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  • Promoting healthier and sustainable diets: evidence from the interdisciplinary MedDietMenus4Campus
    Publication . Viegas, Cláudia; Rocha, Ada; Prada, Marília
    Food service comprises the production of meals consumed outside the home, including consumers from all age groups and in different sectors. This service sector has evolved through the years, providing an increasing number of meals, which have been drifting away from the Mediterranean Food Pattern. Food service is an important setting for public health interventions, educating consumers, and modulating behaviors through the meals provided. Prior research on eating habits has mainly focused on a single stakeholder - typically consumers - and on a narrow set of outcome variables. Although these studies provide important clues about the determinants of adherence to food offers, research has yet to address this issue using an integrative approach of multiple stakeholders (e.g., the consumers, food providers, and decisors) across a set of different variables. Also, intervention initiatives, usually act only on the environment without strategies that efficiently engage all the stakeholders involved. In contrast, to promote behavioral change this research will focus on Social Marketing as it has been acknowledged as an effective strategy to enhance the health and well-being of consumers. Establishing and managing long-term partnerships that include different groups of stakeholders - consumers, government, retailers, and other players - are key elements in the application of mid and upstream social marketing to complex issues. The project’s main ambition is to change the food service paradigm, by creating and implementing a new healthy and sustainable food service concept complying with the Mediterranean diet, as well as solutions that comply with consumers’ new needs, and also developing and implementing strategies that engage all the stakeholders with this concept. We expect to create the reference in terms of food offer that will be demanded by consumers of the next generations and the standpoint to inspire the other food service sectors/ settings to achieve an effective and sustainable food offer change and positively influence food service consumers’ food patterns towards Mediterranean recommendations. In this workshop, the findings of the project will be presented focusing on examining the barriers and facilitators of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in the menus offered in public high education institutes canteens in Portugal, Turkey, and Croatia. To promote the identification of effective intervention pathways, we take on an interdisciplinary approach, integrating the theoretical and methodological frameworks of Nutrition, Psychology, and Marketing.
  • Development of a tool to assess the compliance of canteen menus with the Mediterranean diet
    Publication . Neto, B.; Ferreira, L.; Rocha, Ada; Viegas, Cláudia
    The Mediterranean Diet (MD) is one of the healthiest food patterns associated with important health benefits. Acknowledging this, it’s important to understand how the dietary patterns of the consumers align with the MD. Over time, different authors have formulated several indexes for this purpose. However, current indexes lack standardization, and they only evaluate the quality of the diet of individuals to be used by health professionals and political decision-makers. Although there are indexes to assess the food options at the restaurants, none of them assess the menu compliance with the MD. Due to the importance of food services in the food choices and dietary patterns of the consumers, this research developed an index to assess the alignment of food availability with the MD key points. To address this gap, after reviewing the existing indexes in the literature, the authors created a tool that assesses the degree of compliance of menus with the MD - MedCIn. This index is divided into 4 dimensions, the first one assesses the availability (part A) and variety (part B) of the food/food groups. The second dimension assesses the nutritional quality of the menus based on the nutritional declaration, the third dimension assesses the food portions and culinary options, and the fourth dimension allows the verification of the previous information on site. Although the use of all dimensions allows for a more comprehensive menu evaluation, dimension one can be used as a first approach to MD compliance. The index is meant to be applied in a 4-week cycle, though it can be adapted for each food service. Validation of this tool included construct validity, internal consistency, and inter-rater reliability, all of which returned high values (alpha-Cronbach¼0.88; Cohens Kappa¼0.92). The researchers consider this a reliable tool to easily assess compliance of menus with MD key points, allowing for the identification of issues to be addressed and improved.
  • MedDietMenus4Campus: integrating views from nutrition, marketing and psychology to improve diets
    Publication . Viegas, Cláudia; Rocha, Ada
    Food service is an important setting for public health interventions, educating consumers, and modulating behaviors through the meals provided. Social Marketing is one of the strategies designed to promote behavior change, in which contributions to the health and well-being of consumers are widely recognized. This project aims to identify the compliance of food service menus with the Mediterranean Diet (MD) in public high education institutes (HEI) canteens, pinpointing opportunities to intervene, namely: 1) promoting changes in the food offer addressing proximity to the MD, creating, and offering plant-based meals, with seasonable and local food products and 2) developing tailored social marketing strategies to engage stakeholders to encourage healthier and sustainable food habits. It gathers a team comprised of nutrition experts on public health and food service, food technologists, gastronomy experts, psychologists, and marketers. To achieve the objectives researchers will: 1) develop an index to evaluate compliance of menus with the MD; 2) define priority stakeholders and define a methodology for engagement; 3) evaluate perceptions, barriers, and facilitators; 4) develop a meal plan framework; 5) develop a new food concept “student bag” (meal on the go) and test it for industry scale-up; 6) use previous diagnosis to develop social marketing strategies directed to stakeholders and consumers to achieve food behavior change and 7) measure the impacts of the implemented strategies. This research intends to create and implement a new healthy and sustainable food service concept, expecting to define the standpoint to inspire other food service settings to achieve an effective and sustainable food offer change and positively influence food service consumers’ food patterns towards Mediterranean recommendations, while addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (3 - good health and 12 - responsible consumption and production; 17 - partnerships for the goals).
  • Entre proyetos: la sostenibilidad de la alfabetización informacional para combatir la desinformación
    Publication . Lopes, Carlos; Antunes, Maria Da Luz; Sanches, Tatiana
    RESUMEN - Aborda la sostenibilidad de la alfabetización informacional como una herramienta esencial en la lucha contra la desinformación. Su investigación y proyetos se centran en promover habilidades que permitan a las personas identificar, analizar y comprender la información que consumen, especialmente en un contexto digital lleno de contenidos imprecisos o manipulados. Nesta sessão destacamos la importancia de capacitar a la sociedad para ser crítica y selectiva con las fuentes de información, desarrollando habilidades que ayuden a mitigar los efectos negativos de la desinformación y promoviendo un entorno informativo más saludable y responsable.
  • Erythropoietin in animal models of inflammation
    Publication . Silva, Inês; Alípio, Carolina; Pinto, Rui; Mateus, Vanessa
    Background: Erythropoietin binds to the erythropoietin receptor to promote the proliferation and differentiation of red blood cells. This hypoxia-induced hormone is produced in adult kidneys with erythropoietin and non-erythropoietic effects. Since current anti-inflammatory therapies are not safe, erythropoietin emerges as a new pharmacological approach reverting the mechanism of inflammation with apparently lower toxicity. AIM: Evaluate the potential anti-inflammatory effect of erythropoietin observed in animal inflammatory disease models. Methods: A systematic review followed PRISMA statements in the electronic database MEDLINE via the PubMed platform. The inclusion criteria were: (1) original articles; (2) studies in animal models where erythropoietin was administered; (3) studies where inflammation was studied and/or evaluated; (4) non-clinical studies in vivo with rodents; and (5) articles published in English. Results: A total of 36 articles met the criteria for qualitative analysis. Exogenous erythropoietin was used in models of sepsis, traumatic brain injury, and autoimmune neuritis with anti-inflammatory effects. The average dose of exogenous erythropoietin was 3000 IU/kg of weight. Erythropoietin was associated with a significant reduction of biomarkers such as immune-related effectors, cytokines, reactive oxygen species, and prostaglandins. Erythropoietin analogues, such as ARA290 or carbamylated erythropoietin, have the crucial advantage of promoting the anti-inflammatory effect without the thromboembolic risk by the proliferation of red blood cells. Conclusion: Erythropoietin is recognized as a multifunctional cytokine with anti-inflammatory properties, showing its significant effect both in acute and chronic murine models of inflammation.
  • Endofibrose arterial induzida pelo exercício em praticantes de ciclismo
    Publication . Ferreira, Ana Margarida; Dória, Constança; Ryhaylo, Iryna; Fernandes, Filipe; Fonseca, Virgínia
    A Endofibrose Arterial Induzida pelo Exercício (EAIE) consiste no espessamento da camada íntima arterial, causando estenose progressiva do vaso, limitando o fluxo sanguíneo. Desta limitação resulta claudicação intermitente, reprodutível com o exercício. A incidência desta patologia é reportada essencialmente em atletas, com ênfase em ciclistas. A prevalência desta patologia não é amplamente documentada por ser uma condição rara. Maior prevalência em indivíduos do sexo masculino. Pergunta de investigação: quais os mecanismos fisiopatológicos subjacentes à endofibrose induzida pelo exercício nos praticantes de ciclismo e quais são os meios de diagnóstico e a terapêutica mais eficazes para esta condição?
  • Eletrofisiologia cardíaca: avanços em eletrofisiologia
    Publication . Bernardes, Ana
    Desenvolvimento de sistemas de mapeamento 3D: a combinação de alta densidade, alta resolução e automaticidade inteligente dos pontos colhidos proporciona uma maior clareza de interpretação dos circuitos arritmogénicos; algoritmos de anotação mais precisos; módulos software.
  • Cardiotoxicidade associada à quimioterapia: avaliação do índice de trabalho miocárdico
    Publication . Simões, Maria; Azevedo, Catarina; Cobas, Vlada; Cunha, Gilda; Sousa, Rui; Fonseca, Virgínia
    O cancro da mama é uma das neoplasias mais frequentes a nível mundial, com uma elevada taxa de mortalidade e morbilidade. Efeitos secundários das antraciclinas e trastuzumab: alterações cardiovasculares, disfunção miocárdica e insuficiência cardíaca. Objetivo geral: determinar o valor adicional dos índices de trabalho miocárdio relativamente ao SLG no diagnóstico de cardiotoxicidade associada à terapêutica oncológica em mulheres com cancro da mama. Objetivos específicos: determinar a vantagem na análise precoce do ITM, para inclusão de terapêutica cardioprotetora, em relação ao SLG; determinar a influência no diagnóstico da cardiotoxicidade da utilização combinada de ambos os parâmetros, o SLG e ITM; descrever os resultados obtidos nos índices em doentes com cardiotoxicidade e sem cardiotoxicidade.
  • Impacto da exposição ocupacional ao pó da madeira e componentes na função respiratória de carpinteiros
    Publication . Rosa, Carolina; Gastão, Beatriz; Reis, Catarina; Clérigo, Anália Matos; Carolino, Elisabete; Fonseca, Virgínia
    A inexistência de dados face aos ambientes laborais da indústria da madeira em Portugal incita a obtenção de dados de saúde reais. Correlação entre a exposição ocupacional e a respetiva avaliação da função respiratória. Demonstração da importância das medidas de prevenção e do controlo e diagnóstico precoce de doenças. Avaliar o impacto da exposição ocupacional ao pó da madeira e seus componentes na função respiratória de trabalhadores de carpintarias.
  • Self-perception of sleep quality and indoor air quality: preliminary findings from HypnosAir study
    Publication . Espingardeiro, Cláudia; Ricardo, Mariana; Satiro, Francisco; Gonçalves, Sara; Fonseca, Virgínia; Almeida-Silva, Marina; Carolino, Elisabete; Mendez, Sergio; Meira e Cruz, Miguel; Lage, Joana; Canha, Nuno; Belo, Joana
    Sleep plays an important role in essential body functions, individuals’ welfare, health, and daily productivity. Sleep structure is vulnerable to several features that include both pathophysiology processes and environmental influences. Typically, sleeping environments are characterized by low ventilation rates, leading to pollutant accumulation. Adding to this, the breathing zone is very close to potential sources of pollutants, such as the mattresses and bed sheets. This study aims to describe and characterize the sleep and sleep environment perception of the Portuguese population.