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Este artigo explora as modalidades de produção de livros a partir de padrões de circularidade intertextual e transmediática. A história da edição é fértil em exemplos em que o texto editado em livro se inspira num guião de filme ou em que um filme se baseou num livro previamente publicado, podendo acontecer a sua passagem a programa de rádio, mas também a peça de teatro ou a série televisiva. A migração textual assim desocultada também interroga o próprio significado de originalidade e autoria de um livro, na medida em que esse livro resulte de sucessivos processos de encarnação mediática. Elaborando empiricamente a partir do catálogo e do arquivo da editora portuguesa Romano Torres, a pesquisa demonstrou a existência de vários livros capazes de suscitar perguntas sobre o seu estatuto enquanto objecto, evidenciando como a intervenção no texto pode ser correlativa de avatares que o transformam enquanto produto destinado a ser enquadrado, pensado e consumido de muitas formas, sujeitando-se a um ciclo de reconfiguração e apropriação.
ABSTRACT - Abstract: This paper explores how the production of books, as a social object, is affected by patterns of transmediatization and intertextual circularity. The history of publishing is filled with examples of such a process, be it a text published as a book being inspired by a movie script, or a previously published book being turned into a motion picture, a radio show, a play and/or a television series. The textual migration thus revealed brings up a questioning of the very sense of originality and authorship of a book, as it results from successive processes of media incarnation. Empirically operating from the catalogue and the archive of the Portuguese publishing house Romano Torres, the research supporting this paper identified several cases of books that raise these kinds of question about their own status, showing how the intervention in the text translates into multiple avatars transforming it into a product meant to be perceived of and utilized in many ways, subjecting it to a cycle of reconfiguration and appropriation.
ABSTRACT - Abstract: This paper explores how the production of books, as a social object, is affected by patterns of transmediatization and intertextual circularity. The history of publishing is filled with examples of such a process, be it a text published as a book being inspired by a movie script, or a previously published book being turned into a motion picture, a radio show, a play and/or a television series. The textual migration thus revealed brings up a questioning of the very sense of originality and authorship of a book, as it results from successive processes of media incarnation. Empirically operating from the catalogue and the archive of the Portuguese publishing house Romano Torres, the research supporting this paper identified several cases of books that raise these kinds of question about their own status, showing how the intervention in the text translates into multiple avatars transforming it into a product meant to be perceived of and utilized in many ways, subjecting it to a cycle of reconfiguration and appropriation.
Edição de livros Circulação textual Transmediatização Book publishing Transmediatization Textual circulation Romano Torres publishing house Portugal
Medeiros N. Mediação cultural, migração textual e transmediatização: o caso dos cine-romances da editora Romano Torres. Arq CMD. 2018;7(1):29-48.
Universidade de Brasília