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A técnica T2 Mapping, obtida através da Ressonância Magnética, apresenta benefícios na avaliação e monitorização da integridade da rede de colagénio e teor de água. Possibilita a diferenciação entre zonas cartilagíneas muito próximas, maximizando as diferenças de contraste nos tecidos devido à sensibilidade dos tempos de relaxação às interações entre moléculas de água, concentração e integridade da matriz extracelular, essencialmente nas interações com colagénio.
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral a verificação da aplicabilidade da técnica complementar T2 Mapping em Ressonância Magnética (RM) na avaliação da patologia da cartilagem articular.
Foram adquiridas imagens por Ressonância Magnética, inicialmente com o protocolo de rotina para avaliação morfológica, ao qual se adicionou a sequência T2 Anatomical multi spin-eco (MSE) para originar imagens T2 Mapping com evidência dos limites da cartilagem articular nas regiões anatómicas.
Participaram no estudo 54 indivíduos (28 do género masculino e 26 do género feminino), onde foram avaliadas, no plano sagital, as regiões cartilagíneas dos côndilos femorais (vertente interna e externa) e cartilagem da rótula. Foi extraído o valor T2 e, efetuaram-se cálculos estatísticos sobre as variáveis medidas nas regiões obtidas por técnicas de segmentação semi-automáticas, com recurso à técnica Live Wire e à aplicação Syngo MapIt/ Fusion.
Verificou-se que não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o côndilo interno (X 2KW (3) = 2,859 | valor p = 0,414), rótula (X 2KW (3) = 3,088| valor p = 0,378) e côndilo externo (teste Brown Forsythe = 32,689, valor p = 0,210) com o grupo “Patologia”. Relativamente às “Alterações cartilagem”, foi registada uma correlação positiva dos valores T2 (teste Spearman) entre os indivíduos com alterações da cartilagem e a região do côndilo interno (média das ordens = 32,88 | valor p =0,043). A demonstração da associação verificou correlações positivas entre as variáveis “idade” e “Índice de massa corporal (IMC)” (rs = 0,412, valor p = 0,002), assim como correlação positiva entre os valores T2 medidos na rótula e a nos côndilos (interno/externo) (rs = 0,388, valor p = 0,004/ rs =0,289, valor p = 0,037). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as regiões anatómicas em estudo e as variáveis “género” ou “Índice de massa corporal (IMC)”.
Deste modo, o T2 Mapping poderá ser usado para descrever a composição da cartilagem articular, pois com base no teor de água e avaliação da rede de colagénio, verifica as diferenças na hidratação da cartilagem entre zonas adjacentes, que transmitem pontos de alterações bioquímicos com informações mais completas na avaliação e diagnóstico para o estudo da articulação do joelho.
A comparação dos valores medidos na cartilagem articular em confronto com os relatórios clínicos levou-nos a concluir que o exame standard do joelho por RM não tem capacidade, por si só, para apresentar alterações subtis na cartilagem, impedindo assim uma intervenção precoce tanto no tratamento como na prevenção.
The T2 Mapping technique, obtained through Magnetic Resonance Imaging, shows benefits in evaluating and monitoring the integrity of the collagen network and water content. It allows to stablish the differentiation between very close cartilage zones and maximize the differences in the tissue contrasts due to the sensitivity of the relaxation periods on the interactions between water molecules, concentration, and integrity of the extracellular matrix shown essentially in the interactions with collagen. The present dissertation aims at verifying the applicability of the complementary technique T2 Mapping in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on the evaluation of articular cartilage pathology. Following the routine protocol of morphological evaluation Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images have been obtained initially to which was added the T2 Anatomical multi spin-eco (MSE) conducted to create T2 Mapping images highlighting the articular cartilage limits in the anatomic regions. A total of 54 individuals (28 male and 26 female) participated in this study where both the cartilage regions of the femoral condyles (internal and external strand) and cartilage of the kneecap were evaluated in the sagittal plane. The T2 value was extracted and statistical calculations were performed on the variables measured in the different regions obtained by semi-automatic segmentation techniques using the Live Wire technique and the Syngo MapIt/ Fusion application. It was verified that there were no statistically significant differences between the internal condyle (X 2KW (3) = 2,859 | p value = 0,414), kneecap (X 2KW (3) = 3,088| p value = 0,378) and external condyle (test Brown Forsythe = 32,689, p value = 0,210) with "Pathology". Concerning the “Cartilage Changes”, a positive correlation of the T2 values was recorded (Spearman test) amongst the individuals with cartilage changes and the internal condyle region (mean rank = 32,88 | p value =0,043). The demonstration of this association showed positive correlations between the variables “age” and "Body Mass Index (BMI)" as well as a positive correlation (rs = 0,412, p value = 0,002) between the T2 values measured in the kneecap and at the condyles (internal / external) (rs = 0,388, p value = 0,004/ rs =0,289, p value = 0,037). From a statistical point of view no significant differences were found between the anatomic regions and the variables “gender” and "Body Mass Index (BMI)". Given this, the T2 Mapping can be used to describe the composition of the articular cartilage, because, based on the water content and evaluation of the collagen network, the same shows the existing differences in the cartilage hydration amongst adjacent zones and that transmit points of biochemical changes with more complete information on the evaluation and diagnosis for the knee joint’s study. The comparison of the measured values in the articular cartilage in comparison with the clinical reports led us to conclude that the standard MRI knee examination alone does not have the capacity to present subtle cartilage alterations, thus preventing an early intervention both in the treatment as in prevention.
The T2 Mapping technique, obtained through Magnetic Resonance Imaging, shows benefits in evaluating and monitoring the integrity of the collagen network and water content. It allows to stablish the differentiation between very close cartilage zones and maximize the differences in the tissue contrasts due to the sensitivity of the relaxation periods on the interactions between water molecules, concentration, and integrity of the extracellular matrix shown essentially in the interactions with collagen. The present dissertation aims at verifying the applicability of the complementary technique T2 Mapping in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on the evaluation of articular cartilage pathology. Following the routine protocol of morphological evaluation Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images have been obtained initially to which was added the T2 Anatomical multi spin-eco (MSE) conducted to create T2 Mapping images highlighting the articular cartilage limits in the anatomic regions. A total of 54 individuals (28 male and 26 female) participated in this study where both the cartilage regions of the femoral condyles (internal and external strand) and cartilage of the kneecap were evaluated in the sagittal plane. The T2 value was extracted and statistical calculations were performed on the variables measured in the different regions obtained by semi-automatic segmentation techniques using the Live Wire technique and the Syngo MapIt/ Fusion application. It was verified that there were no statistically significant differences between the internal condyle (X 2KW (3) = 2,859 | p value = 0,414), kneecap (X 2KW (3) = 3,088| p value = 0,378) and external condyle (test Brown Forsythe = 32,689, p value = 0,210) with "Pathology". Concerning the “Cartilage Changes”, a positive correlation of the T2 values was recorded (Spearman test) amongst the individuals with cartilage changes and the internal condyle region (mean rank = 32,88 | p value =0,043). The demonstration of this association showed positive correlations between the variables “age” and "Body Mass Index (BMI)" as well as a positive correlation (rs = 0,412, p value = 0,002) between the T2 values measured in the kneecap and at the condyles (internal / external) (rs = 0,388, p value = 0,004/ rs =0,289, p value = 0,037). From a statistical point of view no significant differences were found between the anatomic regions and the variables “gender” and "Body Mass Index (BMI)". Given this, the T2 Mapping can be used to describe the composition of the articular cartilage, because, based on the water content and evaluation of the collagen network, the same shows the existing differences in the cartilage hydration amongst adjacent zones and that transmit points of biochemical changes with more complete information on the evaluation and diagnosis for the knee joint’s study. The comparison of the measured values in the articular cartilage in comparison with the clinical reports led us to conclude that the standard MRI knee examination alone does not have the capacity to present subtle cartilage alterations, thus preventing an early intervention both in the treatment as in prevention.
Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Anatomia descritiva seccional do joelho Descriptive cross-sectional anatomy of the knee Histologia do joelho Histology of the knee Principais lesões da cartilagem articular do joelho Main lesions of the knee joint cartilage Imagiologia do joelho Knee imaging Imagem por ressonância magnética Magnetic resonance imaging Processamento de imagem Image Processing
VITORINO, Cândida Sofia Leitão - Avaliação da cartilagem articular do joelho através da técnica T2 Mapping por Ressonância Magnética. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa - Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, 2018. Dissertação de mestrado.
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa - Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa