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Empresas do setor alimentar necessitam estar em constante inovação em relação aos seus produtos seja por motivos de tendência de mercado ou até mesmo em função de oferecer alimentos ou bebidas mais saudáveis que precisem cumprir determinados requisitos, como exemplo pode-se citar a redução do teor de açúcar ou de sal nos produtos alimentares. É neste sentido que a análise sensorial pode ser utilizada como uma ferramenta estratégica, pois é por meio desta que se pode traçar o perfil sensorial, ou seja, fornecer todas as características sensoriais do produto, que sejam interessantes estudar para aprimorar. Este projeto nasceu com o intuito de se estabelecer um painel de provadores na sede da empresa Sumol+Compal, e a partir deste painel ser possível avaliar alguns produtos em relação à redução de açúcar, de maneira a quantificar o impacto dessa redução entre as amostras estudadas. Para realizar este estudo, a metodologia adotada foi a Análise Descritiva Quantitativa. Para cumprir este objetivo, o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi dividido em diversas etapas, sendo as principais definidas de: Pré-seleção; Triagem e Treino; Escolha final de avaliadores (formação do painel sensorial); e Testes de Intensidade de Atributos. Cada etapa foi implementada de acordo com as normas ISO. Os testes finais, nomeadamente Testes de Intensidade de Atributos, após realizados e seus resultados compilados, foram avaliados por meio de Análise de Variância (ANOVA), seguido de Teste de Tukey. Neste sentido, foi estabelecido o painel sensorial, bem como a análise sensorial foi realizada no produto de interesse da empresa, onde foi possível traçar seu perfil sensorial e fazer comparações entre diferentes formulações de produto.
Food industries need to be in constant innovation in relation to their products, either for reasons of market trends or even in order to offer healthier foods or drinks that need to meet certain requirements, as an example to mention is the reduction of the sugar or salt content in food products. In this way, sensory analysis can be used as a strategic tool, because it is through this that the sensory profile can be traced, that is, provide all the sensory characteristics of the product, which are interesting to study in order to improve. This project was born in order to establish a panel of tasters at the head office of the company Sumol+Compal, and from this panel it could be possible to evaluate some products in relation to sugar reduction, in order to quantify the impact of that reduction between the samples studied. To carry out this study, the methodology adopted was the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis. To achieve this goal, the development of this work was divided into several stages, the main ones being defined as: Pre-selection; Screening and Training; Final choice of evaluators (formation of the sensory panel); and Attribute Intensity Tests. Each step was implemented according to ISO standards. The final tests, namely Attribute Intensity Tests, after performed and their results compiled, were evaluated using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey's Test. In this sense, the sensorial panel was established, as well as the sensorial analysis was carried out on the product of interest to the company, where it was possible to trace the sensorial profile and make comparisons between different product formulations.
Food industries need to be in constant innovation in relation to their products, either for reasons of market trends or even in order to offer healthier foods or drinks that need to meet certain requirements, as an example to mention is the reduction of the sugar or salt content in food products. In this way, sensory analysis can be used as a strategic tool, because it is through this that the sensory profile can be traced, that is, provide all the sensory characteristics of the product, which are interesting to study in order to improve. This project was born in order to establish a panel of tasters at the head office of the company Sumol+Compal, and from this panel it could be possible to evaluate some products in relation to sugar reduction, in order to quantify the impact of that reduction between the samples studied. To carry out this study, the methodology adopted was the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis. To achieve this goal, the development of this work was divided into several stages, the main ones being defined as: Pre-selection; Screening and Training; Final choice of evaluators (formation of the sensory panel); and Attribute Intensity Tests. Each step was implemented according to ISO standards. The final tests, namely Attribute Intensity Tests, after performed and their results compiled, were evaluated using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey's Test. In this sense, the sensorial panel was established, as well as the sensorial analysis was carried out on the product of interest to the company, where it was possible to trace the sensorial profile and make comparisons between different product formulations.
Trabalho final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia da Qualidade e Ambiente
Análise sensorial Painel de provadores Perfil sensorial Análise descritiva quantitativa ANOVA Sensory analysis Panel of tasters Sensory profile Quantitative descriptive analysis ANOVA
COSTA, Andreia Cristina Pires da - Análise descritiva quantitativa para avaliação da qualidade sensorial de néctares e refrigerantes. Lisboa: Instituto Português da Qualidade, 2022. Dissertação de Mestrado