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A presente pesquisa parte de uma experiência na dança e consiste numa reflexão sobre essa área feita através da análise do filme de um dueto dançado — "ABCDEFG" (1994) do coreógrafo, bailarino e director Russell Dumas. O filme em estudo é pensado aqui como um projecto de corporalidade autónomo. A questão — Que pode um corpo fazer ? — orienta uma exposição sobre particularidades presentes na obra de Russell Dumas determinantes para a realização do filme em causa, a saber, a do trabalho do bailarino; a da interacção dos bailarinos e dos bailarinos com o coreógrafo; e a da relação entre o dueto desempenhado e a realização do filme. Tal exposição tem como objectivo a construção de uma análise sobre a especificidade própria da relação que o observador pode estabelecer com o objecto/acontecimento "ABCDEFG" (1994). O estudo centra-se numa discussão sobre o corpo, as sensações e a criação de imagens; incidindo sobre: o movimento, a relação, o desequilíbrio, o actual e virtual, a mutação, o gesto, a expressão, o intercorporal e intersubjectivo, a extensão, o excesso, o afecto e o espaço engendrado pelos corpos; captando, assim, diferentes elementos que (in)formam, povoam e conservam o filme. Na reflexão aqui apresentada pretende-se detectar zonas de indeterminação e indiscernabilidade que permitem, no fluxo de inferências de cada percepção, situarmo-nos num território de experimentação da permanente, relacional e plástica reconstrução do espaço topológico do corpo.
Abstract - The present research stems from an experience in dance, and consists of a reflection on that field made through the analysis of a film concerning a danced duet — “ABCDEFG” (1994), directed by the choreographer and dancer Russell Dumas. The film under study is viewed here as a project of autonomous corporality. The question — What can a body do? — leads us to an explanation of the peculiarities which are present in the works of Russell Dumas and which are decisive to the production of the film under analysis; namely that of the dancers’ performance, that of the interaction between both dancers as well as between them and the choreographer and that of the relationship between the performed duet and the making of the film. This explanation has as its purpose a study of the intrinsic specificity of the relationship that the observer may establish with the object/event “ABCDEFG” (1994). This study is centered upon a questioning of the body, the sensations and the creation of images, through an approach to: movement, relation, imbalance, actual and virtual, mutation, gesture, expression, intercorporeal and intersubjective, extension, excess, affect and the space engendered by the bodies and, consequently, the crossing of different elements which (in)form, populate and support this film. The purpose of the reflection presented here is to detect zones of indeterminacy and indiscernability, allowing, in the flux of interferences in each perception, to situate ourselves in a territory of experimentation of the relational, plastic and continuous reconstruction of the topological space of the body.
Abstract - The present research stems from an experience in dance, and consists of a reflection on that field made through the analysis of a film concerning a danced duet — “ABCDEFG” (1994), directed by the choreographer and dancer Russell Dumas. The film under study is viewed here as a project of autonomous corporality. The question — What can a body do? — leads us to an explanation of the peculiarities which are present in the works of Russell Dumas and which are decisive to the production of the film under analysis; namely that of the dancers’ performance, that of the interaction between both dancers as well as between them and the choreographer and that of the relationship between the performed duet and the making of the film. This explanation has as its purpose a study of the intrinsic specificity of the relationship that the observer may establish with the object/event “ABCDEFG” (1994). This study is centered upon a questioning of the body, the sensations and the creation of images, through an approach to: movement, relation, imbalance, actual and virtual, mutation, gesture, expression, intercorporeal and intersubjective, extension, excess, affect and the space engendered by the bodies and, consequently, the crossing of different elements which (in)form, populate and support this film. The purpose of the reflection presented here is to detect zones of indeterminacy and indiscernability, allowing, in the flux of interferences in each perception, to situate ourselves in a territory of experimentation of the relational, plastic and continuous reconstruction of the topological space of the body.
Mestrado em Estética
Dança Russell Dumas
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Departamento de Filosofia