Research Project
Ultralight bosons for strong gravity applications from simple Standard Model extensions
Publication . Freitas, Felipe F.; Herdeiro, Carlos A. R.; Morais, António P.; Onofre, Antonio; Pasechnik, Roman; Radu, Eugen; Sanchis-Gual, Nicolas; Santos, Rui
We construct families, and concrete examples, of simple extensions of the Standard Model that can yield ultralight real or complex vectors or scalars with potential astrophysical relevance. Specifically, the mass range for these putative fundamental bosons (∼ 10−10 − 10−20 eV) would lead dynamically to both new non-black hole compact objects (bosonic stars) and new non-Kerr black holes, with masses of ∼ M to ∼ 1010M, corresponding to the mass range of astrophysical black hole candidates (from stellar mass to supermassive). For each model, we study the properties of the mass spectrum and interactions after spontaneous symmetry breaking, discuss its theoretical viability and caveats, as well as some of its potential and most relevant phenomenological implications linking them to the physics of compact objects.
Impact of SM parameters and of the vacua of the Higgs potential in gravitational waves detection
Publication . Freitas, Felipe F.; Lourenço, Gabriel; Morais, António P.; Nunes, André; Olívia, João; Pasechnik, Roman; Santos, Rui; Viana, João
In this work we discuss two different phases of a complex singlet extension of the Standard Model (SM) together with an extension that also includes new fermion fields, in particular, a Majoron model equipped with an inverse seesaw mechanism. All considered scenarios contain a global U(1) symmetry and allow for first-order phase transitions while only two of them are strong enough to favour the detection of primordial gravitational waves (GWs) in planned experiments such as LISA. In particular, this is shown to be possible in the singlet extension with a non vanishing real VEV at zero temperature and also in the model with extra fermions. In the singlet extension with no additional fermions, the detection of GWs strongly depends on the U(1) symmetry breaking pattern of the scalar potential at zero temperature. We study for the first time the impact of the precision in the determination of the SM parameters on the strength of the GWs spectrum. It turns out that the variation of the SM parameters such as the Higgs boson mass and top quark Yukawa coupling in their allowed experimental ranges has a notable impact on GWs detectability prospect
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number