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Dado o estado atual e panorama do futuro próximo da Indústria e Exploração Espaciais, esta investigação procurou avaliar qual seria a viabilidade de uma Cadeia de Abastecimento que apoiasse a sobrevivência e a prosperidade de um Empreendimento Agrícola no Planeta Marte como exemplo do objectivo principal de provar a viabilidade do apoio logístico à expansão da Humanidade para além da Terra.
Para tal, foi realizada uma Revisão da Literatura que permitiu a obtenção de dados e a compreensão das implicações, tecnologias, dinâmicas e restantes aspetos relevantes para se definir um Estudo de Caso com base na mesma, assim como o desenvolvimento de três cenários de resposta ao mesmo — com diferentes níveis de dependência de abastecimento alimentar terrestre entre si, desde um cenário caracterizado por uma
colónia capaz de, teoricamente, cultivar a totalidade dos alimentos de que necessitaria (juntando-se-lhe, a determinado ponto e, também, crescendo gradualmente, a produção de animais), a outro em que seriam produzidas, também em teoria, metade das suas necessidades alimentares — que consistiram, cada um, numa simulação, durante 60 anos (a ser iniciada em 2035/36), do que seriam as necessidades agrícolas para o funcionamento sustentável do empreendimento descrito (cuja arquitectura e localização
foram definidas conceptualmente), tendo-se, a partir das mesmas, calculado a capacidade — tecnológica e financeira — da sua resposta logística, assim como analisado a viabilidade desta, tendo, naturalmente, os resultados obtidos por cenário explorado variado.
Não obstante, perante qualquer um dos cenários apresentados — que consistiram, igualmente, na proposta de utilização de um veículo atualmente, ainda, em fase de desenvolvimento e de testes (o Starship-Super Heavy, da empresa SpaceX) —, acredita-se, em conclusão, ter-se validado a possibilidade tecnológica e financeira (num futuro relativamente próximo) da realização do objetivo logístico pretendido, esperando-se,
com o presente estudo, gerar-se dados que, de alguma forma, pudessem contribuir para a obtenção de perspetivas e possibilidades no campo de investigação e indústria estudados.
Given the current state and panorama for the near future of the Space Industry and Exploration, this investigation sought to evaluate the viability of a Supply Chain that would support the survival and prosperity of an Agricultural Endeavour on Planet Mars as an example of the main goal of proving the feasibility of logistical support for the expansion of Humanity beyond Earth. For this purpose, a Literature Review was carried out allowing the gathering of the data and the understanding of the implications, technologies, dynamics and other relevant aspects required for the definition of a Case Study based on these, as well as the development of three scenarios of response to this case study — with different levels of dependence on terrestrial food supplies among them, from a scenario characterized by a colony capable of, theoretically, cultivating all the food it would need for its own consumption (with also, at a certain point in time and, also, gradually growing, animal production), to another in which, also in theory, half of the required food would be produced locally — which consisted, each, in a simulation, over 60 years (starting in 2035/36), of what would be the agricultural needs for the sustainable running of the described endeavour (whose architecture and location were defined conceptually). And, based on these needs, the technological and financial capacity of the logistical response to them was calculated, as well as its viability analyzed, with, naturally, the results obtained varying depending on the scenario explored. Nevertheless, given any of the three scenarios presented — which also consisted on the proposal of the use of a vehicle currently still in development and testing phases (the Starship-Super Heavy, from the company SpaceX) —, it is believed, in conclusion, that the technological and financial possibility (in a relatively near future) of achieving the intended logistical aim was validated, with this study hoping to generate data that could, in some way, contribute to the obtaining of perspectives and possibilities in the field and industry studied.
Given the current state and panorama for the near future of the Space Industry and Exploration, this investigation sought to evaluate the viability of a Supply Chain that would support the survival and prosperity of an Agricultural Endeavour on Planet Mars as an example of the main goal of proving the feasibility of logistical support for the expansion of Humanity beyond Earth. For this purpose, a Literature Review was carried out allowing the gathering of the data and the understanding of the implications, technologies, dynamics and other relevant aspects required for the definition of a Case Study based on these, as well as the development of three scenarios of response to this case study — with different levels of dependence on terrestrial food supplies among them, from a scenario characterized by a colony capable of, theoretically, cultivating all the food it would need for its own consumption (with also, at a certain point in time and, also, gradually growing, animal production), to another in which, also in theory, half of the required food would be produced locally — which consisted, each, in a simulation, over 60 years (starting in 2035/36), of what would be the agricultural needs for the sustainable running of the described endeavour (whose architecture and location were defined conceptually). And, based on these needs, the technological and financial capacity of the logistical response to them was calculated, as well as its viability analyzed, with, naturally, the results obtained varying depending on the scenario explored. Nevertheless, given any of the three scenarios presented — which also consisted on the proposal of the use of a vehicle currently still in development and testing phases (the Starship-Super Heavy, from the company SpaceX) —, it is believed, in conclusion, that the technological and financial possibility (in a relatively near future) of achieving the intended logistical aim was validated, with this study hoping to generate data that could, in some way, contribute to the obtaining of perspectives and possibilities in the field and industry studied.
Trabalho de Dissertação de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Logística Espacial Colónia em Marte Agricultura Espacial Cadeia de Abastecimento Simulação Space Logistics Mars Colony Space Agriculture Supply Chain Simulation
BORREGA, Raquel Diniz da Gama Bento – Dimensionamento de uma Cadeia de Abastecimento para o setor Aeroespacial. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. 2023. Dissertação de Mestrado.
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa