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A liberalização do sector eléctrico, e a consequente criação de mercados de energia eléctrica regulados e liberalizados, mudou a forma de comercialização da electricidade. Em particular, permitiu a entrada de empresas nas actividades de produção e comercialização, aumentando a competitividade e assegurando a liberdade de escolha dos consumidores, para decidir o fornecedor de electricidade que pretenderem. A competitividade no sector eléctrico aumentou a necessidade das empresas que o integram a proporem preços mais aliciantes (do que os preços propostos pelos concorrentes), e contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de mercado que atraiam mais clientes e aumentem a eficiência energética e económica.
A comercialização de electricidade pode ser realizada em mercados organizados ou através de contratação directa entre comercializadores e consumidores, utilizando os contratos bilaterais físicos. Estes contratos permitem a negociação dos preços de electricidade entre os comercializadores e os consumidores.
Actualmente, existem várias ferramentas computacionais para fazer a simulação de mercados de energia eléctrica. Os simuladores existentes permitem simulações de transacções em bolsas de energia, negociação de preços através de contratos bilaterais, e análises técnicas a redes de energia. No entanto, devido à complexidade dos sistemas eléctricos, esses simuladores apresentam algumas limitações.
Esta dissertação apresenta um simulador de contratos bilaterais em mercados de energia eléctrica, sendo dando ênfase a um protocolo de ofertas alternadas, desenvolvido através da tecnologia multi-agente. Em termos sucintos, um protocolo de ofertas alternadas é um protocolo de interacção que define as regras da negociação entre um agente vendedor (por exemplo um retalhista) e um agente comprador (por exemplo um consumidor final).
Aplicou-se o simulador na resolução de um caso prático, baseado em dados reais. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o simulador, apesar de simplificado, pode ser uma ferramenta importante na ajuda à tomada de decisões inerentes à negociação de contratos bilaterais em mercados de electricidade.
The liberalization of the electricity sector and therefore the creation of regulated and liberalized electricity markets have changed the way of selling electricity. The liberalization of the electricity sector allowed the access of companies in the activities of production and retail, increasing competitiveness in this sector and also allowed the freedom of choice by consumers to choose the electricity supplier they want. The competitiveness in the electricity sector increased the need for companies, to offer to customers electricity prices more attractive than the prices offered by competitors. Competition also contributes to the development of retailing strategies to attract more customers and increase energetic and economic efficiency in the electrical system. The electricity trade can be done in organized markets or by the direct contract between consumers and suppliers, using the bilateral contracts. This type of contracts allows both traders and consumers to negotiate the electricity prices. Currently, there´re computational tools to simulate the electricity markets, the existing tools allow to simulate transactions in pool markets, negotiation prices through bilateral contracts and to make technical analysis to electricity networks. However, due to the complexity of the electric systems, these simulators have some degree of limitation. In this thesis, we propose a simulator of electricity bilateral contracts, emphasising a alternating offers protocol, developed through multi-agent technology. The alternating offers protocol is an interaction protocol, which defines the rules of negotiation between the negotiation parties. This simulator was used to simulate a practical case based on real data. The final results allows to conclude that the simulator, though its simplicity can be an important tool to help in the decision process that comes with the negotiation of bilateral contracts in electricity markets.
The liberalization of the electricity sector and therefore the creation of regulated and liberalized electricity markets have changed the way of selling electricity. The liberalization of the electricity sector allowed the access of companies in the activities of production and retail, increasing competitiveness in this sector and also allowed the freedom of choice by consumers to choose the electricity supplier they want. The competitiveness in the electricity sector increased the need for companies, to offer to customers electricity prices more attractive than the prices offered by competitors. Competition also contributes to the development of retailing strategies to attract more customers and increase energetic and economic efficiency in the electrical system. The electricity trade can be done in organized markets or by the direct contract between consumers and suppliers, using the bilateral contracts. This type of contracts allows both traders and consumers to negotiate the electricity prices. Currently, there´re computational tools to simulate the electricity markets, the existing tools allow to simulate transactions in pool markets, negotiation prices through bilateral contracts and to make technical analysis to electricity networks. However, due to the complexity of the electric systems, these simulators have some degree of limitation. In this thesis, we propose a simulator of electricity bilateral contracts, emphasising a alternating offers protocol, developed through multi-agent technology. The alternating offers protocol is an interaction protocol, which defines the rules of negotiation between the negotiation parties. This simulator was used to simulate a practical case based on real data. The final results allows to conclude that the simulator, though its simplicity can be an important tool to help in the decision process that comes with the negotiation of bilateral contracts in electricity markets.
Mercados de energia eléctrica Sistemas multi-agente Simulador de mercados de energia eléctrica Contratos bilaterais de electricidade Electricity markets Multi-agent systems Energy markets simulator Bilateral contracts of electricity
Pereira, Bruno Ricardo Raimundo - Contratos bilaterais em mercados multi-agente de energia eléctrica: protocolo de ofertas alternadas. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 2011. Dissertação de mestrado.