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Esta investigaรงรฃo pretende caracterizar o desempenho dos alunos internos do 12ยบ ano de 2000 a 2005. A diferenciaรงรฃo deste por regiรตes e por disciplina, a identificaรงรฃo de classes de escolas pรบblicas de sucesso e sua diferenciaรงรฃo, bem como a comparaรงรฃo destas por distritos, constituรญram os objectivos propostos para este trabalho. O estudo incluiu todos os registos dos alunos que nos anos em anรกlise estiveram em condiรงรตes de realizar exames nacionais, 1 768 233 registos. Para o efeito constitui-se uma base de dados capaz de incorporar informaรงรฃo relativa a cada registo e que permitiu a organizaรงรฃo, sistematizaรงรฃo e posteriormente a realizaรงรฃo deste estudo. Alguns dos campos considerados foram as classificaรงรตes interna e externa, o ano de realizaรงรฃo da prova de exame, a disciplina dessa prova, a escola onde foi efectuada, o distrito correspondente, o subsistema de ensino, o tipo de curso, entre outros indicadores. A metodologia de investigaรงรฃo utilizada รฉ de natureza quantitativa aplicada de forma longitudinal, integrando a definiรงรฃo operacional de escola de sucesso e as variรกveis: classificaรงรตes interna final e em exame. As tรฉcnicas de anรกlise aplicadas a nรญvel nacional e regional pretendem atender ร especificidade dos diversos contextos sociais e ร heterogeneidade da realidade portuguesa. Independentemente da anรกlise global ou da anรกlise efectuada nas diferentes dimensรตes, as principais conclusรตes permitiram verificar que os alunos apresentaram melhores desempenhos nas avaliaรงรตes efectuadas nas suas escolas do que nas avaliaรงรตes externas. Estes apresentaram tendรชncias estรกveis ao longo dos seis anos, no binรณmio disciplina-regiรฃo, no entanto diferentes entre si. Nas divergรชncias de desempenho constatou-se influรชncia dos distritos de onde sรฃo provenientes os alunos bem como da disciplina a que realizaram exame.
This investigation aims to characterize the performance of the internal students of the 12th school degree, in the period between the years of 2000 and 2005. The results from this investigation should provide a greater understanding of the differentiation of this performance according to regions and disciplines, the identification of public school ranks of success and its differentiation, as well as the comparison results by districts. This study includes all the registers of the students who in the years in analysis had been in conditions to carry through national examinations, 1 768 233 registers. In order to allow the organization, systematization and later the accomplishment of this study, a database was created, capable of merging information from each register. Some of the fields considered the internal and external evaluations, the year of accomplishment of the test of examination, as well as the discipline and school where it took place, the corresponding district, the education subsystem, the type of course, among others. The methodology adopted is of quantitative nature applied in a longitudinal way, integrating the operational definition of success school and its variables: internal final and exam evaluations. The techniques of analysis applied include national and regional levels and comprehend the specific cases of the different social contexts and the heterogeneity of the Portuguese reality. The main conclusions for both global analysis or separated analysis through the different areas, show that the students had developed better performances in their own schools than in external ones. They presented steady trends throughout the six years, in the binomial discipline-region, however different between itself. In the performance divergences, influence of the districts where the students were from was evidenced, as well as the discipline of the exam.
Cette recherche ร pour but de caractรฉriser la performance des รฉlรจves internes de Terminale entre 2000 et 2005. Pour ce faire, nous avons รฉtablit comme objectifs, la distinction par rรฉgions et par matiรจre, lโidentification et le classement des รฉcoles publiques de succรจs, ainsi que leur comparaison par districts. Cette รฉtude inclut, par ailleurs, 1 768 233 registres, soit toutes les inscriptions des รฉlรจves qui, au cours de cette pรฉriode, รฉtaient en condition de rรฉaliser les examens nationaux. Ainsi, nous avons crรฉรฉ une base de donnรฉes capable dโincorporer lโinformation concernant chaque inscription, permettant lโorganisation, la systรฉmatisation et, plus tard, la rรฉalisation de lโรฉtude. Les critรจres utilisรฉs afin dยดรฉlaborer cette classification sont entre autres: interne, externe, lโannรฉe de rรฉalisation de lโรฉpreuve, la matiรจre en question, lโรฉcole, le district, le sous-systรจme dโenseignement et le cursus. La mรฉthode de recherche employรฉe est de nature quantitative, appliquรฉe de faรงon longitudinale et intรฉgrant ร la fois la dรฉfinition opรฉrationnelle de lโรฉcole ainsi que les variables suivantes: la classement interne final et celui obtenu ร lโexamen. Les techniques dโanalyse appliquรฉes au niveau national et rรฉgional prรฉtendent prendre en considรฉration la spรฉcificitรฉ des divers contextes sociaux et lโhรฉtรฉrogรฉnรฉitรฉ de la rรฉalitรฉ portugaise. Indรฉpendamment de lโanalyse globale ou de lโanalyse effectuรฉe dans les diffรฉrentes dimensions, les principales conclusions ont permis de vรฉrifier que les รฉlรจves prรฉsentent de meilleurs rรฉsultats dans les รฉvaluations effectuรฉes dans leur รฉcole, au contraire de ceux obtenus lors dโรฉvaluations externes. En ce qui concerne le binรดme matiรจre - rรฉgion, ceux-ci ont prรฉsentรฉ des tendances stables cependant diffรฉrentes au long de ces six annรฉes. Concernant les diffรฉrences de performance, on peut constater lโinfluence des districts dโoรน proviennent les รฉlรจves tout comme lโinfluence de la matiรจre de lโexamen.
This investigation aims to characterize the performance of the internal students of the 12th school degree, in the period between the years of 2000 and 2005. The results from this investigation should provide a greater understanding of the differentiation of this performance according to regions and disciplines, the identification of public school ranks of success and its differentiation, as well as the comparison results by districts. This study includes all the registers of the students who in the years in analysis had been in conditions to carry through national examinations, 1 768 233 registers. In order to allow the organization, systematization and later the accomplishment of this study, a database was created, capable of merging information from each register. Some of the fields considered the internal and external evaluations, the year of accomplishment of the test of examination, as well as the discipline and school where it took place, the corresponding district, the education subsystem, the type of course, among others. The methodology adopted is of quantitative nature applied in a longitudinal way, integrating the operational definition of success school and its variables: internal final and exam evaluations. The techniques of analysis applied include national and regional levels and comprehend the specific cases of the different social contexts and the heterogeneity of the Portuguese reality. The main conclusions for both global analysis or separated analysis through the different areas, show that the students had developed better performances in their own schools than in external ones. They presented steady trends throughout the six years, in the binomial discipline-region, however different between itself. In the performance divergences, influence of the districts where the students were from was evidenced, as well as the discipline of the exam.
Cette recherche ร pour but de caractรฉriser la performance des รฉlรจves internes de Terminale entre 2000 et 2005. Pour ce faire, nous avons รฉtablit comme objectifs, la distinction par rรฉgions et par matiรจre, lโidentification et le classement des รฉcoles publiques de succรจs, ainsi que leur comparaison par districts. Cette รฉtude inclut, par ailleurs, 1 768 233 registres, soit toutes les inscriptions des รฉlรจves qui, au cours de cette pรฉriode, รฉtaient en condition de rรฉaliser les examens nationaux. Ainsi, nous avons crรฉรฉ une base de donnรฉes capable dโincorporer lโinformation concernant chaque inscription, permettant lโorganisation, la systรฉmatisation et, plus tard, la rรฉalisation de lโรฉtude. Les critรจres utilisรฉs afin dยดรฉlaborer cette classification sont entre autres: interne, externe, lโannรฉe de rรฉalisation de lโรฉpreuve, la matiรจre en question, lโรฉcole, le district, le sous-systรจme dโenseignement et le cursus. La mรฉthode de recherche employรฉe est de nature quantitative, appliquรฉe de faรงon longitudinale et intรฉgrant ร la fois la dรฉfinition opรฉrationnelle de lโรฉcole ainsi que les variables suivantes: la classement interne final et celui obtenu ร lโexamen. Les techniques dโanalyse appliquรฉes au niveau national et rรฉgional prรฉtendent prendre en considรฉration la spรฉcificitรฉ des divers contextes sociaux et lโhรฉtรฉrogรฉnรฉitรฉ de la rรฉalitรฉ portugaise. Indรฉpendamment de lโanalyse globale ou de lโanalyse effectuรฉe dans les diffรฉrentes dimensions, les principales conclusions ont permis de vรฉrifier que les รฉlรจves prรฉsentent de meilleurs rรฉsultats dans les รฉvaluations effectuรฉes dans leur รฉcole, au contraire de ceux obtenus lors dโรฉvaluations externes. En ce qui concerne le binรดme matiรจre - rรฉgion, ceux-ci ont prรฉsentรฉ des tendances stables cependant diffรฉrentes au long de ces six annรฉes. Concernant les diffรฉrences de performance, on peut constater lโinfluence des districts dโoรน proviennent les รฉlรจves tout comme lโinfluence de la matiรจre de lโexamen.
Tese para a obtenรงรฃo do grau de Doutor em Ciรชncias da Educaรงรฃo, especialidade Matemรกtica
Avaliaรงรฃo Classificaรงรตes Sucesso escolar Anรกlise estatรญstica Modelos de classes latentes Evaluation Grades School success Statistics analysis Models of latent class. รvaluation Classification Rรฉussite scolaire Analyse statistique Modรจles de classes latentes