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Gonçalves dos Santos Quirino, Diogo Filipe

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  • Avaliação funcional, equilíbrio e risco de queda em idosos independentes residentes na comunidade no concelho de Loures
    Publication . Fernandes, Beatriz; Tomás, Maria Teresa; Quirino, Diogo
    Introdução - Em virtude do seu crescente índice de envelhecimento a população portuguesa apresenta um potencial aumento do risco elevado de quedas. Este risco está relacionado com níveis mais baixos e força dos membros inferiores e equilíbrio, factores que estão relacionados com o declínio funcional. A fisioterapia tem reconhecidamente um papel fundamental não só na intervenção nesta área, mas também na identificação dos factores relacionados com o risco de queda. Objetivo do estudo - Caracterizar o risco de queda e factores relacionados em idosos residentes na comunidade.
  • Lower limbs strength, balance, mobility and risk of falling in community-dwelling older adults
    Publication . Fernandes, Beatriz; Tomás, Maria Teresa; Quirino, Diogo
    Introduction - During the last decades, there has been a rapid aging of the Portuguese population. The aging process involves several changes namely a decreasing in lower limbs strength, mobility and balance which contributes to increasing the risk of falling and the likelihood to suffer fractures or traumatic brain injuries among other injuries. Physiotherapy can develop an important intervention in identifying the factors that potentiate the risk of falling and can provide strategies to prevent or reverse this risk. The purpose of this study was to characterize the risk of falling and related factors in a sample of Portuguese community-dwelling older adults. Methods - A cross-sectional study. 74 subjects participated in the study (50 women, 24 men), aged 65-97 years, apparently healthy, independent and living in the community. The following tests were used: to assess lower limbs strength the 30s chair stand test; 8-foot up and go test to assess mobility and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) to assess balance. The risk of falling was determined based on BBS. Results - The results of our study showed that for 30s chair stand test the mean value was 11 repetitions and for 8-foot up and go test was 8.63 seconds. For BBS the median was 53 points. 36.5% of the participants reported at least one fall during the previous year. Negative correlations have been found between 8-foot up and go test and 30s chair stand test (R=0.664; p=0.00) and between 8-foot up and go test and BBS (R=0.653; p=0.00). A weak positive correlation was also found between 30s chair stand test and BBS (R=0.475; p=0.00). Discussion - The results of the 8-foot up and go test (>8,5 seconds) indicate that this population was at risk of falling. In addition, BBS scores showed that the risk of falling was 11%. Lower limbs strength was decreased compared with reference values for Portuguese population. Assessment of these factors seems to be recommended in order to develop and implement strategies directed to increase lower limbs strength, balance, and mobility and decrease the risk of falling.
  • Functionality and functional capacity in a community-dwelling older adults in Portugal
    Publication . Tomás, Maria Teresa; Fernandes, Beatriz; Quirino, Diogo
    Background and aims: Portuguese population has a higher risk of functional decline and frailty. This trend, along with a growing aging index, poses a major economic and social challenge to health in aging people. The purpose of our study was to characterize functional physical fitness in community-dwelling older adults in order to prevent functional decline and an increase in health care costs. Methods: Our sample consisted of 128 older adults (95 women, 33 men), aged 65-97 years, independent and living in Loures municipality, Portugal. Functional physical fitness was assessed with Senior Fitness Test Battery. The predicted distance was calculated with Troosters et al (1999) equation. Grip strength was assessed with hydraulic dynamometer Jamar® and functional capacity with the Composite Physical Function (CPF) Scale. A basic descriptive analysis was conducted (statistical package SPSS IBM for Windows, v22) and the sample was stratified by age. Results: Senior Fitness Test Battery and grip strength scores suggested low levels of strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance, compared with other similar populations, suggesting a higher risk for sarcopenia. Distance walked by our sample remained at 73% of the estimated distance. When stratified by age, the percentage of estimated distance shows a greater decrease. On CPF, 80% of our sample presented moderate or low levels of functional capacity. Conclusions: Functional fitness of this population appears to have lower values than expected. Distance walked shows a decrement higher than expected with a probable faster aging than the expected. Our study provides the first assessment of grip strength in an elder Portuguese population showing also lower values for this component of functionality. Compared to other populations, functional capacity (CPF) is at moderate or low level. These results are important to justify an urgent intervention in order to increase functional capacity or at least contribute to a slower decrease.
  • Funcionalidade e aptidão física funcional em idosos independentes residentes na comunidade no concelho de Loures
    Publication . Tomás, Maria Teresa; Fernandes, Beatriz; Quirino, Diogo
    Objectivo do estudo - Caracterizar a aptidão física funcional e outros parâmetros da funcionalidade em idosos residentes na comunidade. Relevância do estudo - A população portuguesa apresenta um risco elevado de declínio funcional e fragilidade. Esta tendência, em conjunto um índice de envelhecimento crescente, coloca um grande desafio à sociedade, nomeadamente a nível económico, mas sobretudo no que se refere ao estado de saúde dos idosos, tendo a fisioterapia um papel importante na prevenção do declínio funcional e na manutenção da capacidade funcional destes indivíduos.