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  • Cooking to learn: A digital educational resource for the promotion of curricular integration in primary school
    Publication . Cardoso, Adriana; Rodrigues, Ricardo; Souza, Joana; Palma, Nuno
    This paper presents current results of Cooking to Learn, a digital educational resource which aims at promoting an integrated development of skills (Portuguese Language, Mathematics and Natural Sciences) of students attending the 3rd grade of Primary School (age 8/9). It provides a multimedia environment with non-linear and interactive features to recreate a universe of sensory immersion in a restaurant where the user explores food production practices. Based on this metaphor, the experience breaks the traditional compartmentalization of the curriculum by fields and promotes curricular integration, through the exploring of recipes. In this context, situations related to seasonal fruits, parts of plants, pictograms, combinatorial problems, lexicon associated with gastronomy and linguistic properties of the textual genre culinary recipe are explored. In order to involve students in playful and stimulating experiences, gamification strategies are associated with factors of satisfaction of the participants in the act of playing (challenge, reward) and with immersion in a fictional world with many layers of interpretation. The methodology adopted is the conceptual model of Instructional Design, more precisely the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). This paper will focus on the design and development stages, documenting the path taken along the multimedia production, out of which new guidelines for future work might emerge.
  • Cooking to learn: A digital educational resource for the promotion of curricular integration in primary school
    Publication . Adriana Príncipe Cardoso, Maria; Rodrigues, Ricardo; Souza, Joana; Palma, Nuno
    Present results of Cooking to Learn, a digital educational resource which aims at promoting an integrated development of skills of students attending the 3rd grade of Primary School (age 8/9).
  • Ciclo de desenvolvimento de um recurso educativo digital para o 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
    Publication . Cardoso, Adriana; Souza, Joana; Rodrigues, Ricardo Pereira; Palma, Nuno
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o ciclo de desenvolvimento de um recurso educativo digital (Cozinhar a Aprender) concebido para o 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este é um recurso digital interativo, de acesso livre, que tem como objetivo promover o desenvolvimento integrado de competências (português, matemática e estudo do meio) no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Tomando como referência o modelo Análise, Desenho, Desenvolvimento, Implementação e Avaliação (ADDIE), apresenta-se a metodologia seguida para o desenvolvimento do recurso, especificando, para cada etapa, os procedimentos e instrumentos de trabalho adotados. Espera-se, assim, fornecer orientações metodológicas que possam ser mobilizadas por outras equipas para o desenvolvimento de novos recursos educativos digitais.