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Ao longo do tempo temos vindo a observar um grande desenvolvimento tecnológico na aviação, tornando mais próximos todos os pontos do mundo. A eficiência e segurança deste modo de transporte pressupõem um elevado grau de exigência que engloba várias engenharias, incluindo a engenharia civil. Deste modo, surgem vários desafios que carecem do estudo de soluções para manter o bom funcionamento dos diferentes serviços de um aeroporto, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à sua capacidade, um problema que assola várias infraestruturas atualmente. Em Portugal, o problema da falta de capacidade nos aeroportos surge desde os primeiros tempos da aviação comercial, tendo sido realizadas várias intervenções nas infraestruturas, ao longo do tempo como forma de responder ao aumento da procura. No entanto, tudo o que foi implementado não se mostrou suficiente, uma vez que este problema persistiu até hoje. Entre os vários fatores que influenciam a capacidade de um aeroporto, a configuração das placas de estacionamento e dos caminhos de circulação desempenha um papel muito importante na gestão do tráfego. O seu dimensionamento baseia-se em vários critérios e normas, permitindo a elaboração de projetos que visam otimizar esta gestão e consequentemente aumentar o número de movimentos de aeronaves. Assim, este trabalho final de mestrado pretende, para além de apresentar os principais critérios de dimensionamento das placas de estacionamento e dos caminhos de circulação, estudar a relação entre os referidos critérios e o aumento de capacidade das infraestruturas aeroportuárias, concluindo sobre a forma como a configuração destes elementos pode influenciar o aumento dos movimentos de aeronaves, e a eficiência dos aeroportos. O Aeroporto de Beja foi associado à Base Aérea n.º 11, em 2011, inicialmente para apoiar os aeroportos de Lisboa e Faro devido à falta de capacidade dos mesmos. Sendo uma infraestrutura já construída e com muitos potenciais no que diz respeito ao setor da aviação, é importante ser valorizada, situação que motivou a seleção do Aeroporto de Beja como caso de estudo, com o objetivo de serem apresentadas duas propostas que combinem novos caminhos de circulação e o alargamento da placa de estacionamento existente, atendendo a que as características atuais constituem uma limitação à exploração da referida infraestrutura.
Abstract Over time we have observed great technological development in aviation, making all points in the world closer. The efficiency and safety of this mode of transport implies a high level of requirements that encompasses various engineering areas, including civil engineering. In this way, several challenges arise that require the study of solutions to maintain the proper functioning of the different services at an airport, particularly regarding its capacity, a problem that currently affects several infrastructures. In Portugal, the problem of lack of capacity at airports has been present since the early days of commercial aviation, with several infrastructure interventions having been carried out over time as a way of responding to increased demand. However, everything that was implemented did not prove to be enough, as this problem has persisted to this day. Among the various factors that influence an airport's capacity, the configuration of aprons and taxiways plays a very important role in traffic management. Its design is based on various criteria and standards, allowing the development of projects that aim to optimize and consequently increase the number of aircraft movements. Therefore, this final master's thesis aims, in addition to presenting the main criteria for designing aprons and taxiways, to study the relationship between the design criteria and the increase in capacity of airport infrastructures, concluding on how the configuration of these elements can influence the increase in aircraft movements and the efficiency of airports. Beja Airport was associated with Air Base No. 11 in 2011, initially to support Lisbon and Faro airports due to their lack of capacity. As an infrastructure that has already been built and has many potentials with regard to the aviation sector, it is important to be valued, a situation that motivated the selection of Beja Airport as a case study, with the aim of presenting two proposals that combine new taxiways and the widening of the existing apron, considering that the current characteristics constitute a limitation to the operation of said infrastructure.
Abstract Over time we have observed great technological development in aviation, making all points in the world closer. The efficiency and safety of this mode of transport implies a high level of requirements that encompasses various engineering areas, including civil engineering. In this way, several challenges arise that require the study of solutions to maintain the proper functioning of the different services at an airport, particularly regarding its capacity, a problem that currently affects several infrastructures. In Portugal, the problem of lack of capacity at airports has been present since the early days of commercial aviation, with several infrastructure interventions having been carried out over time as a way of responding to increased demand. However, everything that was implemented did not prove to be enough, as this problem has persisted to this day. Among the various factors that influence an airport's capacity, the configuration of aprons and taxiways plays a very important role in traffic management. Its design is based on various criteria and standards, allowing the development of projects that aim to optimize and consequently increase the number of aircraft movements. Therefore, this final master's thesis aims, in addition to presenting the main criteria for designing aprons and taxiways, to study the relationship between the design criteria and the increase in capacity of airport infrastructures, concluding on how the configuration of these elements can influence the increase in aircraft movements and the efficiency of airports. Beja Airport was associated with Air Base No. 11 in 2011, initially to support Lisbon and Faro airports due to their lack of capacity. As an infrastructure that has already been built and has many potentials with regard to the aviation sector, it is important to be valued, a situation that motivated the selection of Beja Airport as a case study, with the aim of presenting two proposals that combine new taxiways and the widening of the existing apron, considering that the current characteristics constitute a limitation to the operation of said infrastructure.
Dissertação para Obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
Aeroporto Critérios de dimensionamento aeroportuário Caminhos de circulação Placas de estacionamento Capacidade Aeroporto de Beja Airport Airport design criteria Taxiway Apron Capacity Beja Airport
FONTES, Francisco Manuel da Fonseca – Critérios de dimensionamento de placas de estacionamento e caminhos de circulação aeroportuários. Caso de estudo: aumento da capacidade do aeroporto de Beja. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. 2024. Dissertação de Mestrado.