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Esta dissertação pretende ser uma reflexão acerca da contribuição do Teatro na comunidade e apresentar o Teatro, enquanto arte contentora de muitas outras, e como potencialmente propiciadora do desenvolvimento pessoal da criança e de inserção na sociedade. De salientar que as considerações apresentadas referem-se, primordialmente, à situação em Portugal.
É, hoje consensual, que o Teatro tem um importante papel no fortalecimento da identidade cultural da comunidade.
Pretendo abordar como a prática teatral pode contribuir para revelar as noções de diferença, identidade escolar e conflitos, que num conceito tão vasto como “cultura” podem interferir na prática escolar diária e evidenciar como as experiências de Teatro em comunidade apresentam um potencial, tanto interdisciplinar quanto intercultural. Interdisciplinar, uma vez que traz a necessidade de investigar não somente questões relativas ao fazer teatral, como também as relativas ao conteúdo, sendo abordadas dramaticamente, em especial questões de História, Educação e Ética, que remetem e suscitam as relações interculturais.
Através de recolha de várias linhas de investigação e pesquisa pretendo constatar que todas as artes que estão contidas na arte teatral como a expressão plástica, musical, dramática, a literatura e poesia se constituem por si só individualmente, mas que ao serem leccionadas de uma forma globalizante fornecem os métodos e ferramentas para fortalecer a Educação das crianças e promover uma ponte com o Teatro fora da escola. Esta linha condutora devidamente desenvolvida e apoiada deverá ser um instrumento eficaz para a reinserção comunitária e para o fortalecimento das comunidades na sociedade.
ABSTRACT - This essay intends to be a reflection concerning the contribution of the Theatre into the community, and to present the Theatre, as art possessing of many others, and as potentially propitiatory of the personal development of the child and insertion in the society. To point out, that the presented considerations are mentioned, primordially, to the situation in Portugal. It is, today consensual, that the Theatre has an important paper in the reinforcement of the cultural identity of the community. I intend to approach as the practical teatral can contribute to disclose the slight knowledge of difference, pertaining to school identity and conflicts, that in a so vast concept as “culture” can intervene with the practical daily pertaining to school and evidence as the experiences of theatre in community present a potential, in such a way so interdisciplinary how much intercultural. Interdisciplinary, since it brings the necessity to not only investigate relative questions when making teatral, as well as the relative ones to the content, being boarded dramatically, in special questions of History, Education and Ethics, that send and stimulate the intercultural relations. Through retraction of some lines of inquiry and research, I intend to evidence that all the arts that are contained in the teatral art, such as the plastic, musical, dramatical expression, literature and poetry, are constitute by itself individually, but that when teached on a global form they supply the methods and tools to fortify the education of the children and to promote a bridge with the Theatre that occurs out of school. This conducting line duly developed and supported will have to be an efficient instrument for the communitarian insertion and the reinforcement of the communities in the society.
ABSTRACT - This essay intends to be a reflection concerning the contribution of the Theatre into the community, and to present the Theatre, as art possessing of many others, and as potentially propitiatory of the personal development of the child and insertion in the society. To point out, that the presented considerations are mentioned, primordially, to the situation in Portugal. It is, today consensual, that the Theatre has an important paper in the reinforcement of the cultural identity of the community. I intend to approach as the practical teatral can contribute to disclose the slight knowledge of difference, pertaining to school identity and conflicts, that in a so vast concept as “culture” can intervene with the practical daily pertaining to school and evidence as the experiences of theatre in community present a potential, in such a way so interdisciplinary how much intercultural. Interdisciplinary, since it brings the necessity to not only investigate relative questions when making teatral, as well as the relative ones to the content, being boarded dramatically, in special questions of History, Education and Ethics, that send and stimulate the intercultural relations. Through retraction of some lines of inquiry and research, I intend to evidence that all the arts that are contained in the teatral art, such as the plastic, musical, dramatical expression, literature and poetry, are constitute by itself individually, but that when teached on a global form they supply the methods and tools to fortify the education of the children and to promote a bridge with the Theatre that occurs out of school. This conducting line duly developed and supported will have to be an efficient instrument for the communitarian insertion and the reinforcement of the communities in the society.
Dissertação Científica do Mestrado em Teatro e Comunidade, da Escola
Superior de Teatro e Cinema, como parte dos requisitos necessários para a
obtenção do título de Mestre em Teatro e Comunidade
Teatro Comunidade Multiculturalismo Educação Arte Sociedade Theatre Community Multiculturalism Education Art Society