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Context-based forwarding for mobile ICNs

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Over the last couple of decades, mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) have been at the forefront of research, yet still are afflicted by high network fragmentation, due to their continuous node mobility and geographical dispersion. To address these concerns, a new paradigm was proposed, Information-Centric Networks (ICN), whose focus is the delivery of Content based on names. This article aims to use ICN concepts towards the delivery of both urgent and non-urgent information in urban mobile environments. In order to do so, a context-based forwarding strategy was proposed, with a very clear goal: to take advantage of both packet Names and Data, and node's neighbourhood analysis in order to successfully deliver content into the network in the shortest period of time, and without worsening network congestion. The design, implementation and validation of the proposed strategy was performed using the ndnSIM platform along with real mobility traces from communication infrastructure of the Porto city. The results show that the proposed context-based forwarding strategy presents a clear improvement regarding the Data resolution, while maintaining network overhead at a constant.



ICNs Forwarding Network mobility Performance analysis


GAMEIRO, Luís; SENNA, Carlos; LUÍS, Miguel – Context-based forwarding for mobile ICNs. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). Dublin, Ireland: IEEE, 2020. ISBN 978-1-7281-7440-2. Pp. 1-6

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