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Nesta dissertação pretende-se avaliar as emissões de CO2 associadas aos veículos elétricos (VEs) tendo em conta a sua integração no sistema elétrico português (SEP).
O Plano Nacional de Energia e Clima 2021-2030 (PNEC 2030), prevê que até 2030 um terço das vendas de veículos ligeiros seja elétrico. Como tal, esta tese foca-se nos impactos originados pela penetração dos VEs no SEP em 2030.
Utilizou-se uma metodologia baseada num despacho económico (DE) com coordenação hidrotérmica. De forma a resolver o despacho das centrais térmicas e hídricas foi utilizado um simulador desenvolvido anteriormente em GAMS.
Para avaliar os impactos resultantes da penetração dos VEs foram considerados 15 cenários que consistem em diferentes penetrações de VEs, cenários de variação dos índices de produtibilidade hídrica (IPH), de produtibilidade solar (IPS), produtibilidade eólica (IPE) e de potência instalada eólica e fotovoltaica.
Os resultados dos VEs são obtidos através de uma metodologia marginal que faz a comparação entre um cenário de geração sem penetração de VEs com um cenário em que se considera a geração adicional para fornecer a carga total aos VEs. Como resultado obtém-se, através das simulações, a geração hídrica e térmica, os custos e as emissões de CO2.
Concluiu-se na conclusão deste trabalho que carga adicional dos VEs consegue ser colmatada com a potência instalada prevista para 2030 e que apesar de uma maior potência renovável instalada é necessário recorrer à geração por centrais a gás. O aumento de consumo reduziu invariavelmente a bombagem das centrais com albufeira o que se verificou em vários cenários.
O aumento de geração por centrais a gás aumenta as emissões do sistema o que, por conseguinte, aumenta as emissões e os custos associados aos VEs.
This dissertation intends to evaluate the CO2 emissions associated with the penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) in the Portuguese power system. The National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (PNEC 2030) predicts that by 2030 one third of light vehicle sales will be electric. As such, this thesis focuses on the impacts caused by the penetration of EVs in the Portuguese power system in 2030. A methodology based on an economic dispatch (ED) with hydrothermal coordination was used. In order to resolve the dispatch of thermal and hydro power plants, a previously developed GAMS simulator was used. In order to assess the impacts resulting from EV penetration, 15 scenarios were considered consisting of different EV penetration, scenarios of variation of the Hydroelectric Productivity Index (HPI), Photovoltaic Productivity Index (PPI), Wind Productivity Index (WPI) and wind and photovoltaic installed power. EV results are obtained through a marginal methodology that compares a scenario of generation without EV penetration with a scenario in which additional generation is considered to supply the full load to EVs. As a result, through simulations, hydro and thermal generation, costs and CO2 emissions are obtained. It was noted at the conclusion of this work that the additional load of EVs can be supplied with the installed power expected for 2030 and that despite a greater installed renewable power it is necessary to resort to generation by gas power plants. The increase in consumption invariably reduced the pumping of power plants with a reservoir, which occurred in several scenarios. The increase in generation by gas plants increases the emissions of the system, which consequently increases the emissions and costs associated with EVs.
This dissertation intends to evaluate the CO2 emissions associated with the penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) in the Portuguese power system. The National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (PNEC 2030) predicts that by 2030 one third of light vehicle sales will be electric. As such, this thesis focuses on the impacts caused by the penetration of EVs in the Portuguese power system in 2030. A methodology based on an economic dispatch (ED) with hydrothermal coordination was used. In order to resolve the dispatch of thermal and hydro power plants, a previously developed GAMS simulator was used. In order to assess the impacts resulting from EV penetration, 15 scenarios were considered consisting of different EV penetration, scenarios of variation of the Hydroelectric Productivity Index (HPI), Photovoltaic Productivity Index (PPI), Wind Productivity Index (WPI) and wind and photovoltaic installed power. EV results are obtained through a marginal methodology that compares a scenario of generation without EV penetration with a scenario in which additional generation is considered to supply the full load to EVs. As a result, through simulations, hydro and thermal generation, costs and CO2 emissions are obtained. It was noted at the conclusion of this work that the additional load of EVs can be supplied with the installed power expected for 2030 and that despite a greater installed renewable power it is necessary to resort to generation by gas power plants. The increase in consumption invariably reduced the pumping of power plants with a reservoir, which occurred in several scenarios. The increase in generation by gas plants increases the emissions of the system, which consequently increases the emissions and costs associated with EVs.
Dissertação de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica
Emissões de CO2 metodologia marginal sistema elétrico veículo elétrico CO2 emissions electrical system electrical vehicle marginal methodology
OLIVEIRA, Nuno Filipe Antunes de – Avaliação das emissões de CO2 associadas ao Veículo Elétrico tendo em conta a sua integração no Sistema Elétrico Português. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. 2023. Dissertação de Mestrado.
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa