, the characterization performed seems to indicate that a species of the formula [Sm{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}I] was formed, however in neutral or ionic nature remains unclear. Finally, in Chapter III it is described the experimental procedures used for the preparation and purification of solvents and reagents, as well the procedures involved in the synthesis and characterization of all samarium complexes reported in this thesis. This chapter also includes crystallographic data for the complexes that were structurally characterized.
Abstract: The aim of this work was to study the coordination chemistry of samarium (II) with a dianionic ligand bis(phenolate) dimethyl cyclam and to study the reactivity of the isolated Sm(II) complex in electron transfer reactions. In Chapter I some properties of lanthanides and samarium are pr esented. It is also presented an overview of the coordination chemistry of divalent samarium(II), specially with type of ligands that led to the formation of SmL2 or SmL type complexes, where L is a monoanionic or dianionic ligand, respectively, and their reactivity in electron transfer reactions with substrates investigated in this thesis. The scope of this work is also presented in chapter I. In Chapter II it is described the synthesis and characterization of the Sm(II) complex [Sm{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}] and its solution behavior. It is also described the reactivity of the bis(fenolate) cyclam complex with the oxidant substrates TlBPh4, pyridine oxide, bipyridines and azobenzene that allowed to isolate and characterize the Sm(III) complexes Sm(6-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam})][BPh4], [(Sm(5-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}))2(µ-O)], [Sm(4-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}(bipy)], [Sm(4-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}(Me2-bipy)] and [Sm(5-{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam})(2-N2Ph2)], respectively. It is also described the reaction of the divalent samarium complex [Sm{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}] with 0,5 equivalents of I2. Despite the molecular structure has not been determined, the characterization performed seems to indicate that a species of the formula [Sm{(tBu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}I] was formed, however in neutral or ionic nature remains unclear. Finally, in Chapter III it is described the experimental procedures used for the preparation and purification of solvents and reagents, as well the procedures involved in the synthesis and characterization of all samarium complexes reported in this thesis. This chapter also includes crystallographic data for the complexes that were structurally characterized.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica - Ramo de Bioprocessos
Bis(fenolato) ciclama Bis(phenolate) cyclam Samário(II) Samarium(II) Reações de transferência eletrónica Electron transfer reactions
SOARES, Marina Pedro - Preparação e análise estrutural de complexos de samário. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 2014. Dissertação de mestrado.
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa