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  • Kinematics of a classical ballet base movement using a kinetic sensor
    Publication . Barbosa, Inês; Milho, João; Lourenço, Inês; Mota, Ana; Nascimento, Vanda Maria dos Santos; Carvalho, Alda; Carvalho, André; Portal, Ricardo
    Dance is an art form considered a language since it can sometimes reflect a population’s culture or even a celebration that accompanies humanity from its earliest times and which requires from performers a high physical and emotional dexterity. It is expected that the dancer performs rigorous and repetitive technical movements that often lead to painful injuries, resulting in 56% of classical ballet dancers will suffer from some type of musculoskeletal injury. Due to this high number of injuries, it is essential to study and analyse base movements for this type of dance in order to prevent injuries and to optimize the dancer's choreography and productivity. These movements are precedents of more complex movements. In this work, the study of a base dance movement, the Echappé Sauté, using biomechanical techniques is carried out to study the kinematics of the movement. For the data collection, three dancers voluntarily participated and the movements were capture using a 2nd Generation Kinect camera that allows the capture of 3D movement. The biomechanical analysis was performed using the IpiSoft software and a manual procedure was used to perform a 2D biomechanical analysis based on the assumption that the dance movements for this study occur only in one plane. The results were compared to show the adequacy of the use of the Kinetic sensor for 3D dance movement analysis. 7
  • Análise biomecânica de movimento de ballet usando um sensor Kinetic
    Publication . Lourenço, Inês; Barbosa, Inês; Milho, João; Mota, Ana; Nascimento, Vanda; Carvalho, Alda; Carvalho, André; Portal, Ricardo
    A dança é uma forma de arte considerada como uma forma de linguagem uma vez que pode refletir por vezes uma cultura de uma população ou até uma celebração que acompanha a humanidade desde os seus mais remotos tempos [1] e que requer do bailarino uma destreza física e emocional exigente. Dentro das capacidades físicas, é esperado do bailarino movimentos técnicos realizados de forma rigorosa e repetitiva que levam muitas vezes a lesões dolorosas para os mesmos, admitindo-se que 56% das bailarinas praticantes de Ballet clássico irão sofrer de algum tipo de lesão musculoesquelética [2].