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Esta tese tem como principal objectivo a investigação teórica e experimental do desempenho de um sensor polarimétrico baseado num cristal líquido para medição da concentração de glicose. Recentemente uma série de sensores polarimétricos baseados em cristais líquidos foram propostos na literatura e receberam considerável interesse devido as suas características únicas. De facto, em comparação com outros moduladores electro-ópticos, o cristal líquido funciona com tensões mais baixas, tem baixo consumo de energia e maior ângulo de rotação. Além disso, este tipo de polarímetro pode ter pequenas dimensões que é uma característica interessante para dispositivos portáteis e compactos. Existem por outro lado algumas desvantagens, nomeadamente o facto do desempenho do polarímetro ser fortemente dependente do tipo de cristal líquido e da tensão a ele aplicada o que coloca desafios na escolha dos parâmetros óptimos de operação. Esta tese descreve o desenvolvimento do sensor polarimétrico, incluindo a integração dos componentes de óptica e electrónica, os algoritmos de processamento de sinal e um interface gráfico que facilita a programação de diversos parâmetros de operação e a calibração do sensor. Após a optimização dos parâmetros de operação verificou-se que o dispositivo mede a concentração da glicose em amostras com uma concentração de 8 mg/ml, com uma percentagem de erro inferior a 6% e um desvio padrão de 0,008o. Os resultados foram obtidos para uma amostra com percurso óptico de apenas 1 cm.
This thesis reports a theoretical and experimental investigation of the performance of a liquid crystal polarimetric glucose sensor. Recently a number of such polarimetric sensors were proposed in the literature and received considerable attention due to various attractive features. In fact, compared with other electro-optical solutions, the liquid crystal operates at lower voltages, has lower power consumption, and awiderangle of rotation. In addition, this type of polarimeter can be madecompact which is an interesting feature for portable devices. On the other hand the performance of the polarimeter is known to be strongly dependent on the type of liquid crystal and the driving voltage applied to it. In this thesis we describe the implementation of a polarimetric sensor, based on a liquid crystal. Details of the integration of several optical and electronic modules as well as the signal processing algorithms are given. In addition a user interface was developed for characterization ofthe sensor’s performance where the waveform, frequency and amplitude of the driving signal can be programmed. Using this system we conclude on general limitations of this type of sensors and derive the conditions for optimal performance. The fine-tuned sensor is used to measure the concentration of glucose in several samples. We conclude that the sensor measures glucose concentrations down to 8mg/ml with an error percentage of less than 6% and standard deviation of de 0,008º using an optical path just 1cm long.
This thesis reports a theoretical and experimental investigation of the performance of a liquid crystal polarimetric glucose sensor. Recently a number of such polarimetric sensors were proposed in the literature and received considerable attention due to various attractive features. In fact, compared with other electro-optical solutions, the liquid crystal operates at lower voltages, has lower power consumption, and awiderangle of rotation. In addition, this type of polarimeter can be madecompact which is an interesting feature for portable devices. On the other hand the performance of the polarimeter is known to be strongly dependent on the type of liquid crystal and the driving voltage applied to it. In this thesis we describe the implementation of a polarimetric sensor, based on a liquid crystal. Details of the integration of several optical and electronic modules as well as the signal processing algorithms are given. In addition a user interface was developed for characterization ofthe sensor’s performance where the waveform, frequency and amplitude of the driving signal can be programmed. Using this system we conclude on general limitations of this type of sensors and derive the conditions for optimal performance. The fine-tuned sensor is used to measure the concentration of glucose in several samples. We conclude that the sensor measures glucose concentrations down to 8mg/ml with an error percentage of less than 6% and standard deviation of de 0,008º using an optical path just 1cm long.
Cristal líquido Polarimetria Medição de glicose Polarizador Sensor de glicose Liquid crystal Optical polarimetry Glucose measurement Polarizer Glucose sensor
Claro, Óscar Filipe Nunes - Sensor de glicose polarimétrico. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 2011. Dissertação de mestrado.