Lopes, J. GabrielRocha, J.Catarino, N.Peres, M.2017-11-172017-11-172017-10LOPES, J. Gabriel [et al] - Ion Beam Monitoring Over a Biased Target. IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science. ISSN 0093-3813. Vol. 45, N.ยบ 10, Part 1 (2017), pp. 2767-27720093-38131939-9375http://hdl.handle.net/10400.21/7538A specially designed beam profile monitor (BPM) was produced to be assembled over a biased target plate, with the aim of studying the effect of an ion beam deceleration system on the beam fluence due to beam dispersion. The new BPM was developed with a shape as flat as possible, so it could be attached to a biased target plate without affecting the target geometry, using a slit scan method to produce an high-resolution beam profile. This system was designed and installed on the high current ion implanter at the Laboratorio de Aceleradores e Tecnologias de Radiacao, at the Campus Tecnologico e Nuclear, of Instituto Superior Tecnico, in Lisbon. The system is capable of showing the ion beam profile for low-energy ion beams below 15 keV, using a beam deceleration system.engBeam profileHigh energyHigh resolutionIon beamLow energyIon beam monitoring over a biased targetconference object10.1109/TPS.2017.2735918