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Apesar dos avanços na tecnologia de procedimentos de procriação medicamente assistida (PMA), a taxa de nados vivo em relação ao número de embriões transferidos é ainda bastante baixa. É assim crucial desenvolver uma nova técnica para prever a capacidade de o embrião implantar em relação à técnica convencional de análise da morfologia por microscopia ótica. A nova técnica deve ser não-invasiva, rápida, económica e simples de se aplicar em contexto clínico e, ao mesmo tempo, exceder a capacidade de previsão do método convencional. Neste âmbito, foi avaliada se a análise de meios de cultura in vitro do embrião por espectroscopia de infravermelho médio permitia prever: a morfologia do embrião ao dia 3 e 5 ou 6 de desenvolvimento; ao dia 3 a chegada do embrião a blastocisto; ao dia 5/6 a capacidade de nidificação do embrião. O projeto não interferiu com o procedimento de rotina da clínica de PMA, baseando-se numa análise retrospetiva, que correlacionou a classificação morfológica dos embriões e a eventual gravidez com o espectro do meio de cultura descartado. Utilizaram-se meios de cultura descartados de 123 embriões, obtidos ao dia 3 e ao dia 5 ou 6 de cultura, de 12 pacientes submetidas a tratamentos de PMA de fertilização in vitro ou injeção intracitoplasmática de esperma, utilizando-se óvulos de ciclos a fresco ou vitrificados de dadoras, e de embriões mantidos em cultura individual ou de grupo. Devido a esta grande diversidade de processos de PMA (por exemplo de cultura individual versus em grupo), houve sempre uma reduzida dimensão da amostra, limitando a análise estatística subsequente. Foram avaliados quer os espectros (pré-processados por correção de linha de base e de normalização), quer a 2ª derivada dos espectros. Foi observado uma elevada sensibilidade da análise de espectroscopia do meio de cultura em detetar no espectro variações metabólicas dos diferentes embriões. Por exemplo, foram observadas diferenças espectrais significativas entre embriões obtidos de óvulos não vitrificados e vitrificados. Visualizaram-se regiões espetrais características de embriões de cultura individual com boa e má qualidade ao dia 3 de desenvolvimento, e diferenças na 2ª derivada de espetros de meios de cultura de embriões que implantaram e que não implantaram. Dos estudos efetuados, foi possível identificar razões espectrais que permitiram discriminar a uma significância de 10% a qualidade dos embriões ao dia 3, e da chegada a blastocisto ao dia 5/6. A espectroscopia de infravermelho médio revela-se assim muito promissora para avaliar o estado metabólico do embrião.
Despite the advances in medically assisted procreation (MAP), the rate of live births in comparison with the number of transfered embryos is still pretty low. With that in mind, it’s crucial to develop a new technique to predict the ability of the embryo to implant in relation with the conventional technique of morphologic analysis by optical microscopy. The new technique must be non-invasive, fast, economic and simple to apply in clinical context and, at the same time, exceed the conventional method prediction capacity. On that matter, it was assessed if the in vitro culture environments analysis of the embryo by medium infrared spectroscopy allowed to predict: the embryo’s morphology by day 3 and 5 or 6 of development; by day 3, the arrival of the embryo to the blastocyst: by day 5/6, the embryo’s ability to nest. The project did not interfered with the clinic MAP routine procedure, it was based on a retrospective analysis, which correlate the morphologic classification of embryos and the eventual pregnancy with the discarded environment culture. Were used 123 embryos discarded environment cultures, obtained by day 3 and by day 5 or 6 of culture, of 12 patients under MAP treatments of in vitro fertilization or sperm intracytoplasmic injection, using fresh cycles or vitrified donor’s ovules, and embryos which were kept in individual or group cultures. Do to this great diversity of MAP processes (for example, individual culture and group culture), there always was a reduced dimension of the sample, limiting the following statistical analysis. The specters were evaluated (pre-processed by base line and normalization correction), same as the second wave of specters. It was observed a high environment culture spectroscopic analysis sensibility in detecting the metabolic variations in the specter of different embryos. For example, there were observed specter significative differences between embryos from vitrified and non-vitrified ovules. It was visualized specter regions typical of individual embryo culture with good and bad quality by day 3 of development, and differences in the second wave of specters from environment cultures of embryos which implanted and did not implanted. From this investigation, it was possible to identify the specter reasons which allow to discriminate to a 10% significance the quality of embryos by day 3, and the arrival to the blastocyst by day 5/6. So, the medium infrared spectroscopy is very promising in the evaluation of the metabolic embryo state.
Despite the advances in medically assisted procreation (MAP), the rate of live births in comparison with the number of transfered embryos is still pretty low. With that in mind, it’s crucial to develop a new technique to predict the ability of the embryo to implant in relation with the conventional technique of morphologic analysis by optical microscopy. The new technique must be non-invasive, fast, economic and simple to apply in clinical context and, at the same time, exceed the conventional method prediction capacity. On that matter, it was assessed if the in vitro culture environments analysis of the embryo by medium infrared spectroscopy allowed to predict: the embryo’s morphology by day 3 and 5 or 6 of development; by day 3, the arrival of the embryo to the blastocyst: by day 5/6, the embryo’s ability to nest. The project did not interfered with the clinic MAP routine procedure, it was based on a retrospective analysis, which correlate the morphologic classification of embryos and the eventual pregnancy with the discarded environment culture. Were used 123 embryos discarded environment cultures, obtained by day 3 and by day 5 or 6 of culture, of 12 patients under MAP treatments of in vitro fertilization or sperm intracytoplasmic injection, using fresh cycles or vitrified donor’s ovules, and embryos which were kept in individual or group cultures. Do to this great diversity of MAP processes (for example, individual culture and group culture), there always was a reduced dimension of the sample, limiting the following statistical analysis. The specters were evaluated (pre-processed by base line and normalization correction), same as the second wave of specters. It was observed a high environment culture spectroscopic analysis sensibility in detecting the metabolic variations in the specter of different embryos. For example, there were observed specter significative differences between embryos from vitrified and non-vitrified ovules. It was visualized specter regions typical of individual embryo culture with good and bad quality by day 3 of development, and differences in the second wave of specters from environment cultures of embryos which implanted and did not implanted. From this investigation, it was possible to identify the specter reasons which allow to discriminate to a 10% significance the quality of embryos by day 3, and the arrival to the blastocyst by day 5/6. So, the medium infrared spectroscopy is very promising in the evaluation of the metabolic embryo state.
Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Embrião Embryo Espetroscopia de FTIR Spectroscopy FTIR Fertilização in vitro In vitro fertilization
SANTOS, Joana de Sousa Emídio dos - Comparação da análise morfológica de embriões humanos de processos de procriação medicamente assistida com o perfil molecular do meio de cultura. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa - Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, 2018. Dissertação de mestrado.
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa - Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa