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O ensino de música é um campo compósito e reticular situado no cruzamento entre os
mundos da educação e da formação e os mundos das artes e da cultura. Esta dupla
referencialidade é geradora de múltiplas ambiguidades, incoerências e paradoxos, mas
também de virtualidades que nem sempre estão contemplados nos processos de
avaliação das políticas públicas para este sector de formação artística. A diversidade de
atores (públicos, privados e do terceiro sector) e de referentes, confluem na avaliação
das políticas em que os princípios de verticalidade e de linearidade dos procedimentos
dominantes são confrontados pela horizontalidade e circularidade das
interdependências e das interações.
Esta comunicaçãoresulta de uma investigação inserida na dissertação de
doutoramento situada no âmbito da análise das políticas públicas e da administração
da educação. Partindo de um conjunto alargado de entrevistas a atores das cenas da
governação, artística e musical e formativa (superior e não superior), entre 1972-2009,
bem como a análise das intervenções no parlamento e de artigos publicados na
imprensa, procura-se compreender, descrever, analisar e interpretar os modos como
se processam os diferentes tipos de impulsos que estão subjacentes à avaliação deste
tipo de política, bem como os modos como se avalia e se receciona e as suas
influências na ação organizada.
A investigação permite evidenciar o carácter multissituado da avaliação caracterizada
por procedimentos que envolvem referenciais, mediações, instrumentos e regulações
multiformes e multipolares. Procedimentos que resultam por um lado, da
complexidade de articulação dos diferentes referentes no confronto entre a afirmação das particularidades e tendências normalizadoras e, por outro, da recomposição do
papel do Estado.
Abstract The music education is a composite, reticular and complex field situated at the crossroads between the worlds of education and training and the arts worlds and culture. This dual referentiality, generate multiple ambiguities, inconsistencies and paradoxes, but also virtues that are not always included in the assessment of public policies for this sector of artistic training. The diversity of actors (public, private and third sector) and referents converge in the evaluation of policies in which the principles of verticality and linearity procedures are confronted by the dominant horizontality and roundness of interdependencies and interactions. This paper is the result of a research inserted into the doctoral dissertation located within the public policy analysis and administration of education. From a wide range of interviews with actors from scenes of government, artistic and formative, between 1972-2009, as well as analysis of interventions in parliament and press articles, we seek to understand, describe, analyze and interpret the ways they process the different types of impulses that underlie the evaluation of this type of policy and the ways of evaluating and reception influences organized action. Research allows us to highlight the multi-set of evaluation procedures characterized by involving multiform and multipolar references, mediations, instruments and regulations. Procedures that result on the one hand from the complexity of articulation of different referents, in the confrontation between the statement of the particularities and the normalizing tendencies, and, on the other hand, from the recomposition of sate’s role.
Abstract The music education is a composite, reticular and complex field situated at the crossroads between the worlds of education and training and the arts worlds and culture. This dual referentiality, generate multiple ambiguities, inconsistencies and paradoxes, but also virtues that are not always included in the assessment of public policies for this sector of artistic training. The diversity of actors (public, private and third sector) and referents converge in the evaluation of policies in which the principles of verticality and linearity procedures are confronted by the dominant horizontality and roundness of interdependencies and interactions. This paper is the result of a research inserted into the doctoral dissertation located within the public policy analysis and administration of education. From a wide range of interviews with actors from scenes of government, artistic and formative, between 1972-2009, as well as analysis of interventions in parliament and press articles, we seek to understand, describe, analyze and interpret the ways they process the different types of impulses that underlie the evaluation of this type of policy and the ways of evaluating and reception influences organized action. Research allows us to highlight the multi-set of evaluation procedures characterized by involving multiform and multipolar references, mediations, instruments and regulations. Procedures that result on the one hand from the complexity of articulation of different referents, in the confrontation between the statement of the particularities and the normalizing tendencies, and, on the other hand, from the recomposition of sate’s role.
Políticas públicas Avaliação Ensino de música Public policies Evaluation Music education
CIED – Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais/Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa