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O presente relatório surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular da Prática de Ensino
Supervisionada II, na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa e tem como objetivo a
obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
Neste documento é apresentada a descrição da prática docente numa turma do
3.º ano do 1.º CEB, em que os objetivos gerais incluíam o desenvolvimento por parte
dos alunos (i) da sua participação ativa no processo pedagógico; (ii) da sua expressão
oral, bem como (iii) da explicitação de conhecimento, oralmente e por escrito. Assim, a
partir da definição dos objetivos gerais, elaborou-se a seguinte problemática geral: que
estratégias implementar para desenvolver a comunicação dos alunos no processo
pedagógico?. Para dar resposta à problemática apresentada, foram realizadas um
conjunto de atividades, bem como implementado um estudo que inclui as áreas
disciplinares de Estudo do Meio e Expressão Musical.
Este estudo, apresentado neste relatório, propõe-se, portanto, a perceber qual o
contributo da música, não só para desenvolver capacidades comunicativas, como
também para compreender de que forma é que esta poderá servir de meio para
conhecer um território. E, tendo em consideração que a escola se encontra em Lisboa,
a música popular, mais especificamente as marchas populares, foi o género musical
escolhido para reconhecer o meio local.
A análise da implementação das atividades que integraram no estudo, entre elas
a composição musical, a análise de letras de canções, bem como a elaboração de um
espetáculo final permitiu concluir que as mesmas concorrem, de forma positiva, para o
desenvolvimento de competências transversais, importantes para o desenvolvimento do
seu ensino e aprendizagem.
Assim, este relatório apresenta um breve enquadramento teórico onde são
definidos alguns conceitos relacionados com território, meio local, música e marchas
populares, bem como a justificação da pertinência do estudo e das atividades e recursos
que nele estão incluídas. Por fim, os resultados também são apresentados e, estes irão
confirmar o importante contributo que a música pode dar para o reconhecimento do
território. Terminar-se-á o presente relatório com as considerações finais, onde é
realizada uma pequena reflexão sobre o percurso na unidade curricular PES II.
ABSTRACT This report comes in the Curricular Unit of the Supervisioned Teaching Practice II scope, in Escola Superior de Educação of Lisbon, and has the purpose to obtain the master’s degree in Ensino do 1º e 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. In this document it is presented the description of the teacher’s practice in the 3rd year class of 1st CEB, where the general objectives included the development of the students (i) on their active participation in the pedagogical process; (ii) their oral expression, as well as (iii) their explicit knowledge explanation, orally and in writing. Therefore, from the definition of the general objectives, is has been developed the following question: which strategies implement to develop the student’s communication in the pedagogical process?. To give an answer to the presented matter, a set of activities have been done, as well as a study which included the disciplinary areas of Science (Estudo do Meio) and Music (Expressão Musical). This study, presented in this report, is therefore proposed to understand which is the musical contribute, not just to develop communication abilities, as well as to understand in which way this may serve as a mean to cognize a territory. Furthermore, having in consideration that the school is placed in Lisbon, the popular music, more specifically the popular marches, was the musical genre chosen to recognize the local environment. The review of the activities implementation that integrated the study, between them the musical composition, the comprehension of the song lyrics, as well as the elaboration of the final show has permitted to conclude that those have concur, in a positive way, to the development of transversal skills, great to their teaching and learning process. Thereby, this report presents a brief theoretical framing where some of the concepts related with the territory, environment, music and popular marches are defined, as well as the reason of the study relevance, as much as the activities and resources included in it. Ultimately, the results are also presented and are going to confirm the important contribute that music can give to the territory recognition. This report will end with the final considerations, where it’s placed a small reflection about the journey in curricular unit PES II.
ABSTRACT This report comes in the Curricular Unit of the Supervisioned Teaching Practice II scope, in Escola Superior de Educação of Lisbon, and has the purpose to obtain the master’s degree in Ensino do 1º e 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. In this document it is presented the description of the teacher’s practice in the 3rd year class of 1st CEB, where the general objectives included the development of the students (i) on their active participation in the pedagogical process; (ii) their oral expression, as well as (iii) their explicit knowledge explanation, orally and in writing. Therefore, from the definition of the general objectives, is has been developed the following question: which strategies implement to develop the student’s communication in the pedagogical process?. To give an answer to the presented matter, a set of activities have been done, as well as a study which included the disciplinary areas of Science (Estudo do Meio) and Music (Expressão Musical). This study, presented in this report, is therefore proposed to understand which is the musical contribute, not just to develop communication abilities, as well as to understand in which way this may serve as a mean to cognize a territory. Furthermore, having in consideration that the school is placed in Lisbon, the popular music, more specifically the popular marches, was the musical genre chosen to recognize the local environment. The review of the activities implementation that integrated the study, between them the musical composition, the comprehension of the song lyrics, as well as the elaboration of the final show has permitted to conclude that those have concur, in a positive way, to the development of transversal skills, great to their teaching and learning process. Thereby, this report presents a brief theoretical framing where some of the concepts related with the territory, environment, music and popular marches are defined, as well as the reason of the study relevance, as much as the activities and resources included in it. Ultimately, the results are also presented and are going to confirm the important contribute that music can give to the territory recognition. This report will end with the final considerations, where it’s placed a small reflection about the journey in curricular unit PES II.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a
obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º ciclo do Ensino Básico
Território Música Marchas populares Meio local Territory Music Popular marches Local environment
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa