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O presente relatório que apresento surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática Profissional Supervisionada II (PPSII), em valência de Jardim de Infância. O mesmo pretende mostrar o percurso ao longo dos quatro meses de prática profissional de forma reflexiva e crítica, que decorreu numa Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social (IPSS) de Marvila, com um grupo de 20 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 2 e os 5 anos. De referir, ainda, que a instituição se rege pelo Movimento da Escola Moderna (MEM) e privilegia o espaço exterior como fonte de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, acabando o grupo de crianças por passar grande parte do seu dia no mesmo. O interesse pela problemática da investigação surgiu durante a prática em creche e teve continuidade na prática em Jardim de Infância. Dado que, na investigação em creche, tinha investigado sobre a criação de tempos/momentos de qualidade no coletivo, aproveitei esta temática e desenvolvi uma problemática centrada nos deslocamentos do grupo de crianças pelo bairro. A nível metodológico, recorri a uma metodologia qualitativa baseada no método de estudo da investigação-intervenção. Através de notas de campo, registos diários, diários de campo, máquinas fotográficas, fui observando atentamente os comentários das crianças em contacto com o exterior. Posteriormente, categorizei essas mesmas notas de campo através de uma árvore categorial. Por fim, fui perceber qual seria o impacto dos deslocamentos no grupo de crianças. Neste sentido, é importante continuar a adotar práticas reflexivas sobre a minha intervenção pedagógica. Assim, no capítulo da construção da profissionalidade docente, demonstrei e refleti sobre as minhas aprendizagens ao longo de toda a PPSI e PPSII.
ABSTRACT This report is presented within the scope of the curricular unit of Supervised Professional Practice II (PPSII), in kindergarten. It aims to show the course of four months of professional practice in a reflective and critical way, which took place in a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) in Marvila, with a group of 20 children aged between 2 and 5 years. It should also be noted that the institution is governed by the Modern School Movement (MEM) and privileges the outdoor space as a source of learning and development, and the group of children end up spending much of their day there. The interest for the research problem arose during the practice in daycare and continued with the practice in kindergarten. Since, during the daycare research, I had investigated the creation of quality time/moments in the collective, I took advantage of this theme and developed a problematic focused on the displacements of the group of children in the neighborhood. At the methodological level, I used a qualitative methodology based on the research-intervention study method. Through field notes, daily records, field diaries, and cameras, I carefully observed the children's comments in contact with the outside world. Later, I categorized these same field notes through a categorical tree. Finally, I went to understand what would be the impact of the displacements on the group of children. In this sense, it is important to continue to adopt reflective practices about my pedagogical intervention. Thus, in the chapter on the construction of teaching professionalism, I demonstrated and reflected on my learning throughout the PPSI and PPSII.
ABSTRACT This report is presented within the scope of the curricular unit of Supervised Professional Practice II (PPSII), in kindergarten. It aims to show the course of four months of professional practice in a reflective and critical way, which took place in a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) in Marvila, with a group of 20 children aged between 2 and 5 years. It should also be noted that the institution is governed by the Modern School Movement (MEM) and privileges the outdoor space as a source of learning and development, and the group of children end up spending much of their day there. The interest for the research problem arose during the practice in daycare and continued with the practice in kindergarten. Since, during the daycare research, I had investigated the creation of quality time/moments in the collective, I took advantage of this theme and developed a problematic focused on the displacements of the group of children in the neighborhood. At the methodological level, I used a qualitative methodology based on the research-intervention study method. Through field notes, daily records, field diaries, and cameras, I carefully observed the children's comments in contact with the outside world. Later, I categorized these same field notes through a categorical tree. Finally, I went to understand what would be the impact of the displacements on the group of children. In this sense, it is important to continue to adopt reflective practices about my pedagogical intervention. Thus, in the chapter on the construction of teaching professionalism, I demonstrated and reflected on my learning throughout the PPSI and PPSII.
Relatório de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para
obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar
Coletivo Cartografias Infantis Investigação-intervenção Espaço exterior Collective Children's cartographies Research-intervention Outer space
Raimundo, A. P. D. (2022). “Ana, podes esperar? Quero desenhar a vista!”: uma investigação-intervenção a partir de Cartografias Infantis (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em: