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Este documento foi elaborado no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Dança,
sendo um relatório do estágio desenvolvido na Academia de Dança Contemporânea de
O estudo realizou-se na área da Técnica de Dança Clássica, tendo como
principal objetivo desenvolver no aluno capacidades para a execução de um correto
trabalho em pontas. A amostra foi constituída por alunos do Intermédio 3, e de alguns
alunos do Avançado 1 que frequentavam o Curso Secundário de Dança em Regime
Trata-se de uma investigação-ação na qual estiveram presentes: análises
documentais, onde nos foi permitido realizar uma revisão da literatura específica sobre
a temática de trabalho de pontas, processo fundamental no enquadramento teórico, e
onde podemos compreender as determinantes inerentes ao assunto em estudo;
questionários, com propósito orientador do processo ensino-aprendizagem; tabelas de
observação sistemática, para melhor avaliar os alunos qualitativamente de forma a
permitir adequar com êxito a abordagem técnica específica; diário de bordo, como
forma de acompanhamento de estudo e respetiva reflexão, incitando ao
desenvolvimento de uma ajustada prática pedagógica; planificação de aulas,
permitindo a concretização de uma estratégia a aplicar durante a lecionação efetiva de
Após análise e reflexão do estudo, foi possível concluir que o enriquecimento
ao nível das competências teóricas e práticas é de extrema importância na aplicação de
um trabalho consciente na área da dança clássica, mais precisamente aquando a
aplicação da técnica de pontas.
ABSTRACT - This document was prepared as a report of an internship carried out at the Academia de Dança Contemporânea de Setúbal within the scope of the Master’s degree in Dance Education. The study took place in the field of Classical Dance Technique and the main aim was to develop student’s capabilities in correctly performing pointe work. The sample consisted of students from the Intermediate 3 group and some of the Advanced 1 students who were attending the Secondary Dance Course in an Intensive Regime. It is a research-action in which there was: documentary analysis, where we were allowed to conduct a review of the literature on the subject of pointe work, fundamental process in the theoretical framework, and where we can understand the inherent determinants of the subject being studied; questionnaires, with the guiding purpose of the teaching-learning process; systematic observation tables to better assess the students qualitatively in order to enable successful adaptation of the specific technical approach; logbook, as a way of following the study and respective reflection, urging the development of a set pedagogical practice; lesson planning, allowing the implementation of a strategy to apply during the actual teaching of classes. Upon review and reflection of the study it was concluded that the enrichment level of theoretical and practical skills is of utmost importance in employing cognizant work in the field of classical dance, more precisely in the adhibition of pointe technique.
ABSTRACT - This document was prepared as a report of an internship carried out at the Academia de Dança Contemporânea de Setúbal within the scope of the Master’s degree in Dance Education. The study took place in the field of Classical Dance Technique and the main aim was to develop student’s capabilities in correctly performing pointe work. The sample consisted of students from the Intermediate 3 group and some of the Advanced 1 students who were attending the Secondary Dance Course in an Intensive Regime. It is a research-action in which there was: documentary analysis, where we were allowed to conduct a review of the literature on the subject of pointe work, fundamental process in the theoretical framework, and where we can understand the inherent determinants of the subject being studied; questionnaires, with the guiding purpose of the teaching-learning process; systematic observation tables to better assess the students qualitatively in order to enable successful adaptation of the specific technical approach; logbook, as a way of following the study and respective reflection, urging the development of a set pedagogical practice; lesson planning, allowing the implementation of a strategy to apply during the actual teaching of classes. Upon review and reflection of the study it was concluded that the enrichment level of theoretical and practical skills is of utmost importance in employing cognizant work in the field of classical dance, more precisely in the adhibition of pointe technique.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Técnica de pontas Dança clássica Pointe technique Classical dance