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A indústria de entretenimento encontra-se numa mudança efetiva na criação, no
consumo e na distribuição de conteúdos audiovisuais motivada por fatores sociais,
culturais, económicos e financeiros. O mecanismo de Transmedia Storytelling,
através da sua capacidade de aliar um universo narrativo a diversos meios,
transformando os meios tradicionais e ampliando a experiência de entretenimento, é
indicativo das mudanças e transformações que estão a ocorrer nos mercados e nos
consumidores. Torna-se assim imprescindível perceber de que forma a criação de
conteúdos audiovisuais está a ser afetada por este processo criativo. Desta forma, o
objetivo geral da presente dissertação é compreender como se constrói, a nível
conceptual e técnico, um universo narrativo audiovisual através do mecanismo de
transmedia storytelling. Através de uma lógica dedutiva e de um posicionamento
epistemológico interpretativista foi concretizado um estudo de caso qualitativo
sobre o projeto transmedia Collider, produzido em contexto europeu pela produtora
independente beActive. Este estudo foi efetuado com recurso a duas entrevistas de
questionário estruturado de pergunta aberta e de uma entrevista em profundidade
através de um questionário semiestruturado de pergunta aberta, realizadas segundo
uma amostra não probabilística, criteriosa, composta pelos três principais
intervenientes do projeto Collider. As principais conclusões obtidas demonstram
que a narrativa é central para o desenvolvimento de conteúdos transmedia, estando
esta articulada com a escolha e distribuição das plataformas que compõem o
universo criado. Verifica-se também que o consumidor tem um papel centralizado,
sendo um veículo imprescindível para a expansão e promoção do universo
narrativo. A presente dissertação apontou que o transmedia storytelling é uma
alternativa à forma atual de produzir conteúdos audiovisuais, embora se tenha
demonstrado que este dificilmente será um modelo padrão para a produção de
conteúdos audiovisuais. Concluiu-se ainda que o mecanismo de transmedia
storytelling é demonstrativo das transformações da indústria e do consumidor,
sendo representativo da cultura convergente e participativa.
ABSTRACT: The entertainment industry is in an effective revolution in creation, consumption and distribution of audiovisual contents motivated by social, cultural, economic and financial factors. The mechanism of Transmedia Storytelling has the capacity to ally a narrative universe to different platforms, altering traditional media and amplifying the entertainment experience, revealing the shifts and changes that are occurring in the markets and in the consumers. It is therefore imperative to understand in which way this creative process is affecting the creation of audiovisual contents. Thus, the general objective of the present dissertation is to comprehend, in a conceptual and technical way, how to make a narrative universe through the mechanism of transmedia storytelling. Through a deductive logic and an interpretative epistemological positioning, it was developed a case study about the transmedia project Collider, produced in a European context by the independent company beActive. This case study was conducted with the resort of two structured interviews and one semi-structured interview made by a non-probability and criterious sample, composed by the three main players in Collider project. The main drawn conclusions reveal that the narrative is central to the development of transmedia contents, which is articulated with the choice and distribution of the platforms that compose the created universe. It was also observed that the consumer is a centralized figure, being an indispensible mean for the expansion and promotion of the narrative universe. The present dissertation has shown that transmedia storytelling is a viable alternative to the current way of producing audiovisual contents, although it has been demonstrated that this mechanism will hardly become the pattern for producing audiovisual products. This dissertation further concludes that the mechanism of transmedia storytelling is demonstrative of the transformations of the industry and the consumer, being representative of the convergent and participatory culture.
ABSTRACT: The entertainment industry is in an effective revolution in creation, consumption and distribution of audiovisual contents motivated by social, cultural, economic and financial factors. The mechanism of Transmedia Storytelling has the capacity to ally a narrative universe to different platforms, altering traditional media and amplifying the entertainment experience, revealing the shifts and changes that are occurring in the markets and in the consumers. It is therefore imperative to understand in which way this creative process is affecting the creation of audiovisual contents. Thus, the general objective of the present dissertation is to comprehend, in a conceptual and technical way, how to make a narrative universe through the mechanism of transmedia storytelling. Through a deductive logic and an interpretative epistemological positioning, it was developed a case study about the transmedia project Collider, produced in a European context by the independent company beActive. This case study was conducted with the resort of two structured interviews and one semi-structured interview made by a non-probability and criterious sample, composed by the three main players in Collider project. The main drawn conclusions reveal that the narrative is central to the development of transmedia contents, which is articulated with the choice and distribution of the platforms that compose the created universe. It was also observed that the consumer is a centralized figure, being an indispensible mean for the expansion and promotion of the narrative universe. The present dissertation has shown that transmedia storytelling is a viable alternative to the current way of producing audiovisual contents, although it has been demonstrated that this mechanism will hardly become the pattern for producing audiovisual products. This dissertation further concludes that the mechanism of transmedia storytelling is demonstrative of the transformations of the industry and the consumer, being representative of the convergent and participatory culture.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Audiovisual e multimedia Cultura convergente Convergência dos media Produção audiovisual Cultura de participação Narrativa audiovisual Processo criativo Collider Transmedia storytelling Audiovisual and multimedia Convergence culture Media convergence Audiovisual production Participatory culture Audiovisual narrative Creative process
MOITA, Sara Marques - Transmedia storytelling e a construção de um universo participativo: estudo de caso do projeto “collider”. Lisboa: Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, 2016. Dissertação de mestrado.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social