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Living S. aureus bacteria rheology

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The rheological characterization of Staphylococcus aureus cultures has shown a complex and rich viscoelastic behavior, during the bacteria population growth, when subject to a shear flow [1,2]. In particular, in stationary shear flow, the viscosity keeps increasing during the exponential phase reaching a maximum value (∼30x the initial value) after which it drops and returns close to its initial value in the stationary phase of growth, where the cell number of the bacterial population stabilizes. These behaviors can be associated with cell density and aggregation patterns that are developed during culture growth, showing a collective behavior. This behavior has no counterpart in the bacterial growth curve obtained by optical density monitorization (OD620nm and cfus/ml measurements). In oscillatory flow, the elastic and viscous moduli exhibit power-law behaviors whose exponents are dependent on the bacteria growth stage. These power-law dependencies of G’ and G’’ are in accordance with the Soft Glassy Material model [3], given by: G’~ ωx and G’’~ ωx To describe the observed behavior, a microscopic model considering the formation of a dynamic web-like structure was hypothesized [1], where percolation phenomena can occur, depending on the growth stage and on cell density. Recently, using real-time image rheology was possible to visualize the aggregation process associated with these dramatic changes in the viscoelastic behavior. In particular, the formation of web-like structures, at a specific time interval during the exponential phase of the bacteria growth and the cell sedimentation and subsequent enlargement of bacterial aggregates in the passage to the stationary phase of growth. These findings were essential to corroborate the microscopic model previously proposed and the main results of this study are compiled and presented in this work, see Fig.1.



Rheological characterization Staphylococcus aureus cultures Shear flow Viscosity Optical density Soft Glassy Material model


PORTELA, R.; [et al] – Living S. aureus bacteria rheology. In the XVIIth International Congress on Rheology (ICR2016). Kyoto, Japan. Pp. 1-2

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