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O cancro da mama (CM) é a doença mais comum em mulheres em todo o mundo. Apesar da elevada taxa de sobrevivência, muitas mulheres enfrentam efeitos adversos do tratamento oncológico, incluindo Disfunções do Pavimento Pélvico (DPP). Diretrizes atuais destacam a importância do suporte para a disfunção sexual, mas o rastreio e controlo das outras DPP não são valorizadas nesta população. OBJETIVO: analisar a prevalência das DPP em mulheres com CM submetidas a tratamento, comparadas a mulheres sem CM E avaliar o impacto dos tratamentos oncológicos sobre a ocorrência e gravidade das DPP. METODOLOGIA: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo-correlacional, com desenho transversal, cujos dados foram colhidos através do Australian Pelvic Floor Questionnaire (APFQ) e perguntas de caracterização da amostra. A análise estatística empregou métodos descritivos, testes não-paramétricos, testes de correlação e regressão logística para avaliar os resultados. RESULTADOS: Mulheres com CM apresentaram prevalências mais altas de disfunção vesical (76,5%), intestinal (74,5%), sexual (68,6%) e de prolapso de órgãos pélvicos (POP) (29,4%). O grupo CM obteve pontuação total APFQ mais alta (68,6% vs. 38,0% no controlo). A terapêutica hormonal apresentou alta associação com DPP (OR = 7,565; p = 0,022). O IMC apresentou correlações significativas com a disfunção vesical (r = 0,356; p = 0,010), POP (r = 0,276; p = 0,050) e disfunção sexual (r = -0,336; p = 0,016). CONCLUSÃO: Mulheres com CM têm uma prevalência significativamente maior de DPP (67,3% vs. 32,7%) e menor atividade sexual. A terapia hormonal é um fator de risco importante para disfunção vesical nesse grupo.
ABSTRACT - Breast cancer (BC) is the most common disease in women worldwide. Despite the high survival rate, many women face adverse effects from oncological treatment, including Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD). Current guidelines highlight the importance of support for sexual dysfunction, but the screening and management of other PFDs are not emphasized in this population. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence of PFDs in women with BC undergoing treatment compared to women without BC and evaluate the impact of cancer treatments on the occurrence and severity of PFDs. METHODOLOGY: A descriptive-correlational study with a cross-sectional design was conducted, with data collected through the Australian Pelvic Floor Questionnaire (APFQ) and sample characterization questions. Statistical analysis employed descriptive methods, non-parametric tests, correlation tests, and logistic regression to evaluate the results. RESULTS: Women with BC showed higher prevalences of bladder dysfunction (76.5%), intestinal dysfunction (74.5%), sexual dysfunction (68.6%), and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) (29.4%). The BC group had a significantly higher total APFQ score (68.6% vs. 38.0% in the control). Hormonal therapy was highly associated with PFD (OR = 7.565; p = 0.022). BMI showed significant correlations with bladder dysfunction (r = 0.356; p = 0.010), POP (r = 0.276; p = 0.050), and sexual dysfunction (r = -0.336; p = 0.016). CONCLUSION: Women with BC have a significantly higher prevalence of PFD (67.3% vs. 32.7%) and lower sexual activity. Hormonal therapy is an important risk factor for bladder dysfunction in this group.
ABSTRACT - Breast cancer (BC) is the most common disease in women worldwide. Despite the high survival rate, many women face adverse effects from oncological treatment, including Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD). Current guidelines highlight the importance of support for sexual dysfunction, but the screening and management of other PFDs are not emphasized in this population. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence of PFDs in women with BC undergoing treatment compared to women without BC and evaluate the impact of cancer treatments on the occurrence and severity of PFDs. METHODOLOGY: A descriptive-correlational study with a cross-sectional design was conducted, with data collected through the Australian Pelvic Floor Questionnaire (APFQ) and sample characterization questions. Statistical analysis employed descriptive methods, non-parametric tests, correlation tests, and logistic regression to evaluate the results. RESULTS: Women with BC showed higher prevalences of bladder dysfunction (76.5%), intestinal dysfunction (74.5%), sexual dysfunction (68.6%), and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) (29.4%). The BC group had a significantly higher total APFQ score (68.6% vs. 38.0% in the control). Hormonal therapy was highly associated with PFD (OR = 7.565; p = 0.022). BMI showed significant correlations with bladder dysfunction (r = 0.356; p = 0.010), POP (r = 0.276; p = 0.050), and sexual dysfunction (r = -0.336; p = 0.016). CONCLUSION: Women with BC have a significantly higher prevalence of PFD (67.3% vs. 32.7%) and lower sexual activity. Hormonal therapy is an important risk factor for bladder dysfunction in this group.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia - Área de especialização: Fisioterapia em Saúde da Mulher
Fisioterapia Cancro da mama Pavimento pélvico Incontinência urinária Disfunção sexual Incontinência fecal Physiotherapy Breast cancer Pelvic floor Urinary incontinence Sexual dysfunction Fecal incontinence MFT
Amaral NS. Prevalência das disfunções do pavimento pélvico em mulheres sobreviventes de cancro de mama: um estudo descritivo-correlacional [dissertation]. Lisboa: Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa/Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa; 2024.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa