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O objetivo deste estágio foi a implementação da Norma ISO 45001:2018 na KN Engenharia, Lda, só que não foi possível terminar a sua implementação. Foi realizada uma auditoria às instalações, tendo em conta uma checklist elaborada pelo estagiário. Com base no diagnóstico inicial foi traçado um plano de ação, qua ainda está a decorrer, para implementar a correção das não conformidades que foram detetadas na auditoria. Foi elaborado o manual do sistema de gestão de segurança e saúde no trabalho, que ainda está em fase de conclusão de alguns procedimentos. A KN Engenharia, Lda., foi avaliada no sistema de Saúde e Segurança no Trabalho (SST) da organização com 77%, de salientar que ainda falta definir alguns procedimentos para integrar uma Política de SST e cumpri-la. Com esta avaliação podemos definir metas que devem ser aperfeiçoadas em vários setores da empresa. A norma ISO 45001:2018 foi desenvolvida para ajudar as organizações a uma mais aprofundada integração do seu sistema de gestão da segurança e saúde no trabalho
com os restantes processos de negócio e de apoio e deve ser encarada como uma oportunidade de otimização da gestão e de melhoria do desempenho da segurança e saúde no trabalho.
ABSTRACT - The objective of this internship was the implementation of the ISO 45001:2018 Standard at KN Engenharia, Lda, but it was not possible to complete its implementation. An audit of the facilities was carried out, considering a checklist prepared by the intern. Based on the initial diagnosis, an action plan was drawn up, which is still ongoing to implement the correction of non-conformities, which were detected in the audit. The manual of the occupational health and safety management system was prepared and is still in the process of completing some procedures. KN Engenharia, Lda., was evaluated in the organization's Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) system with 82%, it should be noted that some procedures still need to be defined to integrate an OHS Policy and comply with it. With this assessment, we can define goals that should be improved in various sectors of the company. The ISO 45001:2018 standard was developed to help organizations further integrate their occupational safety and health management system with other business and support processes and should be seen as an opportunity to optimize management and improve occupational safety and health performance.
ABSTRACT - The objective of this internship was the implementation of the ISO 45001:2018 Standard at KN Engenharia, Lda, but it was not possible to complete its implementation. An audit of the facilities was carried out, considering a checklist prepared by the intern. Based on the initial diagnosis, an action plan was drawn up, which is still ongoing to implement the correction of non-conformities, which were detected in the audit. The manual of the occupational health and safety management system was prepared and is still in the process of completing some procedures. KN Engenharia, Lda., was evaluated in the organization's Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) system with 82%, it should be noted that some procedures still need to be defined to integrate an OHS Policy and comply with it. With this assessment, we can define goals that should be improved in various sectors of the company. The ISO 45001:2018 standard was developed to help organizations further integrate their occupational safety and health management system with other business and support processes and should be seen as an opportunity to optimize management and improve occupational safety and health performance.
Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho
Segurança no trabalho Saúde no trabalho ISO 45001:2018 Lean Six Sigma Occupational safety Occupational health MSHT
Guimarães JP. Implementação da ISO 45001:2018 na KN Engenharia Lda [dissertation]. Lisboa: Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa/Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa; 2024.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa