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Este relatório tem como objetivo descrever, analisar, fundamentar e avaliar o trabalho realizado no âmbito do estágio do Mestrado em Artes Performativas, efetuado na Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (ESTC) de Lisboa. O referido estágio foi realizado na Mákina de Cena-Associal Cultural (doravante denominada por MdC) entre janeiro a maio de 2023.
O estágio foi concretizado através da partição em três projetos artísticos, onde tive a possibilidade de trabalhar como atriz e assistente de encenação. Desta forma, serão mencionados os ensinamentos transmitidos pela minha coorientadora de estágio, Carolina Santos, responsável pela direção artística da companhia supracitada.
Durante o estágio tive a possibilidade de desenvolver o trabalho como atriz, no espetáculo "Viagem ao Centro da Terra" e como assistente de encenação, nos espetáculos, "A Rapariga da Gabardine Amarela" e "Spothlight".
This report aims to describe, analyze, justify, and evaluate the work carried out during the Master's internship in Performing Arts, conducted at the Lisbon School of Theater and Cinema (ESTC). The mentioned internship took place at the Mákina de Cena - Cultural Association (hereinafter referred to as MdC) from January to May 2023. The internship was structured around participation in three artistic projects, where I had the opportunity to work as an actress and a stage assistant. In this way, I will mention the lessons imparted by my internship co-supervisor, Carolina Santos, who was responsible for the artistic direction of the aforementioned company. During the internship, I had the opportunity to work as an actress in the play "Viagem ao Centro da Terra" and as a stage assistant in the plays "A Rapariga da Gabardine Amarela" and "Spothlight".
This report aims to describe, analyze, justify, and evaluate the work carried out during the Master's internship in Performing Arts, conducted at the Lisbon School of Theater and Cinema (ESTC). The mentioned internship took place at the Mákina de Cena - Cultural Association (hereinafter referred to as MdC) from January to May 2023. The internship was structured around participation in three artistic projects, where I had the opportunity to work as an actress and a stage assistant. In this way, I will mention the lessons imparted by my internship co-supervisor, Carolina Santos, who was responsible for the artistic direction of the aforementioned company. During the internship, I had the opportunity to work as an actress in the play "Viagem ao Centro da Terra" and as a stage assistant in the plays "A Rapariga da Gabardine Amarela" and "Spothlight".
Relatório de Estágio submetida à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro- Especialização em Artes Performativas
Mákina de Cena-Associal Cultural Estágio Atriz Assistente de encenação
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema