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A presente investigação problematiza a natureza da relação que se estabelece entre as organizações culturais e os seus públicos e verifica se as especificidades das organizações que pertencem à Rede Nacional de Teatros e Cineteatros favorecem a interacção no seio da esfera pública, atendendo a que o indivíduo só adquire consciência de si quando se coloca no lugar do outro simbolicamente generalizado, isto é, quando se situa num contexto estruturado pela comunicação.
Partindo de uma teoria da comunicação que pressupõe a existência de indivíduos capazes de fala e de acção e que coordenam, na e pela linguagem, as suas acções não de forma isolada, mas por expectativas de comportamento intersubjectivamente válidas, a prática das organizações culturais tem de ser organizada de forma participativa, o que quer dizer que a relação organização/públicos não pode ser de carácter instrumental, mas dialógica, baseada na intersubjectividade do mútuo entendimento estabelecido linguisticamente.
A pesquisa recua à constituição da esfera pública literária no século XVIII e ao papel que a família deteve na partilha pública de raciocínios críticos, para perspectivar a prática que se constitui como a referência ideal do uso público e crítico da razão, em que a partir de razões invocadas e da força do melhor argumento, o indivíduo é livre de fazer a sua escolha tendo em vista o entendimento.
O novo pensamento crítico, protagonizado entre outros por Jürgen Habermas, é profundamente céptico em relação à ideia de que o espaço público das sociedades pós-liberais se tenha esvaziado por completo das suas tradicionais funções críticas e emancipatórias. O contributo de Habermas vai no sentido de redescobrir as propriedades curativas do diálogo, na medida em que todas as formas de comunicação humana, mesmo sob a disseminação das massas, são essencialmente relações entre indivíduos que derivam da estrutura elementar que é o diálogo, da partilha de expectativas de comportamento intersubjectivamente válidas.
Mesmo em sociedades como a nossa, em que nem todos são livres de participar e em que nem tudo é passível de ser discutido, mantêm-se resíduos de Mundos de Vida onde os juízos críticos sobrevivem como possibilidade emancipadora e real de resistência e desenvolvimento.
Atendendo às organizações que compõem a Rede, averigua-se, nesta investigação, que tipo de acção pauta a relação entre essas organizações e os seus públicos; se a dinâmica que se desenvolve é marcada essencialmente por acções comunicacionais, ou seja, por acções coordenadas através do mecanismo do entendimento ou por acções estratégicas, apoiadas na influência de uma das partes sobre a outra e em que só os interesses dessa parte são tidos em conta.
A existência de um Serviço Educativo, o tipo de actividades propostas, a presença de um programador/director artístico com autonomia para desempenhar as suas funções são factores que determinam a promoção, por parte da organização, de acções e disputas argumentativas e se o espaço simbólico em que se articulam com os públicos contribui para reflectirem sobre as situações do Mundo da Vida e para a edificação da identidade social.
ABSTRACT: This research questions the nature of relationships established between cultural organizations and their public, and verifies weather the specificities of the organizations, which belong to the National Network of Theatres, promote interaction within the public sphere, given that the individual only acquires self-consciousness when he places himself in the space of the other symbolically generalized, i.e., when acting within a structured context of communication. From a communication theory that proposes the existence of individuals, who are capable of speech and action and who coordinate their actions, in and through language, not in an isolated manner, but rather by expectations of behavior intersubjectivily valid, the practice of cultural organizations must be organized in a participatory manner, which means that the relationship between organization and public should not be instrumental, but dialogic and based on the intersubjectivity of mutual understandings established by language. The research refers back to the establishment of the literary public sphere in the eighteenth century and the role that the family held in the public sharing of critical thought in order to have a wider perspective of the practice that has been developed as the ideal reference of the public and critical usage of reason. Thus, based on stated reasons and the power of the best argument, the individual is free to make his choice in order to achieve understanding. The new critical thought, supported by Jürgen Habermas and others, is deeply skeptical towards the idea that the public sphere of post-liberalism societies has been completely emptied of its traditional critical and emancipating functions. The contribution of Habermas aims at rediscovering the healing properties of dialogue, in that all forms of human communication, even in the masses’ output, are essentially relationships between individuals that derive from the basic structure of dialogue, from sharing expectations of intersubjectivily valid behavior. Even in societies like ours, where not all of us are free to participate and not everything may be discussed, there are Life Worlds where the critical judgments survive as a real and emancipating possibility of resistance and development. Given the organizations that belong to the network, in this study we analyze what kind of action embraces the relationship between these organizations and their public; if the dynamic that develops is characterized mainly by communicational actions, namely, actions coordinated by the mechanism of understanding or by strategic actions, actions supported by the influence of one party over another and where only the interests of that party are taken into account. The existence of an Educational Service, the type of the activities proposed, the presence of a programmer/director with autonomy to perform his role are all factors that determine the promotion of argumentative actions and disputes and question if the symbolic space in which organizations and publics are linked contributes or not to the understanding of situations that engage in the Life World whilst reflecting itself in social identity construction.
ABSTRACT: This research questions the nature of relationships established between cultural organizations and their public, and verifies weather the specificities of the organizations, which belong to the National Network of Theatres, promote interaction within the public sphere, given that the individual only acquires self-consciousness when he places himself in the space of the other symbolically generalized, i.e., when acting within a structured context of communication. From a communication theory that proposes the existence of individuals, who are capable of speech and action and who coordinate their actions, in and through language, not in an isolated manner, but rather by expectations of behavior intersubjectivily valid, the practice of cultural organizations must be organized in a participatory manner, which means that the relationship between organization and public should not be instrumental, but dialogic and based on the intersubjectivity of mutual understandings established by language. The research refers back to the establishment of the literary public sphere in the eighteenth century and the role that the family held in the public sharing of critical thought in order to have a wider perspective of the practice that has been developed as the ideal reference of the public and critical usage of reason. Thus, based on stated reasons and the power of the best argument, the individual is free to make his choice in order to achieve understanding. The new critical thought, supported by Jürgen Habermas and others, is deeply skeptical towards the idea that the public sphere of post-liberalism societies has been completely emptied of its traditional critical and emancipating functions. The contribution of Habermas aims at rediscovering the healing properties of dialogue, in that all forms of human communication, even in the masses’ output, are essentially relationships between individuals that derive from the basic structure of dialogue, from sharing expectations of intersubjectivily valid behavior. Even in societies like ours, where not all of us are free to participate and not everything may be discussed, there are Life Worlds where the critical judgments survive as a real and emancipating possibility of resistance and development. Given the organizations that belong to the network, in this study we analyze what kind of action embraces the relationship between these organizations and their public; if the dynamic that develops is characterized mainly by communicational actions, namely, actions coordinated by the mechanism of understanding or by strategic actions, actions supported by the influence of one party over another and where only the interests of that party are taken into account. The existence of an Educational Service, the type of the activities proposed, the presence of a programmer/director with autonomy to perform his role are all factors that determine the promotion of argumentative actions and disputes and question if the symbolic space in which organizations and publics are linked contributes or not to the understanding of situations that engage in the Life World whilst reflecting itself in social identity construction.
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação
Esfera pública cultural Intersubjetividade Comunicação Ação comunicacional Público Redes culturais Cultural public sphere Intersubjectivity Communication Communicational action Public Cultural networks
CENTENO, Maria João - As organizações culturais e o espaço público: a experiência da Rede Nacional de Teatros e Cineteatros. Lisboa: Universidade Nova, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2010. Tese de Doutoramento.
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa