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O ensino das técnicas de dança é ainda associado a uma ação altamente expositiva por parte do professor, sendo o aluno um receptáculo de informação, posteriormente reproduzida. No entanto, a criação artística em articulação com as técnicas de dança contemporânea confere uma visão mais democrática do ensino-aprendizagem. No século XXI, parece ser claro a necessidade de dar um papel mais ativo aos estudantes no contexto do ensino-aprendizagem, revolucionando assim as práticas do passado. Este artigo propõe assim, a partir de metodologia de literature review numa abordagem de integrative review, aferir um conjunto de estratégias de active-learning nas aulas de técnicas de dança contemporânea. Foram extraídas da literatura práticas sistematizadas, onde existe uma clara aplicação de conteúdos da composição coreográfica, como forma melhorar o desempenho técnico dos estudantes nas aulas de técnicas de dança contemporânea. Assim, é a associação entre as abordagens didático-pedagógicas mais expositivas por parte do professor e mais autónomas por parte dos alunos, que aproximam as técnicas de dança contemporânea e a composição coreográfica, fator que se considera determinante para a ensino-aprendizagem da dança na contemporaneidade
ABSTRACT - The teaching of dance techniques is still a highly expository action by the teacher, where the student is seen as an information receptacle that, later, reproduces that information. In the 21st century, artistic creation in conjunction with contemporary dance techniques gives a more democratic view of teaching and learning. Actually, it seems clear that there is a need to give students a more active role in the context of teaching and learning. This article proposes to assess a set of active learning strategies in contemporary dance techniques. Practical intake was extracted from the literature where there is a clear application of contents of the choreography, as a way to improve the technical performance of students in contemporary dance techniques. Thus, it is the association between the teacher’s expository didactic-pedagogical approaches and the student’s autonomy which bring together contemporary dance and choreography. This aspect is a determinant factor for the teaching-learning of dance in contemporaneity
ABSTRACT - The teaching of dance techniques is still a highly expository action by the teacher, where the student is seen as an information receptacle that, later, reproduces that information. In the 21st century, artistic creation in conjunction with contemporary dance techniques gives a more democratic view of teaching and learning. Actually, it seems clear that there is a need to give students a more active role in the context of teaching and learning. This article proposes to assess a set of active learning strategies in contemporary dance techniques. Practical intake was extracted from the literature where there is a clear application of contents of the choreography, as a way to improve the technical performance of students in contemporary dance techniques. Thus, it is the association between the teacher’s expository didactic-pedagogical approaches and the student’s autonomy which bring together contemporary dance and choreography. This aspect is a determinant factor for the teaching-learning of dance in contemporaneity
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Contemporary dance technique
Contemporary choreography
Artistic education
Contemporary dance technique
Contemporary choreography
Artistic education
Aprendizagem ativa Ensino da dança Técnicas de dança contemporânea Composição coreográfica contemporânea Ensino artístico Active learning Dance teaching
Fernandes, J. (2021).Desenvolvimento de estratégias de ative-learning nas técnicas de dança contemporânea. FAP Revista Científica de Artes, 25 (2), 98-117.