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Self-sufficient humidity to electricity Innovative Radiant Adsorption System Toward Net Zero Energy Buildings


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A dynamic methodology for setting up inspection time intervals in conditional preventive maintenance
Publication . Assis, Rui; Marques, Pedro
In periodic condition monitoring, the main problem lies in determining the inspection time intervals. This paper presents a new method for setting an optimum calendar to inspect a critical component that fails due to wear and tear as described by a Weibull probability function. By considering a set of inspection intervals, such that reliability between every two inspections is kept equal or below a pre-set threshold while keeping the total costs of inspection, degraded production, consequences of failure, and repair to a minimum. The resulting calendar may be adjusted dynamically over time as inspections take place and test results are found to be negative, by considering the inspector's confidence in the test and the likelihood of the method's yielding false negatives. Consequently, the method becomes self-adjustable as it returns a new calendar after the observations of each test are known and properly interpreted. There are several studies that deal with this issue, but none addresses the concept of safe and unsafe time windows which results from merging two other concepts: descendant inspection time intervals and the time delay between a potential failure and a functional failure (the P-F period).

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European Commission

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