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  • Proposal of a holistic framework to support sustainability of new product innovation processes
    Publication . Dias, Ana; Abreu, António; Navas, Helena V. G.; Santos, Ricardo
    The survival of companies in globalized and highly competitive markets, heavily depends on their ability to innovate through the creation of new products and/or services, supported by sustainable processes to prevent business failure. There are many factors regarding the interface company/stakeholders/market at all hierarchical levels, which have a major contribution to sustain innovation in processes regarding the creation of new products and services. A holistic approach of all these factors, as a whole, has not been a subject of scientific research conducting to the necessity of creating a proposal of a framework that can be integrated and systemic. Thus, this paper aims to propose a functional holistic model, which integrates the strategic, organizational and operational levels regarding market business and company interaction, as well as the set of factors to take into account to guarantee assurance that innovative processes are sustained, when new products and/or services are created or improved. Conducted through an investigation of the state of the art, by literature review, a comprehensive and integrated conceptual model was built in a deductive-inductive way. Then, the conceptual model was validated through four case studies. Finally, it was found that the conceptual framework became functional, because its applicability has beensuccessfullytestedinabusinessenvironment. Asaresult,thetooldevelopedhere,canbeuseful to measure and evaluate projects dedicated to companies that innovate in a sustainable way.
  • MAIDNP – Modelo Abrangente e Integrado para o DNP
    Publication . Dias, Ana; Abreu, António; Navas, Helena
    O desenvolvimento de novos produtos (DNP) é crucial para a existência das empresas, fonte de vantagem competitiva e fator determinante do seu êxito empresarial. Diversos fatores tanto, operacionais como organizacionais ou até estratégicos, contribuem para o processo de inovação que suporta o DNP. A avaliação holística de todos estes fatores, no seu conjunto, não tem sido objeto de investigação conducente à proposta de um modelo integrado e sistémico. Desta forma, este artigo tem como objetivo a proposta de um modelo abrangente de natureza funcional, que integre os níveis estratégico, organizacional e processual, bem como o conjunto de fatores a ter em conta nos projetos de DNP. Com base na revisão de literatura, chega-se por via dedutiva-indutiva a um modelo conceptual abrangente e integrado. O modelo conceptual é validado de forma empírica, no meio industrial, através de quatro casos de estudo, explanatórios e explicativos referentes à implementação de novos produtos e serviços, tanto incrementais como disruptivos. Após a validação empírica considera-se que o modelo conceptual se transforma em funcional. Como resultado, o MAIDNP (Modelo Abrangente e Integrado para o Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos) constitui-se também como uma ferramenta aferidora de processos, projetos e produtos, dedicado às empresas que inovam, concebem e desenvolvem novos produtos. The development of new products (NPD) is crucial for the existence of companies, source of competitive advantage and determinant of their business success. Several factors, both operational and organizational or even strategic, contribute to the innovation process that supports NPD. The holistic assessment of all these factors as a whole has not been the subject of research leading to the proposal for an integrated and systemic model. In this way, this paper aims to propose a MAIDNP – MODELO ABRANGENTE E INT EGRADO PARA O DNP 46 comprehensive functional model that integrates the strategic, organizational and procedural levels, as well as the set of factors to be taken into account in NPD projects. Based on the literature review, it is deductively-inductive to a comprehensive and integrated conceptual model. The conceptual model is empirically validated in the industrial environment through four explanatory case studies, concerning the implementation of new products and services, both incremental and disruptive. After empirical validation it is considered that the conceptual model becomes functional. As a result, MAIDNP (Integrated and Comprehensive Model for the Development of New Products) is also a process, project and product benchmarking tool dedicated to companies that innovate, design and develop new products.